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Peter Pan 014 Chapter XIV THE PIRATE SHIP 012

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Peter Pan 014 – Chapter XIV.THE PIRATE SHIP – 012

But he never reached her, he never heard the cry of anguish he hoped to wring from her.
He heard something else instead.

It was the terrible tick-tick of the crocodile.

They all heard it—pirates, boys, Wendy; and immediately every head was blown in one direction; not to the water whence the sound proceeded, but toward Hook.
All knew that what was about to happen concerned him alone, and that from being actors they were suddenly become spectators.

Very frightful was it to see the change that came over him.
It was as if he had been clipped at every joint.
He fell in a little heap.

The sound came steadily nearer; and in advance of it came this ghastly thought, “The crocodile is about to board the ship!”

Even the iron claw hung inactive; as if knowing that it was no intrinsic part of what the attacking force wanted.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But he never reached her, / he never heard the cry of anguish / he hoped to wring from her.

    하지만 그는 그녀에게 도달하지 못했고, 그가 그녀에게서 짜내고자 했던 고통의 외침을 듣지 못했다.

  2. ⦁ reach: 도달하다
    – He tried to reach the top shelf. (그는 선반의 가장 높은 곳에 도달하려고 했다.)

    ⦁ cry: 외침
    – She heard a cry for help. (그녀는 도움이 필요하다는 외침을 들었다.)

  3. He heard something else instead.

    대신 그는 다른 무언가를 들었다.

  4. It was / the terrible tick-tick / of the crocodile.

    그것은 악어의 무시무시한 ‘틱틱’ 소리였다.

  5. They all heard it—pirates, boys, Wendy; / and immediately / every head was blown in one direction; / not to the water / whence the sound proceeded, / but toward Hook.

    해적들, 소년들, 웬디 모두 그 소리를 들었다; / 그리고 즉시 / 모든 머리가 한 방향으로 휩쓸렸다; / 소리가 나오는 / 물 쪽이 아니라, / 훅 쪽이었다.

  6. ⦁ terrible: 무시무시한
    – The terrible news spread quickly. (그 무시무시한 소식이 빠르게 퍼졌다.)

    ⦁ direction: 방향
    – She pointed in the opposite direction. (그녀는 반대 방향을 가리켰다.)

  7. All knew that / what was about to happen / concerned him alone, / and that from being actors / they were suddenly become spectators.

    모두는 / 일어날 일은 / 오직 그에게만 관련되었으며, / 그들이 배우에서 / 갑자기 구경꾼이 되었다는 것을 알았다.

  8. Very frightful / was it / to see the change / that came over him.

    그가 얼마나 변했는지 지켜보는 것은 매우 무서운 일이었다.

  9. ⦁ concerned: 관련된
    – She is concerned about the future. (그녀는 미래에 대해 걱정하고 있다.)

    ⦁ frightful: 무서운
    – The frightful noise woke everyone up. (그 무서운 소리가 모두를 깨웠다.)

  10. It was / as if he had been clipped / at every joint.

    그는 마치 모든 관절이 잘린 것 같았다.

  11. He fell in a little heap.

    그는 작게 쪼그려 앉았다.

  12. The sound came steadily nearer; / and in advance of it / came this ghastly thought, / “The crocodile is about to board the ship!”

    소리는 점점 가까워졌고; / 그 소리가 오기 전에 / 이런 소름끼치는 생각이 들었다, / “악어가 배에 오르려 한다!”

  13. ⦁ clipped: 잘린
    – His wings were clipped. (그의 날개는 잘렸다.)

    ⦁ ghastly: 소름끼치는
    – The ghastly scene was unforgettable. (그 소름끼치는 장면은 잊을 수 없었다.)

  14. Even the iron claw hung inactive; / as if knowing that / it was no intrinsic part of / what the attacking force wanted.

    심지어 철제 갈고리도 움직이지 않았고; / 그것이 / 공격하는 세력이 원하는 것의 본질적인 부분이 아니라고 / 아는 것 같았다.

  15. ⦁ inactive: 움직이지 않는
    – The volcano has been inactive for years. (그 화산은 수년 동안 활동하지 않았다.)

    ⦁ intrinsic: 본질적인
    – Freedom is an intrinsic value. (자유는 본질적인 가치이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)