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Peter Pan 017 – Chapter XVII.WHEN WENDY GREW UP – 010
“You know he is never ill.”Michael came close to her and whispered, with a shiver, “Perhaps there is no such person, Wendy!” and then Wendy would have cried if Michael had not been crying.Peter came next spring cleaning; and the strange thing was that he never knew he had missed a year.That was the last time the girl Wendy ever saw him.For a little longer she tried for his sake not to have growing pains; and she felt she was untrue to him when she got a prize for general knowledge.But the years came and went without bringing the careless boy; and when they met again Wendy was a married woman, and Peter was no more to her than a little dust in the box in which she had kept her toys.Wendy was grown up.You need not be sorry for her.She was one of the kind that likes to grow up.In the end she grew up of her own free will a day quicker than other girls.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
You know / he is never ill.
넌 알아 / 그가 결코 아프지 않다는 걸.
Michael came close / to her / and whispered, / with a shiver, / “Perhaps there is no such person, Wendy!” / and then / Wendy would have cried / if Michael had not been crying.
Michael은 다가와서 / 속삭였다, / 떨면서, / “어쩌면 그런 사람은 없을지도 몰라, Wendy!” / 그리고 나서 / Wendy는 울었을지도 몰라 / Michael이 울지 않았다면.
Peter came / next spring cleaning; / and the strange thing was that / he never knew / he had missed a year.
Peter는 왔다 / 다음 봄 청소 때; / 그리고 이상한 점은 / 그가 결코 알지 못했다는 것이다 / 그가 1년을 놓쳤다는 걸.
That was the last time / the girl Wendy / ever saw him.
그것이 마지막이었다 / 소녀 Wendy가 / 그를 본.
For a little longer / she tried / for his sake / not to have growing pains; / and she felt / she was untrue to him / when she got a prize / for general knowledge.
조금 더 오래 / 그녀는 노력했다 / 그의 일을 위해서 / 성장통을 겪지 않으려고; / 그리고 그녀는 느꼈다 / 그녀가 그에게 불성실하다고 / 일반 지식으로 상을 받았을 때.
But the years came / and went / without bringing / the careless boy; / and when they met again / Wendy was a married woman, / and Peter was no more to her / than a little dust / in the box / in which she had kept her toys.
그러나 세월이 왔다가 / 지나갔지만 / 부주의한 소년을 데려오지 않았다; / 그리고 그들이 다시 만났을 때 / Wendy는 기혼 여성이었고, / Peter는 더 이상 그녀에게 의미가 없었다 / 상자 속의 / 장난감을 보관했던 / 작은 먼지만큼.
Wendy was grown up. / You need not be sorry for her. / She was one of the kind that likes to grow up. / In the end she grew up / of her own free will / a day quicker / than other girls.
Wendy는 성장했다. / 그녀를 안타깝게 여길 필요 없다. / 그녀는 성장하는 것을 좋아하는 유형이었다. / 결국 그녀는 자랐다 / 자의로 / 다른 소녀들보다 하루 더 빨리.
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