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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

010 – CHAPTER 10 – 004

Those poor Marionettes, one and all, trembled like leaves in a storm.

“Why have you brought such excitement into my theater;” the huge fellow asked Pinocchio with the voice of an ogre suffering with a cold.

“Believe me, your Honor, the fault was not mine.”

“Enough! Be quiet! I’ll take care of you later.”

As soon as the play was over, the Director went to the kitchen, where a fine big lamb was slowly turning on the spit.
More wood was needed to finish cooking it.
He called Harlequin and Pulcinella and said to them:

“Bring that Marionette to me! He looks as if he were made of well-seasoned wood.
He’ll make a fine fire for this spit.”

Harlequin and Pulcinella hesitated a bit.
Then, frightened by a look from their master, they left the kitchen to obey him.
A few minutes later they returned, carrying poor Pinocchio, who was wriggling and squirming like an eel and crying pitifully:

“Father, save me! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!”


❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Those poor Marionettes, one and all, / trembled like leaves / in a storm.

    불쌍한 꼭두각시들은 모두 폭풍 속의 나뭇잎처럼 떨었습니다.

  2. ⦁ trembled: 떨었다
    – The puppy trembled with cold. (강아지는 추위로 떨었다.)

    ⦁ storm: 폭풍
    – The ship was caught in a violent storm. (그 배는 강한 폭풍에 휘말렸다.)

  3. “Why have you brought / such excitement / into my theater;” / the huge fellow asked Pinocchio / with the voice of / an ogre suffering with a cold.

    “왜 극장에 이렇게 큰 소동을 일으켰나?” 커다란 인물은 감기에 걸린 괴물 같은 목소리로 피노키오에게 물었습니다.

  4. ⦁ excitement: 흥분
    – The news caused a lot of excitement. (그 소식은 많은 흥분을 자아냈습니다.)

    ⦁ ogre: 괴물
    – The story features an ogre who eats children. (그 이야기는 아이들을 먹는 괴물을 특징으로 합니다.)

  5. “Believe me, / your Honor, / the fault was not mine.”

    “정말입니다, 존경하는 분, 제 잘못이 아닙니다.”

  6. ⦁ fault: 잘못
    – It wasn’t my fault the vase broke. (그 꽃병이 깨진 것은 내 잘못이 아니었다.)

    ⦁ believe: 믿다
    – Do you believe in ghosts? (당신은 유령을 믿습니까?)

  7. “Enough! / Be quiet! / I’ll take care of you / later.”

    “됐어! 조용히 해! 나중에 너를 처리하마.”

  8. ⦁ quiet: 조용한
    – The library is a quiet place to study. (도서관은 공부하기 조용한 장소이다.)

    ⦁ take care of: 처리하다
    – I’ll take care of the arrangements. (내가 준비를 처리할게.)

  9. As soon as the play was over, / the Director went to the kitchen, / where a fine big lamb was slowly turning / on the spit.
    More wood was needed / to finish cooking it.

    연극이 끝나자마자, 감독은 부엌으로 갔고, 거기서는 큰 양이 천천히 불에 구워지고 있었습니다. 요리를 완료하려면 더 많은 나무가 필요했습니다.

  10. ⦁ director: 감독
    – The film’s director is very famous. (그 영화의 감독은 매우 유명합니다.)

    ⦁ wood: 나무
    – They collected wood for the fire. (그들은 불을 지피기 위해 나무를 모았다.)

  11. He called Harlequin and Pulcinella / and said to them: / “Bring that Marionette to me! / He looks as if / he were made of well-seasoned wood. / He’ll make a fine fire for this spit.”

    그는 할리퀸과 풀치넬라를 불러 이렇게 말했다: “저 꼭두각시를 데려와! 그가 잘 건조된 나무로 만들어진 것 같구나. 이 꼬치구이에 좋은 불이 될 거야.”

  12. ⦁ well-seasoned: 잘 건조된
    – This plank is well-seasoned and sturdy. (이 널빤지는 잘 건조되어 튼튼하다.)

    ⦁ fine: 훌륭한
    – She wore a fine dress to the party. (그녀는 파티에 훌륭한 드레스를 입었다.)

  13. Harlequin and Pulcinella hesitated a bit. / Then, frightened by a look from their master, / they left the kitchen / to obey him.

    할리퀸과 풀치넬라는 조금 망설였습니다. 그러다 주인의 눈길에 겁을 먹고 부엌을 떠나 그에게 복종하기로 했습니다.

  14. ⦁ hesitated: 망설였다
    – She hesitated before answering the question. (그녀는 질문에 대답하기 전에 망설였습니다.)

    ⦁ frightened: 겁먹은
    – The loud noise frightened the cat. (큰 소리가 고양이를 겁주었다.)

  15. A few minutes later / they returned, / carrying poor Pinocchio, / who was wriggling and squirming like an eel / and crying pitifully: / “Father, save me! / I don’t want to die! / I don’t want to die!”

    몇 분 뒤, 그들은 불쌍한 피노키오를 데리고 돌아왔습니다. 그는 장어처럼 꿈틀거리고 있었고 애처롭게 외쳤습니다: “아버지, 저를 구해 주세요! 죽고 싶지 않아요! 죽고 싶지 않아요!”

  16. ⦁ wriggling: 꿈틀거리는
    – The worm was wriggling on the ground. (지렁이가 땅에서 꿈틀거리고 있었다.)

    ⦁ pitifully: 애처롭게
    – The child cried pitifully for her lost toy. (그 아이는 잃어버린 장난감을 애처롭게 울었습니다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)