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Peter Pan 017 Chapter XVII WHEN WENDY GREW UP 011

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Peter Pan 017 – Chapter XVII.WHEN WENDY GREW UP – 011

All the boys were grown up and done for by this time; so it is scarcely worth while saying anything more about them.
You may see the twins and Nibs and Curly any day going to an office, each carrying a little bag and an umbrella.
Michael is an engine-driver.
Slightly married a lady of title, and so he became a lord.
You see that judge in a wig coming out at the iron door? That used to be Tootles.
The bearded man who doesn’t know any story to tell his children was once John.

Wendy was married in white with a pink sash.
It is strange to think that Peter did not alight in the church and forbid the banns.

Years rolled on again, and Wendy had a daughter.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. All the boys / were grown up / and done for by this time; / so it is scarcely worth / while saying anything more / about them.

    모든 소년들은 이제 다 커서 / 그들을 더 이상 언급할 가치가 없다.

  2. ⦁ scarcely: 거의 ~않다
    – The movie was scarcely interesting. (그 영화는 거의 흥미롭지 않았다.)

    ⦁ worth: ~의 가치가 있는
    – This book is worth reading. (이 책은 읽을 가치가 있다.)

  3. You may see / the twins and Nibs / and Curly / any day going to an office, / each carrying / a little bag and an umbrella.

    쌍둥이와 닙스, / 그리고 컬리를 사무실로 가는 날이면 언제든지 볼 수 있다, / 각각 작은 가방과 우산을 들고.

  4. ⦁ twins: 쌍둥이
    – The twins were identical. (그 쌍둥이들은 일란성 쌍둥이였다.)

    ⦁ carrying: 들고 있는
    – She is carrying a heavy box. (그녀는 무거운 상자를 들고 있다.)

  5. Michael is / an engine-driver.

    마이클은 기차 운전사다.

  6. ⦁ engine-driver: 엔진 운전사
    – The engine-driver operated the train smoothly. (엔진 운전사는 기차를 순조롭게 운전했다.)

    ⦁ Michael: 마이클
    – Michael is my friend. (마이클은 내 친구다.)

  7. Slightly / married a lady of title, / and so he became a lord.

    슬라이트리는 / 작위를 가진 숙녀와 결혼해서 / 귀족이 되었다.

  8. ⦁ married: 결혼했다
    – She married her high school sweetheart. (그녀는 고등학교 때 좋아하던 사람과 결혼했다.)

    ⦁ title: 작위
    – The king granted him a title. (왕은 그에게 작위를 수여했다.)

  9. You see / that judge in a wig / coming out at the iron door? / That used to be Tootles.

    너는 보이니? / 철문을 나오는 가발 쓴 판사? / 그 사람은 예전에 툴스였다.

  10. ⦁ judge: 판사
    – The judge made a fair decision. (판사는 공정한 결정을 내렸다.)

    ⦁ wig: 가발
    – She wore a blonde wig. (그녀는 금발 가발을 썼다.)

  11. The bearded man / who doesn’t know any story / to tell his children / was once John.

    자신의 아이들에게 / 할 이야기를 모르는 / 수염 난 남자는 / 한때 존이었다.

  12. ⦁ bearded: 수염이 있는
    – The bearded man was friendly. (수염 난 남자는 친절했다.)

    ⦁ story: 이야기
    – She made up a bedtime story. (그녀는 잠자리 이야기를 지어냈다.)

  13. Wendy was married / in white / with a pink sash.

    웬디는 / 흰색 드레스를 입고 / 분홍색 허리띠를 둘러 / 결혼했다.

  14. ⦁ married: 결혼했다
    – He married his college sweetheart. (그는 대학 시절 애인과 결혼했다.)

    ⦁ sash: 허리띠
    – She wore a green sash. (그녀는 초록색 허리띠를 맸다.)

  15. It is strange / to think that Peter / did not alight in the church / and forbid the banns.

    피터가 교회에 내려와 / 결혼을 방해하지 않았다고 생각하는 것은 이상하다.

  16. ⦁ strange: 이상한
    – It is strange that he is late. (그가 늦었다는 것은 이상하다.)

    ⦁ alight: 내리다
    – The passengers alighted from the bus. (승객들이 버스에서 내렸다.)

  17. Years rolled on again, / and Wendy had a daughter.

    세월이 다시 흐르고, / 웬디에게 딸이 생겼다.

  18. ⦁ rolled: 굴렀다
    – The ball rolled down the hill. (공이 언덕을 굴렀다.)

    ⦁ daughter: 딸
    – She has a beautiful daughter. (그녀는 아름다운 딸을 가지고 있다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)