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Peter Pan 014 Chapter XIV THE PIRATE SHIP 010

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Peter Pan 014 – Chapter XIV.THE PIRATE SHIP – 010

“So, my beauty,” said Hook, as if he spoke in syrup, “you are to see your children walk the plank.”

Fine gentlemen though he was, the intensity of his communings had soiled his ruff, and suddenly he knew that she was gazing at it.
With a hasty gesture he tried to hide it, but he was too late.

“Are they to die?” asked Wendy, with a look of such frightful contempt that he nearly fainted.

“They are,” he snarled.
“Silence all,” he called gloatingly, “for a mother’s last words to her children.”

At this moment Wendy was grand.
“These are my last words, dear boys,” she said firmly.
“I feel that I have a message to you from your real mothers, and it is this: ‘We hope our sons will die like English gentlemen.’”

Even the pirates were awed, and Tootles cried out hysterically, “I am going to do what my mother hopes.
What are you to do, Nibs?”

“What my mother hopes.
What are you to do, Twin?”

“What my mother hopes.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So, my beauty, said Hook, / as if he spoke in syrup, / you are to see / your children / walk the plank.

    “그래서, 내 미녀여,” 후크 선장이 / 마치 꿀을 바른 듯 말하며, / “너는 / 네 아이들이 / 판자를 걷는 것을 볼 거야.”

  2. ⦁ beauty: 미모
    – She admired the beauty of the sunset. (그녀는 석양의 아름다움을 감상했다.)

    ⦁ plank: 판자
    – They walked on a wooden plank over the mud. (그들은 진흙 위의 나무 판자를 걸었다.)

  3. Fine gentlemen / though he was, / the intensity of his communings / had soiled his ruff, / and suddenly he knew / that she was gazing at it.

    그가 / 신사였음에도 불구하고, / 그의 심한 의사소통이 / 그의 러프를 더럽혔고, / 문득 그는 알게 되었다 / 그녀가 그것을 쳐다보고 있다는 것을.

  4. ⦁ communing: 교감/ 대화
    – The spiritual communing was deep and heartfelt. (영적 교감은 깊고 진심이었다.)

    ⦁ soiled: 더럽히다
    – He soiled his hands while working in the garden. (그는 정원 일을 하면서 손을 더럽혔다.)

  5. With a hasty gesture / he tried to hide it, / but he was too late.

    급하게 손짓하여 / 그것을 감추려고 했지만, / 이미 늦었다.

  6. ⦁ hasty: 서두르는
    – She made a hasty decision. (그녀는 서두르는 결정을 내렸다.)

    ⦁ gesture: 손짓
    – He made a friendly gesture. (그는 친근하게 손짓했다.)

  7. Are they to die? / asked Wendy, / with a look of such frightful contempt / that he nearly fainted.

    “그들이 죽게 되는 겁니까?” / 웬디가 물었다, / 너무도 무서운 경멸의 눈빛으로 / 그는 거의 기절할 뻔했다.

  8. ⦁ frightful: 무서운
    – The frightful scene left everyone in shock. (그 무서운 장면은 모두에게 충격을 주었다.)

    ⦁ contempt: 경멸
    – He looked at them with contempt. (그는 경멸의 눈빛으로 그들을 바라보았다.)

  9. They are, / he snarled. / Silence all, / he called gloatingly, / for a mother’s last words / to her children.

    “그렇다,” / 그는 으르렁거리며 말했다. / “모두 조용히 해,” / 그는 기쁘게 외쳤다, / 한 어머니의 마지막 말 / 그녀의 자식들에게.

  10. ⦁ snarl: 으르렁거리다
    – The dog snarled at the stranger. (개가 낯선 사람에게 으르렁거렸다.)

    ⦁ gloatingly: 흡족하게
    – She smiled gloatingly after her victory. (그녀는 승리 후 만족스럽게 미소 지었다.)

  11. At this moment Wendy was grand. / These are my last words, / dear boys, / she said firmly. / I feel that I have a message / to you from your real mothers, / and it is this: ‘We hope our sons / will die / like English gentlemen.’

    이 순간 웬디는 위대했다. / “이것이 내 마지막 말이야, / 사랑하는 소년들, / 그녀는 단호히 말했다. / 나는 메시지가 있다고 느껴 / 너희에게 / 진짜 엄마들로부터, / 그것은 바로 이것이다: ‘우리는 우리의 아들들이 / 죽기를 / 영국 신사들처럼.’

  12. ⦁ grand: 위대한
    – The grand palace stood tall and majestic. (위대한 궁전이 웅장하게 서 있었다.)

    ⦁ firmly: 단호히
    – She spoke firmly to show her determination. (그녀는 결의를 보여주기 위해 단호하게 말했다.)

  13. Even the pirates were awed, / and Tootles cried out hysterically, / I am going to do / what my mother hopes. / What are you to do, Nibs? / What my mother hopes. / What are you to do, Twin? / What my mother hopes.

    심지어 해적들까지도 경외감을 느꼈고, / 투틀스는 히스테릭하게 외쳤다, / “나는 할 거야 / 어머니가 바라는 것을. / 넌 무엇을 할 거야, 닙스? / 어머니가 바라는 것을. / 넌 무엇을 할 거야, 트윈? / 어머니가 바라는 것을.”

  14. ⦁ awed: 경외감을 느끼다
    – The audience was awed by the performance. (관객들은 공연에 경외감을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ hysterically: 히스테리적으로
    – She laughed hysterically at the joke. (그녀는 농담에 히스테리적으로 웃었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)