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003 – CHAPTER 3 – 007
“I am not surprised he doesn’t want to go home.Geppetto, no doubt, will beat him unmercifully, he is so mean and cruel!”“Geppetto looks like a good man,” added another, “but with boys he’s a real tyrant.If we leave that poor Marionette in his hands he may tear him to pieces!”They said so much that, finally, the Carabineer ended matters by setting Pinocchio at liberty and dragging Geppetto to prison.The poor old fellow did not know how to defend himself, but wept and wailed like a child and said between his sobs:“Ungrateful boy! To think I tried so hard to make you a well-behaved Marionette! I deserve it, however! I should have given the matter more thought.”What happened after this is an almost unbelievable story, but you may read it, dear children, in the chapters that follow..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
I am not surprised / he doesn’t want / to go home. / Geppetto, no doubt, / will beat him / unmercifully, / he is so mean / and cruel!
나는 그가 집에 가기 싫어하는 것이 놀랍지 않다. / 게페토는 의심할 여지없이 / 그를 무자비하게 / 때릴 것이다, / 그렇게 잔인하고 / 냉혹하니까!
Geppetto looks / like a good man, / added another, / but with boys / he’s a real tyrant. / If we leave / that poor Marionette / in his hands / he may tear him / to pieces!
게페토는 착한 사람처럼 / 보인다, / 다른 사람이 말했다, / 그러나 소년들에게는 / 진짜 폭군이다. / 우리가 그 가엾은 / 마리오네트를 / 그의 손에 / 맡기면 / 그는 그를 / 산산조각낼지도 모른다!
They said / so much / that, finally, / the Carabineer / ended matters / by setting Pinocchio / at liberty / and dragging Geppetto / to prison. / The poor old fellow / did not know / how to defend himself, / but wept and wailed / like a child / and said / between his sobs:
그들은 너무 많이 / 말해서, / 결국 / 카라비니어가 / 사건을 끝냈다 / 피노키오를 / 해방시키고 / 게페토를 / 감옥으로 끌고 가도록. / 그 가엾은 노인은 / 어떻게 자신을 변호해야 할지 / 몰랐다, / 그러나 아이처럼 / 울며 흐느끼며 / 말했다 / 그가 흐느끼는 사이에:
Ungrateful boy! / To think / I tried so hard / to make you / a well-behaved Marionette! / I deserve it, / however! / I should have / given the matter / more thought.
배은망덕한 아이! / 내가 너를 / 잘 행동하는 마리오네트로 / 만들기 위해 / 얼마나 힘썼는지 생각해봐! / 결국 나는 / 이것을 / 받을 자격이 있다! / 더 많이 / 생각해봤어야 했어.
What happened after this / is an almost unbelievable story, / but you may read it, / dear children, / in the chapters / that follow.
이후에 일어난 일은 / 거의 믿기 어려운 이야기지만, / 여러분은 읽을 수 있습니다. / 사랑하는 어린이 여러분, / 앞으로 나오는 / 장에서 / 읽을 수 있습니다.
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