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Peter Pan 016 Chapter XVI THE RETURN HOME 002

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Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 002

Captain Pan calculated, after consulting the ship’s chart, that if this weather lasted they should strike the Azores about the 21st of June, after which it would save time to fly.

Some of them wanted it to be an honest ship and others were in favour of keeping it a pirate; but the captain treated them as dogs, and they dared not express their wishes to him even in a round robin.
Instant obedience was the only safe thing.
Slightly got a dozen for looking perplexed when told to take soundings.
The general feeling was that Peter was honest just now to lull Wendy’s suspicions, but that there might be a change when the new suit was ready, which, against her will, she was making for him out of some of Hook’s wickedest garments.
It was afterwards whispered among them that on the first night he wore this suit he sat long in the cabin with Hook’s cigar-holder in his mouth and one hand clenched, all but for the forefinger, which he bent and held threateningly aloft like a hook.

Instead of watching the ship, however, we must now return to that desolate home from which three of our characters had taken heartless flight so long ago.
It seems a shame to have neglected No.
14 all this time; and yet we may be sure that Mrs.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Captain Pan calculated, / after consulting the ship’s chart, / that if this weather lasted / they should strike the Azores /about the 21st of June, / after which / it would save time / to fly.

    판 선장은 배의 항해도를 참고한 후에 / 날씨가 계속 이 상태라면 / 그들은 아조레스 제도에 / 6월 21일경에 도착할 것이라고 계산했고, / 이후 / 날아가면 시간을 절약할 수 있을 것이라고 생각했다.

  2. ⦁ calculate: 계산하다
    – He can calculate the distance easily. (그는 거리를 쉽게 계산할 수 있다.)

    ⦁ chart: 항해도
    – The captain studied the ship’s chart. (선장은 배의 항해도를 연구했다.)

  3. Some of them wanted / it to be an honest ship / and others were in favour / of keeping it a pirate; / but the captain treated them as dogs, / and they dared not express / their wishes / to him / even in a round robin.

    일부 선원들은 / 이 배가 정직한 배이기를 원했고, / 다른 이들은 / 해적 배로 유지하길 원했다; / 그러나 선장은 그들을 개처럼 대하였고, / 그들은 감히 자신들의 뜻을 / 그에게 / 심지어 문서로도 표현하지 못했다.

  4. ⦁ favour: 지지하다
    – The majority were in favour of the new law. (대다수는 새로운 법을 지지했다.)

    ⦁ dare: 감히 하다
    – He didnt dare to jump into the water. (그는 감히 물에 뛰어들지 못했다.)

  5. Instant obedience / was the only safe thing. / Slightly got a dozen / for looking perplexed / when told / to take soundings.

    즉각적인 복종 / 만이 유일하게 안전한 일이었다. / 슬라이트리는 / 어리둥절한 표정을 지었다고 매를 맞았다 / 수심을 측정하라고 명령 받았을 때.

  6. ⦁ obedience: 복종
    – The dog showed complete obedience. (그 개는 완전한 복종을 보였다.)

    ⦁ perplexed: 당혹스러운
    – She looked perplexed by the question. (그녀는 그 질문에 당혹스러워 보였다.)

  7. The general feeling was / that Peter was honest / just now / to lull Wendy’s suspicions, / but that / there might be a change / when the new suit / was ready, / which, / against her will, / she was making for him / out of some of Hook’s wickedest garments.

    전체적인 느낌은 / 피터가 단지 선실에서 / 웬디의 의심을 달래기 위해 정직한 척하고 있다는 것이었고, / 그러나 / 새로운 옷이 준비될 때 / 변화가 있을 수 있다는 것이었다, / 이 옷은, / 그녀의 의지에 반하여, / 그녀가 후크의 가장 사악한 옷들로 / 그를 위해 만들고 있었다.

  8. ⦁ lull: 달래다
    – Her soft voice lulled the baby to sleep. (그녀의 부드러운 목소리가 아기를 잠들게 했다.)

    ⦁ garment: 의복
    – The tailor made a beautiful garment. (재단사는 아름다운 의복을 만들었다.)

  9. It was afterwards whispered / among them / that on the first night / he wore this suit / he sat long in the cabin / with Hook’s cigar-holder / in his mouth / and one hand clenched, / all but for the forefinger, / which he bent and held / threateningly aloft / like a hook.

    그들 사이에서 / 이후에 속삭여진 것은 / 처음 밤에 / 그가 이 옷을 입고 / 오랫동안 선실에 앉아 있었다는 것이며, / 입에 후크의 시가 홀더를 물고 / 한 손은 주먹을 쥐고, / 검지 손가락은 제외하고, / 그 손가락을 구부려 / 위협적으로 / 후크처럼 들었다는 것이다.

  10. ⦁ whisper: 속삭이다
    – She whispered a secret in his ear. (그녀는 그의 귀에 비밀을 속삭였다.)

    ⦁ clench: 꽉 쥐다
    – He clenched his fists in anger. (그는 화가 나서 주먹을 꽉 쥐었다.)

  11. Instead of watching the ship, / however, / we must now return / to that desolate home / from which / three of our characters / had taken heartless flight / so long ago.

    그러나 배를 보는 대신에, / 우리는 이제 / 그 황량한 집으로 돌아가야 한다, / 그곳에서 / 우리의 세 명의 주인공들이 / 무정하게 도망쳤던 / 오래 전에.

  12. ⦁ desolate: 황량한
    – The desolate town looked abandoned. (그 황량한 마을은 버려진 것 같았다.)

    ⦁ heartless: 무정한
    – The heartless comment made her cry. (그 무정한 발언은 그녀를 울게 만들었다.)

  13. It seems a shame / to have neglected No. 14 / all this time; / and yet / we may be sure / that Mrs.

    전체 시간 동안 / 14호를 소홀히 했다는 게 / 부끄러운 것 같다; / 그러나 우리가 확신할 수 있는 것은 / 여사가.

  14. ⦁ neglect: 소홀히 하다
    – He neglected his duties as a student. (그는 학생으로서의 의무를 소홀히 했다.)

    ⦁ shame: 부끄러운 일
    – It’s a shame you couldn’t come to the party. (당신이 파티에 올 수 없었던 것이 아쉬워요.)

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