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Peter Pan 013 – Chapter XIII.DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAIRIES? – 010
It was a soft cautious tapping on the door of his tree.Soft and cautious, but in that stillness it was sinister.Peter felt for his dagger till his hand gripped it.Then he spoke.“Who is that?”For long there was no answer: then again the knock.“Who are you?”No answer.He was thrilled, and he loved being thrilled.In two strides he reached the door.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was / a soft cautious / tapping / on the door / of his tree.
부드럽고 신중한 /노크 소리가 / 그의 나무 집 문에 / 들려왔다.
Soft and cautious, / but / in that stillness / it was sinister.Peter felt / for his dagger/ till his hand / gripped it.
부드럽고 신중했지만, / 그 고요 속에서 / 그것은 음산했다.피터는 / 그의 단검을 찾았고 / 그의 손이 / 그걸 꽉 잡을 때까지 / 찾았다.
Then he spoke.
그리고 그는 말하였다.
“Who is / that?”
For long / there was / no answer: / then again / the knock.
오랫동안 / 대답이 없었다가 / 다시 / 노크 소리가 / 들렸다.
“Who are / you?”
“넌 / 누구야?”
No answer.He was thrilled, / and / he loved / being thrilled.In two strides / he reached / the door.
대답이 없었다.그는 / 흥분했으며, / 흥분하는 것을 / 좋아했다.두 걸음 만에 / 그는 / 문에 닿았다.
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