❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 001
By three bells that morning they were all stirring their stumps; for there was a big sea running; and Tootles, the bo’sun, was among them, with a rope’s end in his hand and chewing tobacco.They all donned pirate clothes cut off at the knee, shaved smartly, and tumbled up, with the true nautical roll and hitching their trousers.It need not be said who was the captain.Nibs and John were first and second mate.There was a woman aboard.The rest were tars before the mast, and lived in the fo’c’sle.Peter had already lashed himself to the wheel; but he piped all hands and delivered a short address to them; said he hoped they would do their duty like gallant hearties, but that he knew they were the scum of Rio and the Gold Coast, and if they snapped at him he would tear them.The bluff strident words struck the note sailors understood, and they cheered him lustily.Then a few sharp orders were given, and they turned the ship round, and nosed her for the mainland.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
By three bells / that morning / they were all / stirring their stumps; / for there was a big sea / running; / and Tootles, / the bo’sun, / was among them, / with a rope’s end / in his hand / and chewing tobacco.
그 날 아침 세 시쯤 되자, 모두가 바쁘게 움직이고 있었다. 큰 파도가 일고 있었기 때문이다. 부사관인 투틀스는 줄 끝을 손에 쥐고 담배를 씹으면서 그들 사이에 있었다.
⦁ sea: 바다 – The sea was calm. (바다는 평온했다.) ⦁ bo’sun: 부사관 – The bo’sun gave orders. (부사관이 명령을 내렸다.) -
They all donned pirate clothes / cut off at the knee, / shaved smartly, / and tumbled up, / with the true nautical roll / and hitching their trousers.
그들은 모두 해적 옷을 무릎까지 잘라 입고, 깔끔하게 면도를 한 후, 해군 특유의 걸음걸이로 어기적거리며 올라갔다.
⦁ donned: 입었다 – He donned a uniform. (그는 유니폼을 입었다.) ⦁ nautical: 해군의 – He has a nautical style. (그는 해군 스타일이다.) -
It need not / be said / who was / the captain.
캡틴이 누구인지는 말할 필요조차 없다.
⦁ captain: 캡틴 – The captain led the team. (캡틴이 팀을 이끌었다.) ⦁ said: 말했다 – She said hello. (그녀는 안녕이라고 말했다.) -
Nibs / and John / were first / and second mate. / There was / a woman / aboard. / The rest / were tars / before the mast, / and lived / in the fo’c’sle.
닙스와 존은 일등 항해사와 이등 항해사였다. 배에는 여성이 타고 있었다. 나머지는 갑판원들이고, 모두 선수에 살았다.
⦁ mate: 항해사 – He is the first mate. (그는 일등 항해사이다.) ⦁ aboard: 배 안의 – All passengers are aboard. (모든 승객이 배에 탑승했다.) -
Peter / had already / lashed himself / to the wheel; / but he piped / all hands / and delivered / a short address / to them; / said he hoped / they would do / their duty / like gallant hearties, / but that he knew / they were / the scum of Rio / and the Gold Coast, / and if they snapped / at him / he would tear / them.
피터는 이미 자신을 선장 자리에 묶어놓았으나, 모든 선원을 불러서 그들에게 짧게 연설했다. 그는 그들이 용감한 해군처럼 임무를 수행하기를 바란다고 했지만, 그들이 리오와 골드 코스트에서 온 쓰레기들이라는 것을 알고 있다고 말했다. 그리고 그들이 자신에게 덤벼든다면 그들을 박살낼 것이라고 했다.
⦁ lashed: 묶었다 – He lashed the rope. (그는 밧줄을 묶었다.) ⦁ duty: 임무 – It is my duty. (이것은 나의 임무이다.) -
The bluff strident words / struck the note / sailors understood, / and they cheered him / lustily.
그 노골적이고 거친 말들이 선원들이 이해할 수 있는 내용이었고, 그들은 힘차게 환호했다.
⦁ strident: 거친 – His voice was strident. (그의 목소리는 거칠었다.) ⦁ cheered: 환호했다 – The crowd cheered. (군중은 환호했다.) -
Then a few sharp orders / were given, / and they turned / the ship round, / and nosed her / for the mainland.
몇 가지 날카로운 명령이 떨어지고, 그들은 배를 돌려 본토로 향했다.
⦁ orders: 명령 – He gave orders. (그는 명령을 내렸다.) ⦁ mainland: 본토 – We arrived at the mainland. (우리는 본토에 도착했다.)
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