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Peter Pan 013 – Chapter XIII.DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES? – 002
Perhaps it is tell-tale to divulge that for a moment Hook entranced her, and we tell on her only because her slip led to strange results.Had she haughtily unhanded him (and we should have loved to write it of her), she would have been hurled through the air like the others, and then Hook would probably not have been present at the tying of the children; and had he not been at the tying he would not have discovered Slightly’s secret, and without the secret he could not presently have made his foul attempt on Peter’s life.They were tied to prevent their flying away, doubled up with their knees close to their ears; and for the trussing of them the black pirate had cut a rope into nine equal pieces.All went well until Slightly’s turn came, when he was found to be like those irritating parcels that use up all the string in going round and leave no tags with which to tie a knot.The pirates kicked him in their rage, just as you kick the parcel (though in fairness you should kick the string); and strange to say it was Hook who told them to belay their violence.His lip was curled with malicious triumph.While his dogs were merely sweating because every time they tried to pack the unhappy lad tight in one part he bulged out in another, Hook’s master mind had gone far beneath Slightly’s surface, probing not for effects but for causes; and his exultation showed that he had found them.Slightly, white to the gills, knew that Hook had surprised his secret, which was this, that no boy so blown out could use a tree wherein an average man need stick.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Perhaps it is tell-tale / to divulge that / for a moment / Hook entranced her, / and we tell on her / only because / her slip led / to strange results.
아마도 순간적으로 Hook이 그녀에게 매혹되었다는 것을 / 누설하는 것은 / 폭로적일 것이다, / 그리고 우리는 그저 / 그녀의 실수가 / 기묘한 결과를 초래했기 때문에 / 그녀에 대해 이야기하는 것이다.
Had she haughtily / unhanded him (and we should have loved / to write it / of her), / she would have been / hurled through the air like the others, / and then Hook would probably / not have been present / at the tying of the children;
그녀가 오만하게 / 그를 놓아 주었다면 (그리고 우리는 그것을 / 그녀에 대해 쓰기를 / 좋아했을 것이다), / 그녀는 아마도 / 다른 사람들처럼 공중으로 던져졌을 것이며, / 그리고 Hook은 아마도 / 그 아이들을 묶는 자리에 / 없었을 것이다;
and had he not / been at the tying / he would not have discovered / Slightly’s secret, / and without the secret / he could not presently / have made his foul attempt / on Peter’s life.
그리고 그가 그 자리에 / 있지 않았다면 / Slightly의 비밀을 / 발견하지 못했을 것이고, / 그 비밀이 없었다면 / 그는 당장 / Peter의 생명을 노리는 / 악랄한 시도를 하지 못했을 것이다.
They were tied / to prevent their flying away, / doubled up / with their knees / close to their ears; / and for the trussing of them / the black pirate / had cut a rope / into nine equal pieces.
그들은 도망가는 것을 / 방지하기 위해 묶였고, / 무릎을 / 귀 가까이 / 구부렸다.; / 그들을 묶기 위해 / 검은 해적은 / 로프를 / 아홉 개의 동일한 길이로 / 잘랐다.
All went well / until Slightly’s turn came, / when he was found / to be like those / irritating parcels / that use up all the string / in going round / and leave no tags / with which to tie a knot.
모든 것이 잘 진행되었으나 / Slightly의 차례가 / 왔을 때까지는, / 그는 마치 / 모든 끈을 / 에워싸는 데 사용하는 / 귀찮은 소포처럼 / 발견되었으며, / 매듭을 지을 / 여분의 끈이 없었다.
The pirates kicked him / in their rage, / just as you / kick the parcel / (though in fairness / you should kick / the string); / and strange to say / it was Hook / who told them / to belay their violence.
해적들은 / 그를 분노하여 / 찼으며, / 마치 당신이 소포를 / 찰 때와 같이 / (공정함을 기하기 위해서는 / 끈을 차야 하지만); / 이상하게도 / 그들에게 폭력을 / 멈추라고 / 말한 사람은 / Hook이었다.
His lip was curled / with malicious triumph.
그의 입술은 / 악의에 찬 승리감으로 / 일그러져 있었다.
While his dogs / were merely sweating / because every time / they tried to pack / the unhappy lad tight / in one part / he bulged out / in another,
그의 부하들은 / 단지 땀을 흘리고 있었다; / 왜냐하면 그들이 / 불행한 소년을 / 한 부분에 단단히 / 묶으려 할 때마다 / 다른 부분이 / 튀어나왔기 때문이다.
Hook’s master mind / had gone far beneath / Slightly’s surface, / probing not / for effects / but for causes; / and his exultation / showed that / he had found them.
Hook의 천재적인 두뇌는 / Slightly의 표면 아래 / 깊이 들어갔고, / 원인들을 찾기 위해 / 노력했고; / 그의 환희는 / 그가 그것들을 / 발견했음을 / 보였다.
Slightly, white to the gills, / knew that / Hook had surprised / his secret, / which was this, / that no boy / so blown out / could use a tree / wherein an average man / need stick.
창백해진 Slightly는 / Hook이 / 그의 비밀을 / 알아차렸다는 것을 / 알았고, / 그것은 바로 / 너무 부풀어 오른 / 소년은 / 평균적인 사람이 붙어 있어야 할 / 나무를 사용할 수 없다는 / 비밀이었다.
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