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Peter Pan 012 – Chapter XII.THE CHILDREN ARE CARRIED OFF – 003
They found only one hillock with a stream at its base, so that Hook had no choice; here he must establish himself and wait for just before the dawn.Everything being thus mapped out with almost diabolical cunning, the main body of the redskins folded their blankets around them, and in the phlegmatic manner that is to them, the pearl of manhood squatted above the children’s home, awaiting the cold moment when they should deal pale death.Here dreaming, though wide-awake, of the exquisite tortures to which they were to put him at break of day, those confiding savages were found by the treacherous Hook.From the accounts afterwards supplied by such of the scouts as escaped the carnage, he does not seem even to have paused at the rising ground, though it is certain that in that grey light he must have seen it: no thought of waiting to be attacked appears from first to last to have visited his subtle mind; he would not even hold off till the night was nearly spent; on he pounded with no policy but to fall to.What could the bewildered scouts do, masters as they were of every war-like artifice save this one, but trot helplessly after him, exposing themselves fatally to view, while they gave pathetic utterance to the coyote cry.Around the brave Tiger Lily were a dozen of her stoutest warriors, and they suddenly saw the perfidious pirates bearing down upon them.Fell from their eyes then the film through which they had looked at victory.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
They found / only one hillock / with a stream / at its base, so / that Hook / had no choice; / here he must establish himself / and wait / for just before the dawn.
그들은 언덕 하나밖에 찾지 못했고, 그 기슭에는 개울이 있어서 후크는 선택의 여지가 없었다; 그는 이곳에 자리를 잡고 새벽 직전까지 기다려야 했다.
Everything being thus mapped out / with almost diabolical cunning, / the main body of the redskins / folded their blankets / around them, and / in the phlegmatic manner / that is to them, / the pearl of manhood / squatted above the children’s home, / awaiting the cold moment / when they should deal pale death.
이렇게 해서 거의 악마적인 교활함으로 계획이 세워졌고, 주요 인디언 부대는 담요를 몸에 두르고, 그들에게는 진정한 남성다움의 진주인 무관심한 태도로 아이들의 집 위에 쭈그리고 앉아, 서늘한 죽음의 순간을 기다리고 있었다.
Here dreaming, / though wide-awake, / of the exquisite tortures / to which they were to put him / at break of day, / those confiding savages / were found / by the treacherous Hook.
여기서, 비록 완전히 깨어있지만, 그들은 새벽녘에 그에게 가할 정교한 고문을 꿈꾸고 있었고, 그 신뢰하는 야만인들은 배신자 후크에게 발견되었다.
From the accounts / afterwards supplied / by such of the scouts / as escaped the carnage, / he does not seem / even to have paused / at the rising ground, / though it is certain / that in that grey light / he must have seen it:
학살에서 살아남은 정찰병들이 나중에 제공한 보고서에 따르면, 그는 그 땅이 불쑥 솟아오른 지점에서 멈췄을 것 같지도 않지만, 그 회색빛 속에서 분명히 그것을 봤을 것이다:
No thought / of waiting / to be attacked / appears from first to last / to have visited his subtle mind; / he would not even / hold off / till the night / was nearly spent; / on he pounded / with no policy / but to fall to.
처음부터 끝까지 그의 섬세한 마음속에 공격을 기다리겠다는 생각은 전혀 없었고; 그는 밤이 거의 끝날 때까지라도 기다리지 않았으며; 오로지 공격하기 위해 계속 나아갔다.
What could / the bewildered scouts do, / masters as they were / of every war-like artifice / save this one, / but trot helplessly / after him, / exposing themselves fatally / to view, / while they gave pathetic utterance / to the coyote cry.
이 혼란에 빠진 정찰병들이 할 수 있는 일은, 이 한 가지를 제외하고 모든 전쟁 같은 술수의 달인인 그들이 무력하게 후크를 쫓다가 자신을 치명적으로 노출시키며 불쌍하게 코요테 소리를 내는 것뿐이었다.
Around the brave Tiger Lily / were a dozen of her stoutest warriors, / and they suddenly saw / the perfidious pirates / bearing down upon them.
용감한 타이거 릴리 주변에는 그녀의 가장 강인한 전사들 수십 명이 있었고, 그들은 갑자기 배신자 해적들이 자신들에게 다가오는 것을 보았다.
Fell from their eyes then / the film / through which they had looked / at victory.
그들이 승리를 바라보던 눈이 가려졌던 막이 떨어졌다.
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