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Peter Pan 016 Chapter XVI THE RETURN HOME 003

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Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 003

Darling does not blame us.
If we had returned sooner to look with sorrowful sympathy at her, she would probably have cried, “Don’t be silly; what do I matter? Do go back and keep an eye on the children.” So long as mothers are like this their children will take advantage of them; and they may lay to that.

Even now we venture into that familiar nursery only because its lawful occupants are on their way home; we are merely hurrying on in advance of them to see that their beds are properly aired and that Mr.
and Mrs.
Darling do not go out for the evening.
We are no more than servants.
Why on earth should their beds be properly aired, seeing that they left them in such a thankless hurry? Would it not serve them jolly well right if they came back and found that their parents were spending the week-end in the country? It would be the moral lesson they have been in need of ever since we met them; but if we contrived things in this way Mrs.
Darling would never forgive us.

One thing I should like to do immensely, and that is to tell her, in the way authors have, that the children are coming back, that indeed they will be here on Thursday week.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Darling / does not / blame us.

    달링이 우리를 탓하지는 않는다.

  2. ⦁ blame: 비난하다
    – He blamed her for the accident. (그는 그녀를 사고의 책임으로 비난했다.)

    ⦁ Darling: 소중한 사람
    – He’s my darling husband. (그는 나의 소중한 남편이다.)

  3. If we / had returned / sooner / to look with / sorrowful sympathy / at her, / she would probably / have cried, / “Don’t be silly; what do I matter? Do go back / and keep an eye / on the children.”

    우리가 더 일찍 그녀를 동정하며 돌아갔다면, 그녀는 아마 “바보 같은 소리 마세요. 내가 뭐가 중요한가요? 제발 돌아가서 아이들을 봐주세요.”라고 했을 것이다.

  4. ⦁ sorrowful: 슬픈
    – She gave a sorrowful smile. (그녀는 슬픈 미소를 지었다.)

    ⦁ sympathy: 동정
    – I have sympathy for his situation. (나는 그의 상황에 동정을 느낀다.)

  5. So long as / mothers are / like this / their children / will take / advantage of / them; / and they / may lay / to that.

    어머니가 이렇기만 하면, 아이들은 그녀들을 이용할 것이다; 그녀들은 그것을 확신할 수 있다.

  6. ⦁ advantage: 이점, 이익
    – Take advantage of the opportunity. (기회를 활용해라.)

    ⦁ lay: 누워있다, 놓다
    – Lay the book on the table. (책을 테이블에 놓아라.)

  7. Even now / we venture into / that familiar nursery / only because / its lawful occupants / are on their way / home; / we are merely / hurrying on / in advance of / them / to see / that their beds / are properly aired / and that Mr. and Mrs. / Darling do not go out / for the evening.

    지금도 우리가 그 익숙한 유아방에 들어가는 것은 그곳의 정당한 점유자들이 집으로 돌아가는 중이기 때문이다; 우리는 그들의 침대가 제대로 환기되었는지와 Mr.와 Mrs. 달링이 저녁에 외출하지 않는지를 확인하기 위해 그들보다 앞서 서둘러 가고 있다.

  8. ⦁ venture: 모험하다
    – He ventured into the unknown. (그는 미지의 세계로 모험을 떠났다.)

    ⦁ lawful: 합법적인
    – Lawful behavior is required. (합법적인 행동이 요구된다.)

  9. We are / no more / than servants.
    Why on earth / should their beds / be properly aired, / seeing that / they left them / in such a / thankless hurry?
    Would it / not serve them / jolly well right / if they / came back and found / that their parents / were spending the week-end / in the country?
    It would be / the moral lesson / they have been / in need of / ever since / we met them; / but if we / contrived things / in this way / Mrs. Darling / would never / forgive us.

    우리는 단지 하인에 불과하다.
    그들이 그렇게 때를 써서 서둘러 떠난 것을 보아하니, 왜 그들의 침대를 제대로 환기시켜야 한단 말인가?
    그들이 돌아와서 부모님이 주말을 시골에서 보내고 있는 것을 발견하면 얼마나 통쾌하겠는가?
    그들에게는 꾸준히 필요했던 도덕적 교훈이 될 것이다; 하지만 우리가 이런 식으로 일을 꾸미면 Mrs. 달링은 우리를 절대 용서하지 않을 것이다.

  10. ⦁ servant: 하인
    – The servant cleaned the house. (하인이 집을 청소했다.)

    ⦁ forgive: 용서하다
    – Can you forgive me? (당신은 나를 용서할 수 있겠어요?)

  11. One thing / I should like / to do immensely, / and that is / to tell her, / in the way / authors have, / that the children / are coming back, / that indeed / they will be here / on Thursday week.

    내가 정말로 하고 싶은 한 가지는 그녀에게 말해주는 것이다, 작가들이 말하는 방식으로, 아이들이 돌아오고 있다고, 바로 다음 주 목요일에 여기 올 것이라고.

  12. ⦁ immensely: 굉장히
    – He was immensely popular. (그는 굉장히 인기가 많았다.)

    ⦁ author: 작가
    – He is the author of the book. (그는 그 책의 저자이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)