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Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 006
Darling felt in his bones that all the blame was his for having chained Nana up, and that from first to last she had been wiser than he.Of course, as we have seen, he was quite a simple man; indeed he might have passed for a boy again if he had been able to take his baldness off; but he had also a noble sense of justice and a lion’s courage to do what seemed right to him; and having thought the matter out with anxious care after the flight of the children, he went down on all fours and crawled into the kennel.To all Mrs.Darling’s dear invitations to him to come out he replied sadly but firmly:“No, my own one, this is the place for me.”In the bitterness of his remorse he swore that he would never leave the kennel until his children came back.Of course this was a pity; but whatever Mr.Darling did he had to do in excess, otherwise he soon gave up doing it.And there never was a more humble man than the once proud George Darling, as he sat in the kennel of an evening talking with his wife of their children and all their pretty ways.Very touching was his deference to Nana.He would not let her come into the kennel, but on all other matters he followed her wishes implicitly.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Darling felt / in his bones / that all the blame / was his / for having chained Nana up, / and that / from first to last / she had been wiser / than he.
달링은 내심, 모든 잘못이 그에게 있음을, 나나를 묶어둔 것이 자기 탓임을, 처음부터 끝까지 그녀가 자신보다 지혜로웠다고 느꼈다.
Of course, / as we have seen, / he was quite a simple man; / indeed / he might have passed for a boy again / if he had been able to take his baldness off; / but he had also a noble sense of justice / and a lion’s courage / to do what seemed right / to him; / and having thought the matter out / with anxious care / after the flight of the children, / he went down on all fours / and crawled into the kennel.
물론, 우리가 봤듯이, 그는 꽤나 단순한 사람이었다; 실제로 대머리를 벗어버릴 수 있었다면 다시 소년으로 보였을 것이다; 그러나 그는 또한 고귀한 정의감과 사자 같은 용기를 가지고 옳다고 생각하는 것을 실행하려 했다; 아이들이 도망간 후 그 문제를 걱정스레 심사숙고한 채로 그는 네 발로 기어 개집에 들어갔다.
To all Mrs. Darling’s dear invitations / to him to come out / he replied sadly / but firmly:
달링 부인이 그에게 나오라고 애정 어린 요청을 했지만, 그는 슬프지만 단호하게 대답했다:
“No, my own one, / this is the place for me.”
“아니, 나의 사랑, 여기가 나의 자리야.”
In the bitterness of his remorse / he swore / that he would never leave the kennel / until his children came back.
그의 참회 속에서 그는 아이들이 돌아올 때까지 개집을 떠나지 않겠다고 맹세했다.
Of course / this was a pity; / but whatever Mr. Darling did / he had to do in excess, / otherwise / he soon gave up doing it.
물론 이것은 안타까운 일이었다; 하지만 달링 씨는 무엇을 하든지 과하게 해야만 했으며, 그렇지 않으면 금방 포기해버렸다.
And there never was a more humble man / than the once proud George Darling, / as he sat in the kennel of an evening / talking with his wife of their children / and all their pretty ways.
그리고 한 때는 자존심 강했던 조지 달링은 더 이상 겸손한 사람이 될 수 없었을 것이다, 저녁이면 개집에 앉아 아내와 함께 자식들과 그들의 예쁜 모습들에 대해 이야기하면서.
Very touching / was his deference / to Nana.
그의 나나에 대한 존경심은 매우 감동적이었다.
He would not let her / come into the kennel, / but / on all other matters / he followed her wishes / implicitly.
그는 그녀가 개집에 들어오는 것을 허락하지 않았지만, 다른 모든 일에 있어서 그녀의 뜻을 따랐다.
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