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Peter Pan 013 – Chapter XIII.DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES? – 006
Then he nearly cried; but it struck him how indignant she would be if he laughed instead; so he laughed a haughty laugh and fell asleep in the middle of it.Sometimes, though not often, he had dreams, and they were more painful than the dreams of other boys.For hours he could not be separated from these dreams, though he wailed piteously in them.They had to do, I think, with the riddle of his existence.At such times it had been Wendy’s custom to take him out of bed and sit with him on her lap, soothing him in dear ways of her own invention, and when he grew calmer to put him back to bed before he quite woke up, so that he should not know of the indignity to which she had subjected him.But on this occasion he had fallen at once into a dreamless sleep.One arm dropped over the edge of the bed, one leg was arched, and the unfinished part of his laugh was stranded on his mouth, which was open, showing the little pearls.Thus defenceless Hook found him.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then he nearly cried; / but it struck him / how indignant she would be / if he laughed instead; / so he laughed / a haughty laugh / and fell asleep / in the middle of it.
그는 거의 울 뻔했지만 / 그녀가 화를 낼 것 같아서 / 대신 웃었다 / 그리고 그 웃음 중간에 / 잠이 들었다.
Sometimes, / though not often, / he had dreams, / and they were more painful / than the dreams of other boys.
때때로, / 자주 있는 일은 아니지만, / 그는 꿈을 꾸었고, / 그 꿈들은 더 고통스러웠다 / 다른 소년들의 꿈보다.
For hours / he could not be separated / from these dreams, / though he wailed piteously / in them.
몇 시간 동안 / 그는 이 꿈들에서 / 분리될 수 없었다, / 비록 그가 그 안에서 / 애처롭게 울었지만.
They had to do, / I think, / with the riddle / of his existence.
그것들은, / 내 생각에, / 그의 존재의 / 수수께끼와 관련이 있었다.
At such times / it had been Wendy’s custom / to take him out / of bed / and sit with him / on her lap, / soothing him / in dear ways / of her own invention, / and when he grew calmer / to put him back / to bed / before he quite woke up, / so that / he should not know / of the indignity / to which / she had subjected him.
그런 시기마다 / 그것은 윈디의 관습이었다 / 그를 침대에서 꺼내와 / 그녀의 무릎에 앉히고, / 그녀만의 방법으로 / 그를 달래 주는 것이었다, / 그가 한결 차분해지면 / 그가 완전히 깨기 전에 / 다시 침대에 눕히는, / 그렇게 해서 / 그가 모르도록 / 자신이 받은 / 굴욕을.
But on this occasion / he had fallen / at once / into a dreamless sleep.
그러나 이번 경우에는 / 그는 즉시 / 꿈 없는 잠에 / 빠졌다.
One arm dropped / over the edge / of the bed, / one leg was arched, / and the unfinished part / of his laugh / was stranded on his mouth, / which was open, / showing the little pearls.
한쪽 팔은 침대 가장자리에 / 떨어져 있고, / 한쪽 다리는 아치형으로 되어 있으며, / 그의 미소의 미완성 부분이 / 그의 입에 걸려 있었고, / 그 입은 열려 있어, / 작은 진주들을 드러내었다.
Thus defenceless / Hook found him.
이렇게 / 무방비 상태에서 / 훅이 그를 발견했다.
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