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Peter Pan 016 Chapter XVI THE RETURN HOME 016

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Peter Pan 016 – Chapter XVI.THE RETURN HOME – 016

“That’s Wendy,” she said, but still she was sure it was the dream.


“That’s John,” she said.

“Mother!” cried Michael.
He knew her now.

“That’s Michael,” she said, and she stretched out her arms for the three little selfish children they would never envelop again.
Yes, they did, they went round Wendy and John and Michael, who had slipped out of bed and run to her.

“George, George!” she cried when she could speak; and Mr.
Darling woke to share her bliss, and Nana came rushing in.
There could not have been a lovelier sight; but there was none to see it except a little boy who was staring in at the window.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “That’s Wendy,” / she said, / but still / she was sure / it was the dream.

    “저건 웬디야,” 그녀가 말했다, 하지만 여전히 그녀는 그게 꿈이라고 확신했다.

    ⦁ sure: 확신하는
    – I’m sure / he will come. (나는 그가 올 것이라고 확신한다.)

    ⦁ dream: 꿈
    – She had a strange dream / last night. (그녀는 어젯밤에 이상한 꿈을 꾸었다.)
  2. “Mother!”


    ⦁ mother: 어머니
    – My mother / is a great cook. (우리 어머니는 훌륭한 요리사다.)

  3. “That’s John,” / she said.

    “저건 존이야,” 그녀가 말했다.

    ⦁ John: 존 (이름)
    – John / is my friend. (존은 내 친구다.)

    ⦁ said: 말했다
    – He said / he was tired. (그는 피곤하다고 말했다.)
  4. “Mother!” / cried Michael.

    “엄마!” / 마이클이 외쳤다.

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried / for help. (그녀는 도움을 청해 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ Michael: 마이클 (이름)
    – Michael / is playing outside. (마이클은 밖에서 놀고 있다.)
  5. He knew / her now.

    그는 이제야 / 그녀를 알아봤다.

    ⦁ knew: 알았다
    – He knew / the answer. (그는 답을 알았다.)

    ⦁ her: 그녀를
    – He saw / her today. (그는 오늘 그녀를 봤다.)
  6. “That’s Michael,” / she said, / and she stretched out / her arms / for the three little selfish children / they would never / envelop again.

    “저건 마이클이야,” 그녀가 말했다, 그리고 그녀는 세 명의 작은 이기적인 아이들을 안아주기 위해 팔을 뻗었다, 그러나 그들을 다시는 안아주지 않았다.

    ⦁ stretched: 뻗었다
    – He stretched out / his hand. (그는 손을 뻗었다.)

    ⦁ envelop: 감싸다
    – The mist enveloped / the valleys. (안개가 계곡을 덮었다.)
  7. Yes, they did, / they went round / Wendy and John / and Michael, / who had slipped out of bed / and run to her.

    그랬다, 그들은 웬디와 존 그리고 마이클 주위를 빙글빙글 돌았다, 잠자리에서 빠져나와 그녀에게 달려간 아이들.

    ⦁ slipped: 빠져나왔다
    – She slipped out / of the room. (그녀는 방에서 빠져나왔다.)

    ⦁ run: 달리다
    – He run / every morning. (그는 매일 아침 달린다.)
  8. “George, George!” / she cried / when she could speak; / and Mr.

    “조지, 조지!” 그녀가 말을 할 수 있을 때 외쳤다; 그리고 미스터.

    ⦁ cried: 외쳤다
    – She cried / for help. (그녀는 도움을 청해 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ speak: 말하다
    – I can speak / English. (나는 영어를 말할 수 있다.)
  9. Darling woke / to share her bliss, / and Nana / came rushing in.

    달링이 그녀의 기쁨을 나누기 위해 깨어났다, 그리고 나나가 급히 들어왔다.

    ⦁ share: 나누다
    – He shared / his food with me. (그는 나와 음식을 나눴다.)

    ⦁ bliss: 기쁨
    – This moment / is pure bliss. (이 순간은 순수한 기쁨이다.)
  10. There could not / have been / a lovelier sight; / but there was none / to see it / except a little boy / who was staring / in at the window.

    더 아름다운 광경을 볼 수 없었다; 하지만 창밖을 응시하던 작은 소년 외에는 아무도 그것을 보지 않았다.

    ⦁ lovelier: 더 아름다운
    – The flowers / made the garden / lovelier. (꽃들이 정원을 더 아름답게 만들었다.)

    ⦁ staring: 응시하는
    – He was staring / at the painting. (그는 그림을 응시하고 있었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)