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005 – CHAPTER 5 – 004
Pinocchio, for having saved me the trouble of breaking my shell! Good-by and good luck to you and remember me to the family!”With these words he spread out his wings and, darting to the open window, he flew away into space till he was out of sight.The poor Marionette stood as if turned to stone, with wide eyes, open mouth, and the empty halves of the egg-shell in his hands.When he came to himself, he began to cry and shriek at the top of his lungs, stamping his feet on the ground and wailing all the while:“The Talking Cricket was right! If I had not run away from home and if Father were here now, I should not be dying of hunger.Oh, how horrible it is to be hungry!”And as his stomach kept grumbling more than ever and he had nothing to quiet it with, he thought of going out for a walk to the near-by village, in the hope of finding some charitable person who might give him a bit of bread..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Pinocchio, / for having saved me / the trouble / of breaking / my shell! / Good-by / and good luck / to you / and remember me / to the family!”
피노키오, 내가 껍질을 깨는 수고를 덜어줘서 고마워! 잘 있어 그리고 행운을 빌어, 가족에게 안부 전해줘!”
With these words / he spread out his wings / and, darting to / the open window, / he flew away / into space / till he was / out of sight.
이 말을 하고 그는 날개를 펼치고, 열린 창문 쪽으로 돌진하며 우주로 날아가 더는 보이지 않을 때까지 멀어졌다.
The poor Marionette / stood / as if turned to stone, / with wide eyes, / open mouth, / and the empty halves / of the egg-shell in / his hands.
가엾은 마리오네트는 두 눈을 크게 뜨고, 입을 벌린 채, 양손에 빈 계란 껍질 반쪽을 들고 마치 돌로 변한 것처럼 서 있었다.
When he came / to himself, / he began to / cry and shriek / at the top / of his lungs, / stamping his feet / on the ground / and wailing / all the while:
정신이 들었을 때, 그는 크게 울부짖기 시작하며, 발을 땅에 구르고, 계속해서 비명을 질렀다:
“The Talking Cricket / was right! / If I had not / run away / from home / and if Father / were here now, / I should not / be dying of hunger.
“말하는 귀뚜라미가 옳았어! 내가 집에서 도망치지 않았다면, 아버지가 지금 여기 계셨다면, 나는 배고파 죽지 않았을 텐데.
Oh, / how horrible it is / to be hungry!”
오, 배고프다는 것이 얼마나 끔찍한 일인가!”
And as / his stomach / kept grumbling / more than ever / and he had / nothing to / quiet it with, / he thought of / going out / for a walk / to the near-by village, / in the hope of / finding some / charitable person / who might give him / a bit of bread.
그리고 그의 배는 더욱 크게 요동쳤고, 배를 고요하게 할 아무것도 없어서, 그는 근처 마을로 산책을 나가, 자신에게 빵을 줄 자비로운 사람을 찾아볼 생각을 했다.
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