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Peter Pan 013 – Chapter XIII.DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES? – 008
It did not entirely fill the aperture, and he had been looking over it.Feeling for the catch, he found to his fury that it was low down, beyond his reach.To his disordered brain it seemed then that the irritating quality in Peter’s face and figure visibly increased, and he rattled the door and flung himself against it.Was his enemy to escape him after all?But what was that? The red in his eye had caught sight of Peter’s medicine standing on a ledge within easy reach.He fathomed what it was straightaway, and immediately knew that the sleeper was in his power.Lest he should be taken alive, Hook always carried about his person a dreadful drug, blended by himself of all the death-dealing rings that had come into his possession.These he had boiled down into a yellow liquid quite unknown to science, which was probably the most virulent poison in existence.Five drops of this he now added to Peter’s cup.
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It did not /entirely fill the aperture, /and he had been /looking over it.
그것은 전체 구멍을 채우지 않았고, 그는 그 너머를 보고 있었다.
Feeling /for the catch, /he found /to his fury /that it was /low down, /beyond his reach.
걸쇠를 더듬어 보자, 그는 그것이 아래쪽에 있어 손이 닿지 않는다는 것을 알고 분노를 느꼈다.
To his disordered brain /it seemed then /that the irritating quality /in Peter’s face and figure /visibly increased, /and he rattled the door /and flung himself /against it.
혼란스러운 그의 뇌에는 페터의 얼굴과 모습에서 짜증이 나는 기질이 눈에 띄게 증가한 것처럼 보였고, 그는 문을 흔들며 그것에 몸을 던졌다.
Was his enemy /to escape him /after all?
결국 그의 적이 그를 벗어나려던 것이었을까?
But what was that?The red in his eye /had caught sight /of Peter’s medicine /standing on a ledge /within easy reach.
그러나 그것은 무엇이었을까?그의 눈 속의 붉은색이 난간 위 쉽게 닿는 곳에 있는 페터의 약을 발견했다.
He fathomed /what it was /straightaway, /and immediately knew /that the sleeper /was in his power.
그는 그것이 무엇인지 즉시 파악하고, 잠자는 사람이 그의 손바닥 안에 있다는 것을 깨달았다.
Lest he should be /taken alive, /Hook always carried about /his person /a dreadful drug, /blended by himself /of all the death-dealing rings /that had come /into his possession.
붙잡혀 살아남을 것을 걱정하여, 훅은 항상 그의 소지품 안에 무서운 약을 가지고 다녔으며, 그것은 그가 소유했던 모든 치명적인 반지를 혼합하여 만든 것이었다.
These /he had boiled down /into a yellow liquid /quite unknown to science, /which was probably /the most virulent poison /in existence.
이것들을 그는 끓여 노란 액체로 만들었으며, 이는 과학적으로 전혀 알려지지 않은 것으로서, 아마도 존재하는 가장 치명적인 독일 것이다.
Five drops /of this /he now added /to Peter’s cup.
이것의 다섯 방울을 그는 이제 페터의 컵에 추가하였다.
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