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006 – CHAPTER 6 – 001
Pinocchio falls asleep with his feet on a foot warmer, and awakens the next day with his feet all burned off.Pinocchio hated the dark street, but he was so hungry that, in spite of it, he ran out of the house.The night was pitch black.It thundered, and bright flashes of lightning now and again shot across the sky, turning it into a sea of fire.An angry wind blew cold and raised dense clouds of dust, while the trees shook and moaned in a weird way.Pinocchio was greatly afraid of thunder and lightning, but the hunger he felt was far greater than his fear.In a dozen leaps and bounds, he came to the village, tired out, puffing like a whale, and with tongue hanging.The whole village was dark and deserted.The stores were closed, the doors, the windows.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Pinocchio falls asleep / with his feet / on a foot warmer, / and awakens / the next day / with his feet / all burned off.
피노키오는 발을 발난로에 올리고 잠이 들었다가 다음 날 발이 다 탔다.
Pinocchio hated / the dark street, / but he was / so hungry / that, in spite of it, / he ran out / of the house.
피노키오는 어두운 거리를 싫어했지만, 너무 배가 고파서 그럼에도 불구하고 집 밖으로 뛰어나갔다.
The night was / pitch black.
밤은 칠흑같이 어두웠다.
It thundered, / and bright flashes / of lightning / now and again / shot across the sky, / turning it / into a sea of fire.
천둥이 쳤고, 밝은 번개가 간헐적으로 하늘을 가로질러 치면서 하늘을 불바다로 만들었다.
An angry wind / blew cold / and raised dense clouds / of dust, / while the trees / shook and moaned / in a weird way.
화가 난 바람이 차갑게 불어와 짙은 먼지 구름을 일으켰고, 나무들은 이상한 소리를 내며 흔들렸다.
Pinocchio was / greatly afraid / of thunder and lightning, / but the hunger / he felt / was far greater / than his fear.
피노키오는 천둥과 번개를 몹시 두려워했지만, 그가 느낀 배고픔은 그의 공포보다 훨씬 컸다.
In a dozen leaps / and bounds, / he came / to the village, / tired out, / puffing like a whale, / and with tongue hanging.
열두 번 뛰고 나서 그는 마을에 도착했으며, 매우 피곤하고 고래처럼 헐떡였으며 혀가 밖으로 나와 있었다.
The whole village / was dark / and deserted. / The stores / were closed, / the doors, / the windows.
마을 전체가 어둡고 버려져 있었다. 가게들은 닫혀 있었고, 문과 창문도 모두 닫혀 있었다.
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