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Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 012
“She’s awfully fond of Wendy,” he said to himself.He was angry with her now for not seeing why she could not have Wendy.The reason was so simple: “I’m fond of her too.We can’t both have her, lady.”But the lady would not make the best of it, and he was unhappy.He ceased to look at her, but even then she would not let go of him.He skipped about and made funny faces, but when he stopped it was just as if she were inside him, knocking.“Oh, all right,” he said at last, and gulped.Then he unbarred the window.“Come on, Tink,” he cried, with a frightful sneer at the laws of nature; “we don’t want any silly mothers;” and he flew away.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
She’s awfully fond / of Wendy, / he said to himself.
그녀는 웬디를 몹시 좋아해, / 그가 혼잣말로 말했다.
He was angry / with her now / for not seeing / why she could not / have Wendy.
그는 지금 그녀에게 화가 났다. / 왜 그녀가 웬디를 가질 수 없는지를 / 그녀가 보지 못해서.
The reason / was so simple: / I’m fond / of her too.
이유는 / 매우 간단했다: / 나도 그녀를 좋아해.
We can’t both / have her, lady.
우리는 둘 다 / 그녀를 가질 수 없어, 아가씨.
But the lady / would not make / the best of it, / and he was unhappy.
하지만 그 아가씨는 / 최선을 다하지 않았고, / 그는 불행했다.
He ceased to / look at her, / but even then / she would not / let go of him.
그는 더 이상 그녀를 / 쳐다보지 않았지만, / 그럼에도 불구하고 / 그녀는 그를 / 놓아주지 않았다.
He skipped about / and made funny faces, / but when he stopped / it was just as if / she were inside him, / knocking.
그는 뛰어다니며 / 웃긴 표정을 지었지만, / 그가 멈췄을 때는 / 마치 그녀가 / 그 안에 있고, / 두드리는 것 같았다.
Oh, all right, / he said at last, / and gulped.
오, 알겠어, / 그가 마침내 말했다, / 그리고 꿀꺽 삼켰다.
Then he unbarred the window.
그리고 그는 / 창문을 열었다.
Come on, Tink, / he cried, / with a frightful sneer / at the laws of nature; / we don’t want / any silly mothers; / and he flew away.
이리 와, 팅크, / 그가 외쳤다, / 자연의 법칙에 / 오싹한 비웃음을 지으며; / 우리는 원하지 않아 / 바보 같은 엄마들은; / 그리고 그는 날아갔다.
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