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010 – CHAPTER 10 – 003
It was a heart-rending spectacle, but the audience, seeing that the play had stopped, became angry and began to yell:“The play, the play, we want the play!”The yelling was of no use, for the Marionettes, instead of going on with their act, made twice as much racket as before, and, lifting up Pinocchio on their shoulders, carried him around the stage in triumph.At that very moment, the Director came out of his room.He had such a fearful appearance that one look at him would fill you with horror.His beard was as black as pitch, and so long that it reached from his chin down to his feet.His mouth was as wide as an oven, his teeth like yellow fangs, and his eyes, two glowing red coals.In his huge, hairy hands, a long whip, made of green snakes and black cats’ tails twisted together, swished through the air in a dangerous way.At the unexpected apparition, no one dared even to breathe.One could almost hear a fly go by.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was / a heart-rending / spectacle, / but / the audience, / seeing that / the play / had stopped, / became angry / and / began to yell:
그것은 가슴 아픈 광경이었다, 하지만 관객들은 공연이 멈춘 것을 보고 화가 나서 소리를 지르기 시작했다:
⦁ audience: 관객 – The audience applauded loudly. (관객들이 크게 박수를 쳤다.) ⦁ spectacle: 광경 – The fireworks were a spectacular spectacle. (불꽃놀이가 매우 멋진 광경이었다.) -
“The play, / the play, / we want / the play!”
“공연, 공연, 공연을 원해요!”
⦁ want: 원하다 – I want some ice cream. (나는 아이스크림을 원해.) ⦁ play: 공연 – The school play was a success. (학교 연극은 성공적이었다.) -
The yelling / was of / no use, / for / the Marionettes, / instead of / going on / with their act, / made twice / as much / racket as before, / and, lifting up / Pinocchio / on their shoulders, / carried him / around the stage / in triumph.
소란을 피우는 것은 아무 소용이 없었다. 인형들은 공연을 계속하는 대신, 이전보다 두 배나 더 큰 소란을 피우며, 피노키오를 안아 무대 주위를 승리감에 차서 데리고 다녔다.
⦁ act: 행위 – He performed a brave act. (그는 용감한 행위를 했다.) ⦁ triumph: 승리 – The team celebrated their triumph. (팀은 승리를 축하했다.) -
At that very moment, / the Director / came out / of his room.
바로 그 순간, 감독이 그의 방에서 나왔다.
He had / such a fearful / appearance / that one look / at him / would fill you / with horror.
그는 너무나도 무서운 외모를 가지고 있어서, 한 번만 봐도 공포에 질리게 만들었다.
⦁ appearance: 외모 – His appearance was very intimidating. (그의 외모는 매우 위압적이었다.) ⦁ horror: 공포 – The horror movie scared me. (그 공포 영화가 나를 놀라게 했다.) -
His beard / was as black / as pitch, / and so long / that it reached / from his chin / down to his feet.
그의 수염은 검은 아스팔트처럼 검고, 그의 턱 아래에서 발까지 닿을 정도로 길었다.
⦁ beard: 수염 – He has a long beard. (그는 긴 수염을 가지고 있다.) ⦁ pitch: 아스팔트 – The road is covered in pitch. (도로는 아스팔트로 덮여 있다.) -
His mouth / was as wide / as an oven, / his teeth / like yellow fangs, / and his eyes, / two glowing / red coals.
그의 입은 오븐만큼 넓고, 그의 이빨은 노랗게 빛나는 송곳니 같았으며, 그의 눈은 두 개의 빨간 석탄처럼 빛났다.
⦁ oven: 오븐 – The cake was baking in the oven. (케이크가 오븐에서 구워지고 있었다.) ⦁ fangs: 송곳니 – The vampire had sharp fangs. (그 뱀파이어는 날카로운 송곳니를 가지고 있었다.) -
In his huge, / hairy hands, / a long whip, / made of green snakes / and black cats’ tails / twisted together, / swished / through the air / in a dangerous way.
거대한 털이 많은 손에, 초록색 뱀과 검은 고양이의 꼬리를 엮어서 만든 긴 채찍이 공중에서 위험하게 휙 소리를 냈다.
⦁ whip: 채찍 – The lion tamer used a whip. (사자 조련사가 채찍을 사용했다.) ⦁ dangerous: 위험한 – It’s dangerous to swim here. (여기서 수영하는 것은 위험해요.) -
At the unexpected / apparition, / no one dared / even to breathe.
예상치 못한 환영에, 아무도 감히 숨조차 쉴 수 없었다.
One could / almost hear / a fly / go by.
파리가 지나가는 소리조차 들릴 정도였다.
⦁ apparition: 환영 – The ghostly apparition startled everyone. (유령 같은 모습이 모두를 놀라게 했다.) ⦁ breathe: 숨쉬다 – It was hard to breathe in the smoke. (연기 속에서 숨쉬기 어려웠다.)
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