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Peter Pan 015 Chapter XV HOOK OR ME THIS TIME 017

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Peter Pan 015 – Chapter XV.“HOOK OR ME THIS TIME” – 017

At last Hook had got the boon for which he craved.

“Bad form,” he cried jeeringly, and went content to the crocodile.

Thus perished James Hook.

“Seventeen,” Slightly sang out; but he was not quite correct in his figures.
Fifteen paid the penalty for their crimes that night; but two reached the shore: Starkey to be captured by the redskins, who made him nurse for all their papooses, a melancholy come-down for a pirate; and Smee, who henceforth wandered about the world in his spectacles, making a precarious living by saying he was the only man that Jas.
Hook had feared.

Wendy, of course, had stood by taking no part in the fight, though watching Peter with glistening eyes; but now that all was over she became prominent again.
She praised them equally, and shuddered delightfully when Michael showed her the place where he had killed one; and then she took them into Hook’s cabin and pointed to his watch which was hanging on a nail.
It said “half-past one!”

The lateness of the hour was almost the biggest thing of all.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At last / Hook had got / the boon / for which / he craved.

    마침내 후크는 그가 갈망했던 보상을 얻었다.

  2. ⦁ boon: 혜택, 이익
    – The new job was a great boon to his career. (새 직장은 그의 경력에 큰 혜택이었다.)

    ⦁ craved: 간절히 원하다
    – She craved attention from her parents. (그녀는 부모의 관심을 간절히 원했다.)

  3. “Bad form,” / he cried / jeeringly, / and went / content / to the crocodile.

    “형편없군,” 그가 조롱하며 외치고, 만족스럽게 악어에게 갔다.

  4. ⦁ jeeringly: 조롱하며
    – The audience jeered at the clumsy performer jeeringly. (관객들은 서툰 공연자를 조롱하며 야유했다.)

    ⦁ content: 만족스러운
    – She felt content with her accomplishments. (그녀는 자신의 성취에 만족했다.)

  5. Thus perished / James Hook.

    이렇게 해서 제임스 후크는 죽었다.

  6. ⦁ perished: 소멸하다, 죽다
    – Thousands perished in the war. (수천 명이 전쟁에서 죽었다.)

    ⦁ thus: 그렇게 해서
    – Therefore, thus will be our plan. (그러므로 이렇게 할 계획이다.)

  7. “Seventeen,” Slightly / sang out; / but he was / not quite correct / in his figures.

    Fifteen paid / the penalty / for their crimes / that night; / but two / reached / the shore: Starkey / to be captured / by the redskins, / who made him / nurse / for all / their papooses, / a melancholy / come-down / for a pirate; / and Smee, / who henceforth / wandered / about / the world / in his spectacles, / making / a precarious living / by saying / he was / the only man / that Jas. / Hook had feared.

    “열일곱,” 슬라이트리가 외쳤으나 그의 숫자는 정확하지 않았다. 열다섯 명은 그날 밤 죄의 대가를 치렀지만, 두 명은 해안에 도착했다: 스타키는 레드스킨에게 잡혀서 그들의 모든 아기를 돌보는 간호사가 되었고, 이는 해적에게는 비참한 추락이었다; 그리고 스미는 안경을 쓰고 세계를 떠돌며 제임스 후크가 두려워했던 유일한 남자라고 말하며 불안정하게 생계를 이어갔다.

  8. ⦁ penalty: 처벌, 벌금
    – He paid the penalty for his mistakes. (그는 실수에 대한 벌금을 지불했다.)

    ⦁ precarious: 불안정한
    – His health is in a precarious state. (그의 건강은 불안정한 상태에 있다.)

  9. Wendy, / of course, / had stood / by taking / no part / in the fight, / though / watching Peter / with glistening eyes; / but now / that all / was over / she became / prominent / again.

    She praised / them equally, / and shuddered / delightfully / when Michael / showed her / the place / where / he had killed / one; / and then / she took them / into Hook’s cabin / and pointed / to his watch / which was / hanging / on a nail.

    It said / “half-past one!”

    The lateness / of the hour / was almost / the biggest thing / of all.

    웬디는 물론 싸움에 참여하지 않고, 글리닝 눈으로 피터를 지켜보았다; 하지만 모든 일이 끝났을 때 그녀는 다시 두드러지게 되었다. 그녀는 그들을 골고루 칭찬했고, 마이클이 그가 한 명을 죽인 장소를 보여줄 때 쾌감을 느끼며 몸을 떨었다; 그리고 그녀는 그들을 후크의 오두막으로 데리고 가서 못에 걸려 있는 그의 시계를 가리켰다. 그것은 “1시 반!”이라고 적혀 있었다. 시간의 늦음이 거의 가장 큰 일이었다.

  10. ⦁ glistening: 반짝이는
    – Her eyes were glistening with tears. (그녀의 눈은 눈물로 반짝이고 있었다.)

    ⦁ prominent: 두드러진, 중요한
    – He played a prominent role in the project. (그는 그 프로젝트에서 중요한 역할을 했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)