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Peter Pan 014 Chapter XIV THE PIRATE SHIP 009

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 014 – Chapter XIV.THE PIRATE SHIP – 009

“Rule Britannia!” squeaked Curly.

The infuriated pirates buffeted them in the mouth; and Hook roared out, “That seals your doom.
Bring up their mother.
Get the plank ready.”

They were only boys, and they went white as they saw Jukes and Cecco preparing the fatal plank.
But they tried to look brave when Wendy was brought up.

No words of mine can tell you how Wendy despised those pirates.
To the boys there was at least some glamour in the pirate calling; but all that she saw was that the ship had not been tidied for years.
There was not a porthole on the grimy glass of which you might not have written with your finger “Dirty pig”; and she had already written it on several.
But as the boys gathered round her she had no thought, of course, save for them.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Rule Britannia!” / squeaked Curly.

    “룰 브리타니아!”라고 커리가 소리쳤다.

  2. ⦁ Rule: 규칙, 지배하다
    – We need to follow the rule. (우리는 규칙을 따라야 한다.)

    ⦁ squeaked: 끼익 소리를 냈다, 비명을 질렀다
    – The door squeaked open. (문이 끼익 소리를 내며 열렸다.)

  3. The infuriated pirates / buffeted them / in the mouth; / and Hook roared out, / “That seals your doom.

    격분한 해적들은 / 그들을 / 입을 때렸고; / 후크는 포효했다, / “이제 너희들의 운명은 결정이다.

  4. ⦁ infuriated: 격분한
    – She was infuriated by his comments. (그녀는 그의 발언에 격분했다.)

    ⦁ doom: 최후, 운명
    – His doom was sealed. (그의 운명은 결정되었다.)

  5. Bring up / their mother.”

    그들의 어머니를 / 데려와라.”

  6. ⦁ Bring up: 데려오다, 양육하다
    – She decided to bring up the child on her own. (그녀는 혼자 아이를 기르기로 결심했다.)

    ⦁ mother: 어머니
    – My mother is very kind. (우리 어머니는 매우 친절하시다.)

  7. Get the / plank ready.”

    판자를 / 준비해라.”

  8. ⦁ plank: 판자
    – He walked the plank. (그는 판자를 걸어갔다.)

    ⦁ ready: 준비된
    – Are you ready? (준비되었나요?)

  9. They were / only boys, / and they went white / as they saw / Jukes and Cecco / preparing the fatal plank.

    그들은 / 단지 소년들이었고, / 그들은 창백해졌다 / 보았을 때 / 주크스와 체코가 / 치명적인 판자를 준비하고 있는 것을.

  10. ⦁ fatal: 치명적인
    – He suffered a fatal injury. (그는 치명적인 부상을 입었다.)

    ⦁ white: 창백한, 흰색
    – She went white with fear. (그녀는 두려워서 창백해졌다.)

  11. But they tried / to look brave / when Wendy was brought up.

    그러나 그들은 / 용감하게 보이려고 노력했다 / 웬디가 데려와졌을 때.

  12. ⦁ brave: 용감한
    – He is a brave soldier. (그는 용감한 군인이다.)

    ⦁ tried: 노력했다
    – She tried her best. (그녀는 최선을 다했다.)

  13. No words / of mine can tell you / how Wendy despised / those pirates.

    아무 말도 / 나는 너에게 말할 수 없다 / 웬디가 얼마나 경멸했는지 / 그 해적들을.

  14. ⦁ despised: 경멸했다
    – She despised their rude behavior. (그녀는 그들의 거친 행동을 경멸했다.)

    ⦁ tell: 말하다, 알리다
    – I will tell you a secret. (내가 너에게 비밀을 말해줄게.)

  15. To the boys / there was at least / some glamour / in the pirate calling; / but all that she saw / was that the ship / had not been tidied / for years.

    소년들에게는 / 적어도 몇 가지 / 매력적인 것들이 있었다 / 해적의 직업에서; / 그러나 그녀가 본 것은 / 그 배가 / 정돈되지 않았다 / 몇 년 동안.

  16. ⦁ glamour: 매력
    – She was attracted by the glamour of the city. (그녀는 도시의 매력에 끌렸다.)

    ⦁ tidied: 정돈된
    – He tidied up the room. (그는 방을 정리했다.)

  17. There was not / a porthole / on the grimy glass / of which you might not have written / with your finger “Dirty pig”; / and she had already written it on several.

    없었다 / 작은 창문 하나도 / 더러운 유리 위에 / 손가락으로 쓰지 않을 수 없었다 / “더러운 돼지”라고; / 그리고 그녀는 이미 여러 곳에 그것을 썼다.

  18. ⦁ porthole: 작은 창문
    – The ship’s cabin had a small porthole. (그 배의 캐빈에는 작은 창문이 있었다.)

    ⦁ grimy: 더러운
    – The walls were grimy with dirt. (벽은 먼지로 더럽혀져 있었다.)

  19. But as the boys / gathered round her / she had no thought, / of course, / save for them.

    그러나 소년들이 / 그녀 주변으로 모였을 때 / 그녀는 생각이 없었다, / 물론, / 그들을 제외하고는.

  20. ⦁ gathered: 모였다
    – They gathered around the fire. (그들은 불 주변에 모였다.)

    ⦁ except: 제외하고
    – Everyone went to the party except me. (나를 제외하고 모두가 파티에 갔다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)