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Peter Pan 013 – Chapter XIII.DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES? – 001
The more quickly this horror is disposed of the better.The first to emerge from his tree was Curly.He rose out of it into the arms of Cecco, who flung him to Smee, who flung him to Starkey, who flung him to Bill Jukes, who flung him to Noodler, and so he was tossed from one to another till he fell at the feet of the black pirate.All the boys were plucked from their trees in this ruthless manner; and several of them were in the air at a time, like bales of goods flung from hand to hand.A different treatment was accorded to Wendy, who came last.With ironical politeness Hook raised his hat to her, and, offering her his arm, escorted her to the spot where the others were being gagged.He did it with such an air, he was so frightfully distingué, that she was too fascinated to cry out.She was only a little girl.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The more quickly / this horror / is disposed of / the better.
이 공포는 빨리 처리할수록 좋다.
The first / to emerge / from his tree / was Curly.
첫 번째로 나무에서 나온 사람은 Curly였다.
He rose out / of it / into the arms / of Cecco, who / flung him / to Smee, who / flung him / to Starkey, who / flung him / to Bill Jukes, who / flung him / to Noodler, and / so he / was tossed / from one to another / till he / fell at the feet / of the black pirate.
그가 나무에서 나오자마자 Cecco의 팔에 들어갔고, Cecco가 Smee에게 던졌고, Smee는 Starkey에게, Starkey는 Bill Jukes에게, Bill Jukes는 Noodler에게 던졌다. 그는 이렇게 한 사람에서 다른 사람에게 던져져서 결국은 흑인 해적의 발치에 떨어졌다.
All the boys / were plucked / from their trees / in this ruthless manner; and / several of them / were in the air / at a time, / like bales of goods / flung from hand to hand.
모든 소년들은 이렇게 무자비한 방법으로 그들의 나무에서 뽑혀 나왔다. 몇 명의 소년들은 한 번에 공중에 떠있었고, 마치 손에서 손으로 던져지는 상품 꾸러미 같았다.
A different treatment / was accorded / to Wendy, who / came last.
With ironical politeness / Hook raised his hat / to her, and / offering her / his arm, / escorted her / to the spot / where the others / were being gagged.
마지막에 나온 Wendy는 다른 대우를 받았다.
아이러니한 예의를 갖춰 Hook은 그녀에게 모자를 들어 인사하며, 그녀에게 팔을 내밀어 그녀를 다른 이들이 입이 막혀 있는 장소로 안내했다.
He did it / with such an air, / he was / so frightfully distingué, that / she was / too fascinated / to cry out.
She was / only a little girl.
그는 굉장히 고상한 태도로 그것을 했기 때문에, 그녀는 너무나 매료되어 소리 칠 수 없었다.
그녀는 단지 어린 소녀였다.
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