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Peter Pan 014 Chapter XIV THE PIRATE SHIP 013

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Peter Pan 014 – Chapter XIV.THE PIRATE SHIP – 013

Left so fearfully alone, any other man would have lain with his eyes shut where he fell: but the gigantic brain of Hook was still working, and under its guidance he crawled on the knees along the deck as far from the sound as he could go.
The pirates respectfully cleared a passage for him, and it was only when he brought up against the bulwarks that he spoke.

“Hide me!” he cried hoarsely.

They gathered round him, all eyes averted from the thing that was coming aboard.
They had no thought of fighting it.
It was Fate.

Only when Hook was hidden from them did curiosity loosen the limbs of the boys so that they could rush to the ship’s side to see the crocodile climbing it.
Then they got the strangest surprise of the Night of Nights; for it was no crocodile that was coming to their aid.
It was Peter.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Left so fearfully alone, / any other man / would have lain / with his eyes shut / where he fell:

    그렇게 두렵게 홀로 남겨졌다면, / 다른 어떤 남자라도 / 눈을 감고 누웠을 것이다 / 그가 쓰러진 곳에서:

  2. ⦁ fearfully: 두렵게
    – She looked at the dark alley fearfully. (그녀는 어두운 골목을 두렵게 쳐다보았다.)

    ⦁ lain: 눕다
    – He had lain there all night. (그는 그곳에 밤새 누워 있었다.)

  3. but the gigantic brain / of Hook / was still working, / and under its guidance / he crawled on the knees / along the deck / as far from the sound / as he could go.

    그러나 후크의 거대한 두뇌는 / 여전히 작동하고 있었고, / 그것의 지도 아래 / 그는 무릎을 꿇고 기어갔다 / 갑판을 따라 / 소리와 최대한 멀게 / 갈 수 있는 만큼.

  4. ⦁ gigantic: 거대한
    – The elephant is a gigantic creature. (코끼리는 아주 거대한 생물이다.)

    ⦁ guidance: 지도
    – He succeeded under her guidance. (그는 그녀의 지도 아래 성공했다.)

  5. The pirates / respectfully cleared a passage / for him, / and it was only when / he brought up / against the bulwarks / that he spoke.

    해적들은 / 정중하게 길을 비웠다 / 그를 위해, / 그리고 바로 그때 / 그가 올라왔다 / 방벽에 맞닿을 때 / 그가 말했다.

  6. ⦁ respectfully: 정중하게
    – The students listened respectfully. (학생들은 정중하게 들었다.)

    ⦁ bulwarks: 방벽
    – The fortress had strong bulwarks. (그 요새는 강한 방벽을 가지고 있었다.)

  7. “Hide me!” / he cried hoarsely.

    “날 숨겨줘!” / 그가 쉰 목소리로 외쳤다.

  8. ⦁ hoarsely: 쉰 목소리로
    – He spoke hoarsely after the long speech. (그는 긴 연설 후에 쉰 목소리로 말했다.)

    ⦁ cried: 외치다
    – The child cried for her mother. (아이가 엄마를 외쳤다.)

  9. They gathered round him, / all eyes averted / from the thing / that was coming aboard.

    그들은 그에게 모였고, / 모든 시선을 돌렸다 / 올라오고 있는 / 것에서.

  10. ⦁ averted: 돌리다
    – She averted her gaze from the accident. (그녀는 사고에서 시선을 돌렸다.)

    ⦁ gathered: 모이다
    – Crowds gathered in the square. (사람들이 광장에 모였다.)

  11. They had no thought / of fighting it.

    그들은 싸울 생각이 없었다 / 그것과.

  12. ⦁ thought: 생각
    – She had a brilliant thought. (그녀는 훌륭한 생각을 했다.)

    ⦁ fighting: 싸움
    – The soldiers were fighting bravely. (군인들은 용감하게 싸우고 있었다.)

  13. It was Fate.

    그것은 운명이었다.

  14. ⦁ fate: 운명
    – Fate brought them together. (운명이 그들을 함께하게 했다.)

  15. Only when Hook / was hidden from them / did curiosity loosen / the limbs of the boys / so that they could rush / to the ship’s side / to see the crocodile / climbing it.

    오직 후크가 / 그들로부터 숨겨졌을 때만 / 호기심이 풀어져서 / 소년들의 팔다리가 / 그들이 달려갈 수 있게 / 배의 옆으로 / 그 악어를 보려고 / 그것을 올라타는.

  16. ⦁ curiosity: 호기심
    – Her curiosity led her to the old house. (그녀의 호기심은 그녀를 그 오래된 집으로 이끌었다.)

    ⦁ limbs: 팔다리
    – The athlete stretched his limbs. (운동선수는 그의 팔다리를 스트레칭했다.)

  17. Then they got / the strangest surprise / of the Night of Nights; / for it was no crocodile / that was coming to their aid.

    그리고 그들은 받았다 / 가장 이상한 놀라움을 / 밤 중의 밤에; / 왜냐하면 그것은 악어가 아니었다 / 그들에게 도움을 주러 오는.

  18. ⦁ strangest: 가장 이상한
    – It was the strangest thing I ever saw. (그것은 내가 본 것 중 가장 이상한 것이었다.)

    ⦁ aid: 도움
    – The volunteers provided aid to the victims. (자원봉사자들이 피해자들에게 도움을 제공했다.)

  19. It was Peter.

    그것은 피터였다.

  20. ⦁ Peter: 피터
    – Peter was brave and fearless. (피터는 용감하고 두려움이 없었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)