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006 – CHAPTER 6 – 002

In the streets, not even a dog could be seen.
It seemed the Village of the Dead.

Pinocchio, in desperation, ran up to a doorway, threw himself upon the bell, and pulled it wildly, saying to himself: “Someone will surely answer that!”

He was right.
An old man in a nightcap opened the window and looked out.
He called down angrily:

“What do you want at this hour of night?”

“Will you be good enough to give me a bit of bread? I am hungry.”

“Wait a minute and I’ll come right back,” answered the old fellow, thinking he had to deal with one of those boys who love to roam around at night ringing people’s bells while they are peacefully asleep.

After a minute or two, the same voice cried:

“Get under the window and hold out your hat!”

Pinocchio had no hat, but he managed to get under the window just in time to feel a shower of ice-cold water pour down on his poor wooden head, his shoulders, and over his whole body.

He returned home as wet as a rag, and tired out from weariness and hunger.

As he no longer had any strength left with which to stand, he sat down on a little stool and put his two feet on the stove to dry them.

There he fell asleep, and while he slept, his wooden feet began to burn.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. In the streets, / not even a dog / could be seen.

    거리에는 / 개조차 / 보이지 않았다.

    ⦁ dog: 개
    – The dog barked loudly. (개가 크게 짖었다.)

    ⦁ seen: 보이는
    – The bird was not seen in the sky. (그 새는 하늘에서 보이지 않았다.)

  2. It seemed the Village of the Dead.

    마치 죽은 자들의 마을 같았다.

    ⦁ seemed: ~처럼 보이다
    – It seemed like a good idea. (그것은 좋은 생각처럼 보였다.)

    ⦁ Village: 마을
    – The village is peaceful. (그 마을은 평화롭다.)

  3. Pinocchio, / in desperation, ran up / to a doorway, / threw himself / upon the bell, / and pulled it wildly, / saying / to himself: / “Someone will surely answer that!”

    피노키오는, / 절박하게도, / 문으로 달려가서, / 자신을 벨에 던지듯, / 격하게 당기며, / 자신에게 말했다: / “누군가는 분명히 대답할 거야!”

    ⦁ desperation: 절망감
    – She screamed in desperation. (그녀는 절망 속에서 비명을 질렀다.)

    ⦁ wildly: 격하게
    – The wind blew wildly. (바람이 격하게 불었다.)

  4. He was right.

    그가 맞았다.

    An old man / in a nightcap / opened the window / and looked out.

    잠옷을 입은 나이 든 남자가 / 창문을 열고 / 밖을 내다보았다.

    He called down / angrily:

    그는 화나서 / 아래로 소리쳤다:

    ⦁ old: 나이 든
    – The old man walked slowly. (노인은 천천히 걸었다.)

    ⦁ nightcap: 잠옷 모자
    – The nightcap kept him warm. (잠옷 모자는 그를 따뜻하게 해주었다.)

  5. “What do you want / at this hour / of night?”

    “이 밤중에 / 무슨 일을 / 원하십니까?”

    “Will you be good enough / to give me / a bit of bread? / I am hungry.”

    “좋으시면 / 저에게 / 빵 한 조각만 주실 수 있나요? / 배가 고픕니다.”

    ⦁ hour: 시간
    – It’s the final hour of the day. (오늘의 마지막 시간이다.)

    ⦁ bread: 빵
    – She baked fresh bread. (그녀는 신선한 빵을 구웠다.)

  6. “Wait a minute / and I’ll come / right back,” / answered the old fellow, / thinking he had to deal / with one of those boys / who love to roam around / at night / ringing people’s bells / while they are peacefully asleep.

    “잠시만 기다리세요 / 제가 돌아올게요,” / 나이 든 남자는 대답했다, / 그가 생각하기에 / 장난치는 아이들 중 하나라고 / 여겼다. / 밤중에 돌아다니며 / 사람들의 벨을 울리는 / 그날처럼 / 사람들이 평화롭게 잘 때.

    ⦁ deal: 다루다
    – She had to deal with many issues. (그녀는 많은 문제를 다루어야 했다.)

    ⦁ roam: 돌아다니다
    – The cattle roam freely. (소들은 자유롭게 돌아다닌다.)

  7. After a minute / or two, / the same voice cried:

    1, 2분 후, / 같은 목소리가 소리쳤다:

    “Get under the window / and hold out / your hat!”

    “창문 아래로 / 내려가서 / 모자를 내밀어!”

    ⦁ cried: 외치다
    – The child cried loudly. (아이가 크게 외쳤다.)

    ⦁ hold: 잡다
    – He held her hand. (그는 그녀의 손을 잡았다.)

  8. Pinocchio / had no hat, / but he managed to get / under the window / just in time / to feel a shower / of ice-cold water / pour down / on his poor wooden head, / his shoulders, / and over his whole body.

    피노키오는 / 모자가 없었지만, / 간신히 창문 아래로 갔다가 / 제 시간에 / 얼음처럼 차가운 물이 / 그의 가난한 나무 머리 위로 / 쏟아지는 걸 느꼈다. / 그의 어깨와 온몸에.

    ⦁ managed: 간신히 하다
    – She managed to finish her work. (그녀는 간신히 일을 끝마쳤다.)

    ⦁ pour: 붓다
    – She poured the milk. (그녀는 우유를 부었다.)

  9. He returned home / as wet as a rag, / and tired out / from weariness / and hunger.

    그는 집으로 돌아갔다 / 젖은 나뭇잎처럼, / 피곤함과 / 배고픔에 지쳐서

    ⦁ wet: 젖은
    – The clothes were wet. (옷이 젖었다.)

    ⦁ weariness: 피로
    – He felt weariness after work. (그는 일 후에 피로를 느꼈다.)

  10. As he no longer had any strength / left with which to stand, / he sat down / on a little stool / and put his two feet / on the stove / to dry them.

    그는 더 이상 어떤 힘도 남지 않아서, / 일어서기가 힘들어서 / 작은 의자에 앉았다 / 그의 두 발을 / 스토브 위에 놓고 / 말리려 했다.

    ⦁ strength: 힘
    – She gathered her strength. (그녀는 힘을 모았다.)

    ⦁ stove: 스토브
    – The stove kept the room warm. (스토브는 방을 따뜻하게 해줬다.)

  11. There he fell asleep, / and while he slept, / his wooden feet / began to burn.

    거기서 그는 잠이 들었고, / 자는 동안 / 그의 나무 발이 / 타기 시작했다.

    ⦁ fell asleep: 잠이 들다
    – She fell asleep quickly. (그녀는 빨리 잠들었다.)

    ⦁ burn: 타다
    – The fire burns brightly. (불이 밝게 탄다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)