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Peter Pan 017 – Chapter XVII.WHEN WENDY GREW UP – 006
“There are always a lot of young ones,” explained Wendy, who was now quite an authority, “because you see when a new baby laughs for the first time a new fairy is born, and as there are always new babies there are always new fairies.They live in nests on the tops of trees; and the mauve ones are boys and the white ones are girls, and the blue ones are just little sillies who are not sure what they are.”“I shall have such fun,” said Peter, with eye on Wendy.“It will be rather lonely in the evening,” she said, “sitting by the fire.”“I shall have Tink.”“Tink can’t go a twentieth part of the way round,” she reminded him a little tartly.“Sneaky tell-tale!” Tink called out from somewhere round the corner.“It doesn’t matter,” Peter said.“O Peter, you know it matters.”“Well, then, come with me to the little house.”“May I, mummy?”“Certainly not.I have got you home again, and I mean to keep you.”“But he does so need a mother.”“So do you, my love.”“Oh, all right,” Peter said, as if he had asked her from politeness merely; but Mrs.Darling saw his mouth twitch, and she made this handsome offer: to let Wendy go to him for a week every year to do his spring cleaning.Wendy would have preferred a more permanent arrangement; and it seemed to her that spring would be long in coming; but this promise sent Peter away quite gay again.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
There are always a lot of young ones, / explained Wendy, / who was now quite an authority, / because you see when a new baby laughs / for the first time / a new fairy is born, / and as there are always new babies / there are always new fairies.
꼭 많은 어린 요정들이 있다는 거야, / 웬디가 설명했어, / 이제는 꽤 전문가가 된 웬디가, / 새 아기가 처음으로 웃을 때마다 / 새로운 요정이 태어나는 거야, / 새로운 아기들이 늘 있으니까 / 항상 새로운 요정들이 있는 거지.
They live in nests / on the tops of trees; / and the mauve ones are boys / and the white ones are girls, / and the blue ones are just little sillies / who are not sure what they are.
그들은 나무 꼭대기 / 둥지에 살아; / 보라색 요정들은 남자아이들이고 / 흰색 요정들은 여자아이들이야, / 파란색 요정들은 아직 뭔지 잘 모르는 / 작은 바보들이지.
I shall have such fun, / said Peter, / with eye on Wendy.
난 정말 재밌을 것 같아, / 피터가 말했어, / 웬디를 바라보며.
It will be rather lonely in the evening, / she said, / sitting by the fire.
저녁에는 좀 외로울 거야, / 그녀가 말했어, / 난로 옆에 앉아서.
I shall have Tink.
난 틴크가 있으니까.
Tink can’t go a twentieth part of the way round, / she reminded him a little tartly.
틴크는 한 바퀴의 20분의 1도 가지 못해, / 그녀가 조금 쌀쌀맞게 그에게 상기시켰어.
Sneaky tell-tale! / Tink called out / from somewhere round the corner.
교활한 고자질쟁이! / 틴크는 소리쳤어 / 구석 어딘가에서.
It doesn’t matter, / Peter said.
상관없어, / 피터가 말했어.
O Peter, / you know it matters.
오 피터, / 그게 중요하다는 거 알잖아.
Well, then, / come with me / to the little house.
좋아, 그러면, / 나와 함께 가자 / 작은 집으로.
May I, / mummy?
제가 가도 되나요, / 엄마?
Certainly not. / I have got you home again, / and I mean to keep you.
절대 안 돼. / 내가 너를 집으로 데려왔고, / 계속 여기 둘 거야.
But he does so need a mother.
하지만 그는 정말로 엄마가 필요해요.
So do you, / my love.
너도 마찬가지야, / 내 사랑.
Oh, all right, / Peter said, / as if he had asked her / from politeness merely; / but Mrs. Darling saw his mouth twitch, / and she made this handsome offer: / to let Wendy go to him / for a week every year / to do his spring cleaning.
아, 알았어요, / 피터가 말했어, / 마치 예의상 물어보는 것처럼; / 하지만 달링 부인은 그의 입이 꿈틀거리는 것을 보고, / 이렇게 멋진 제안을 했어: / 웬디가 매년 일주일 동안 / 청소해주러 가는 것을 허락하는 거야.
Wendy would have preferred a more permanent arrangement; / and it seemed to her / that spring would be long in coming; / but this promise sent Peter away / quite gay again.
웬디는 더 영구적인 약속을 원했을 것이다; / 그에게는 봄이 오기까지 / 오래 걸릴 것 같았다; / 하지만 이 약속은 피터를 다시 / 매우 기쁘게 만들었다.
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