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Peter Pan 015 – Chapter XV.“HOOK OR ME THIS TIME” – 017
At last Hook had got the boon for which he craved.“Bad form,” he cried jeeringly, and went content to the crocodile.Thus perished James Hook.“Seventeen,” Slightly sang out; but he was not quite correct in his figures.Fifteen paid the penalty for their crimes that night; but two reached the shore: Starkey to be captured by the redskins, who made him nurse for all their papooses, a melancholy come-down for a pirate; and Smee, who henceforth wandered about the world in his spectacles, making a precarious living by saying he was the only man that Jas.Hook had feared.Wendy, of course, had stood by taking no part in the fight, though watching Peter with glistening eyes; but now that all was over she became prominent again.She praised them equally, and shuddered delightfully when Michael showed her the place where he had killed one; and then she took them into Hook’s cabin and pointed to his watch which was hanging on a nail.It said “half-past one!”The lateness of the hour was almost the biggest thing of all.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
At last / Hook had got / the boon / for which / he craved.
마침내 후크는 그가 갈망했던 보상을 얻었다.
“Bad form,” / he cried / jeeringly, / and went / content / to the crocodile.
“형편없군,” 그가 조롱하며 외치고, 만족스럽게 악어에게 갔다.
Thus perished / James Hook.
이렇게 해서 제임스 후크는 죽었다.
“Seventeen,” Slightly / sang out; / but he was / not quite correct / in his figures.
Fifteen paid / the penalty / for their crimes / that night; / but two / reached / the shore: Starkey / to be captured / by the redskins, / who made him / nurse / for all / their papooses, / a melancholy / come-down / for a pirate; / and Smee, / who henceforth / wandered / about / the world / in his spectacles, / making / a precarious living / by saying / he was / the only man / that Jas. / Hook had feared.
“열일곱,” 슬라이트리가 외쳤으나 그의 숫자는 정확하지 않았다. 열다섯 명은 그날 밤 죄의 대가를 치렀지만, 두 명은 해안에 도착했다: 스타키는 레드스킨에게 잡혀서 그들의 모든 아기를 돌보는 간호사가 되었고, 이는 해적에게는 비참한 추락이었다; 그리고 스미는 안경을 쓰고 세계를 떠돌며 제임스 후크가 두려워했던 유일한 남자라고 말하며 불안정하게 생계를 이어갔다.
Wendy, / of course, / had stood / by taking / no part / in the fight, / though / watching Peter / with glistening eyes; / but now / that all / was over / she became / prominent / again.
She praised / them equally, / and shuddered / delightfully / when Michael / showed her / the place / where / he had killed / one; / and then / she took them / into Hook’s cabin / and pointed / to his watch / which was / hanging / on a nail.
It said / “half-past one!”
The lateness / of the hour / was almost / the biggest thing / of all.
웬디는 물론 싸움에 참여하지 않고, 글리닝 눈으로 피터를 지켜보았다; 하지만 모든 일이 끝났을 때 그녀는 다시 두드러지게 되었다. 그녀는 그들을 골고루 칭찬했고, 마이클이 그가 한 명을 죽인 장소를 보여줄 때 쾌감을 느끼며 몸을 떨었다; 그리고 그녀는 그들을 후크의 오두막으로 데리고 가서 못에 걸려 있는 그의 시계를 가리켰다. 그것은 “1시 반!”이라고 적혀 있었다. 시간의 늦음이 거의 가장 큰 일이었다.
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