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Peter Pan 012 – Chapter XII.THE CHILDREN ARE CARRIED OFF – 006

Had he waited on the rising ground till the proper hour he and his men would probably have been butchered; and in judging him it is only fair to take this into account.
What he should perhaps have done was to acquaint his opponents that he proposed to follow a new method.
On the other hand, this, as destroying the element of surprise, would have made his strategy of no avail, so that the whole question is beset with difficulties.
One cannot at least withhold a reluctant admiration for the wit that had conceived so bold a scheme, and the fell genius with which it was carried out.

What were his own feelings about himself at that triumphant moment? Fain would his dogs have known, as breathing heavily and wiping their cutlasses, they gathered at a discreet distance from his hook, and squinted through their ferret eyes at this extraordinary man.
Elation must have been in his heart, but his face did not reflect it: ever a dark and solitary enigma, he stood aloof from his followers in spirit as in substance.

The night’s work was not yet over, for it was not the redskins he had come out to destroy; they were but the bees to be smoked, so that he should get at the honey.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Had he waited / on the rising ground / till the proper hour / he and his men / would probably have been butchered; / and in judging him / it is only fair / to take this into account.

    그가 적절한 시간까지 높은 지대에서 기다렸다면 / 그는 그의 부하들과 함께 / 아마도 도륙되었을 것이다; / 이를 판단할 때 / 이 점을 고려하는 것이 / 공정하다.

  2. ⦁ butcher: 도륙하다
    – The hunters butchered the deer quickly. (사냥꾼들이 사슴을 신속하게 도축했다.)

    ⦁ fair: 공정한
    – It’s only fair to listen to both sides of the argument. (양측의 주장을 듣는 것이 공정하다.)

  3. What he should / perhaps have done / was to acquaint his opponents / that he proposed / to follow a new method.

    그가 아마 / 했어야 했던 것은 / 그의 적들에게 알리는 것이었다 / 그가 제안한 / 새로운 방법을 따르겠다고.

  4. ⦁ acquaint: 알리다
    – He took a few days to acquaint himself with the facts. (그는 며칠 동안 사실을 익혔다.)

    ⦁ method: 방법
    – They discussed the most effective methods of pollution control. (그들은 가장 효과적인 오염 방지 방법을 논의했다.)

  5. On the other hand, / this, / as destroying the element of surprise, / would have made his strategy / of no avail, / so that the whole question / is beset with difficulties.

    다른 한편으로, / 이는, / 기습의 요소를 파괴했기 때문에, / 그의 전략을 / 무용지물로 만들었을 것이다, / 그래서 전체 문제가 / 어려움으로 둘러싸여 있다.

  6. ⦁ strategy: 전략
    – They are devising a new strategy to attract customers. (그들은 고객을 끌어들이기 위한 새로운 전략을 고안하고 있다.)

    ⦁ difficulties: 어려움
    – He had great difficulties in solving the problem. (그는 문제를 해결하는 데 큰 어려움을 겪었다.)

  7. One cannot at least / withhold a reluctant admiration / for the wit / that had conceived / so bold a scheme, / and the fell genius / with which it was carried out.

    사람은 적어도 / 마지못해 감탄할 수밖에 없다 / 재치에 / 그러한 대담한 계획을 구상한, / 그리고 그 재앙 같은 천재성에 / 그것이 실행된.

  8. ⦁ admiration: 감탄
    – Her singing brought admiration from the audience. (그녀의 노래는 관중들로부터 감탄을 불러일으켰다.)

    ⦁ wit: 재치
    – His conversation was full of wit and charm. (그의 대화는 재치와 매력으로 가득 차 있었다.)

  9. What were his own feelings about himself / at that triumphant moment?
    Fain would his dogs have known, / as breathing heavily / and wiping their cutlasses, / they gathered at a discreet distance / from his hook, / and squinted through their ferret eyes / at this extraordinary man.

    그가 스스로에 대해 / 그 승리의 순간에 어떤 감정을 가졌을까?
    그의 부하들은 알고 싶어했을 것이다, / 숨을 크게 들이쉬며 / 칼을 닦으면서, / 그의 갈고리에서 약간 떨어진 거리에서 모여 / 눈을 가늘게 뜨면서 / 이 비범한 사람을 바라보며.

  10. ⦁ triumphant: 승리의
    – The triumphant team celebrated their win. (승리한 팀은 그들의 승리를 축하했다.)

    ⦁ extraordinary: 비범한
    – She has an extraordinary talent for music. (그녀는 음악에 비범한 재능을 가지고 있다.)

  11. Elation must have been / in his heart, / but his face / did not reflect it: / ever a dark and solitary enigma, / he stood aloof / from his followers / in spirit / as in substance.

    환희가 분명 / 그의 마음속에 있었을 것이다, / 하지만 그의 얼굴은 / 그것을 드러내지 않았다: / 항상 어둡고 고독한 수수께끼인 / 그는 떨어져 서 있었다 / 그의 부하들로부터 / 정신적으로 / 물질적으로도.

  12. ⦁ elation: 환희
    – She felt a sense of elation after finishing the marathon. (그녀는 마라톤을 완주한 후 환희를 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ solitary: 고독한
    – He often enjoys solitary walks in the park. (그는 종종 공원에서 고독한 산책을 즐긴다.)

  13. The night’s work was / not yet over, / for it was not the redskins / he had come out to destroy; / they were but the bees / to be smoked, / so that he / should get at the honey.

    밤의 일은 / 아직 끝나지 않았다, / 왜냐하면 파괴하려고 나온 것은 / 인디언들이 아니었기 때문이다; / 그들은 단지 벌들이었다 / 연기로 쫓아내야 할, / 그가 / 꿀을 얻기 위해.

  14. ⦁ destroy: 파괴하다
    – The storm destroyed several buildings in the town. (폭풍이 마을에서 몇몇 건물을 파괴했다.)

    ⦁ honey: 꿀
    – She spread honey on her toast. (그녀는 토스트에 꿀을 발랐다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)