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Peter Pan 017 – Chapter XVII.WHEN WENDY GREW UP – 013
Once a week Jane’s nurse had her evening off; and then it was Wendy’s part to put Jane to bed.That was the time for stories.It was Jane’s invention to raise the sheet over her mother’s head and her own, thus making a tent, and in the awful darkness to whisper:“What do we see now?”“I don’t think I see anything to-night,” says Wendy, with a feeling that if Nana were here she would object to further conversation.“Yes, you do,” says Jane, “you see when you were a little girl.”“That is a long time ago, sweetheart,” says Wendy.“Ah me, how time flies!”“Does it fly,” asks the artful child, “the way you flew when you were a little girl?”“The way I flew? Do you know, Jane, I sometimes wonder whether I ever did really fly.”“Yes, you did.”“The dear old days when I could fly!”“Why can’t you fly now, mother?”“Because I am grown up, dearest.When people grow up they forget the way.”“Why do they forget the way?”“Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless.It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly.”“What is gay and innocent and heartless? I do wish I were gay and innocent and heartless.”Or perhaps Wendy admits she does see something.“I do believe,” she says, “that it is this nursery.”“I do believe it is,” says Jane.“Go on.”They are now embarked on the great adventure of the night when Peter flew in looking for his shadow.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Once a week / Jane’s nurse / had her evening off; / and then / it was Wendy’s part / to put Jane to bed.
일주일에 한 번 / 제인의 간호사가 저녁을 쉬면, / 그때 제인을 재우는 것은 / 웬디의 몫이었습니다.
That was the time / for stories.
그것은 이야기의 시간이었습니다.
It was Jane’s invention / to raise the sheet / over her mother’s head / and her own, / thus making a tent, / and in the awful darkness / to whisper:
제인이 발명해낸 것은 / 시트를 들어 올리는 것이었습니다 / 엄마의 머리 위로 / 그리고 자기 머리 위로, / 이렇게 해서 텐트를 만드는 것이었습니다, / 그리고 그 끔찍한 어둠 속에서 / 소곤거리는 것이었습니다:
“What do we see now?”“I don’t think / I see anything to-night,” / says Wendy, / with a feeling / that if Nana / were here / she would object / to further conversation.
“지금 뭐가 보이나요?”“오늘밤은 아무것도 안 보이는 것 같아,” / 웬디가 말합니다, / 나나가 여기 있었다면 / 추가 대화에 반대했을 것이라는 / 느낌과 함께.
“Yes, you do,” / says Jane, / “you see / when you were / a little girl.”
“아니, 당신은 보고 있어요,” / 제인이 말합니다, / “당신이 어렸을 때를 보고 있어요.”
“That is / a long time ago, / sweetheart,” / says Wendy. / “Ah me, / how time flies!”
“Does it fly,” / asks the artful child, / “the way you flew / when you were / a little girl?”
“그것은 오래전 일이에요, / 사랑아,” / 웬디가 말합니다. / “아, / 시간이 정말 빨리 가는구나!”
“그것이 날아가나요,” / 교활한 아이가 묻습니다, / “당신이 날아갔던 / 그 방식으로요 / 당신이 어렸을 때?”
“The way I flew? / Do you know, Jane, / I sometimes wonder / whether I ever did / really fly.”“Yes, you did.”
“내가 날았던 방식? / 알지, 제인, / 나는 가끔 궁금해 / 내가 정말 / 날았던 적이 있는지.”“네, 있었어요.”
“The dear old days / when I could fly!”“Why can’t you fly now, / mother?”
“내가 날 수 있었던 / 사랑스런 옛날!”“왜 이제는 날 수 없어요, / 엄마?”
“Because / I am grown up, dearest. / When people grow up / they forget the way.”“Why do they forget the way?”
“왜냐하면 / 나는 자랐기 때문이야, 사랑아. / 사람들이 자라면 / 그 길을 잊어버린단다.”“왜 그 길을 잊어버리나요?”
“Because / they are no longer / gay and innocent / and heartless. / It is only / the gay and innocent / and heartless / who can fly.”“What is gay and innocent and heartless? / I do wish / I were gay and innocent and heartless.”
“왜냐하면 / 그들은 더 이상 / 즐겁고 순수하고 / 무자비하지 않기 때문이야. / 오직 / 즐겁고 순수하고 / 무자비한 사람들만이 / 날 수 있단다.”“즐겁고 순수하고 무자비한 것이 무엇인가요? / 나는 정말 / 즐겁고 순수하고 무자비한 사람이 되고 싶어요.”
Or perhaps / Wendy admits / she does see something.“I do believe,” / she says, / “that it is / this nursery.”
“I do believe / it is,” / says Jane. / “Go on.”
또는 아마도 / 웬디는 / 무언가를 보고 있다고 인정할지도 모릅니다.“나는 정말 믿어,” / 그녀는 말합니다, / “그것은 / 이 유치원이라고.”
“나는 정말 믿어 / 그래,” / 제인이 말합니다. / “계속해요.”
They are now / embarked on the great adventure / of the night / when Peter flew in / looking for his shadow.
이제 / 그들은 위대한 모험을 시작합니다 / 그 밤의 / 피터가 날아들어왔던 / 그의 그림자를 찾기 위해.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)