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011 – CHAPTER 11 – 001

Fire Eater sneezes and forgives Pinocchio, who saves his friend, Harlequin, from death.

In the theater, great excitement reigned.

Fire Eater (this was really his name) was very ugly, but he was far from being as bad as he looked.
Proof of this is that, when he saw the poor Marionette being brought in to him, struggling with fear and crying, “I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” he felt sorry for him and began first to waver and then to weaken.
Finally, he could control himself no longer and gave a loud sneeze.

At that sneeze, Harlequin, who until then had been as sad as a weeping willow, smiled happily and leaning toward the Marionette, whispered to him:

“Good news, brother mine! Fire Eater has sneezed and this is a sign that he feels sorry for you.
You are saved!”

For be it known, that, while other people, when sad and sorrowful, weep and wipe their eyes, Fire Eater, on the other hand, had the strange habit of sneezing each time he felt unhappy.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Fire Eater / sneezes / and forgives Pinocchio, / who saves his friend, / Harlequin, / from death.

    불을 먹는 이가 / 재채기를 하며 / 피노키오를 용서하자, / 피노키오가 친구 / 하이롤퀸 / 의 죽음을 구해낸다.

  2. ⦁ forgive: 용서하다
    – She decided to forgive him. (그녀는 그를 용서하기로 결심했다.)

    ⦁ sneeze: 재채기하다
    – He sneezed loudly during the meeting. (그는 회의 중에 크게 재채기했다.)

  3. In the theater, / great excitement reigned.

    극장 안에는 / 큰 흥분이 가득했다.

  4. ⦁ excitement: 흥분
    – The news brought great excitement. (그 소식은 큰 흥분을 불러왔다.)

    ⦁ theater: 극장
    – They went to the theater to watch a play. (그들은 연극을 보기 위해 극장에 갔다.)

  5. Fire Eater / (this was really his name) / was very ugly, / but he was far from being / as bad as he looked.

    불을 먹는 이는 / (이것이 그의 진짜 이름이었다) / 매우 못생겼지만, / 그는 외모처럼 / 나쁘진 않았다.

  6. ⦁ ugly: 못생긴
    – The monster in the story was very ugly. (이야기 속 괴물은 매우 못생겼다.)

    ⦁ far: 멀리
    – The island is far from the coast. (그 섬은 해안에서 멀리 떨어져 있다.)

  7. Proof of this / is that, / when he saw / the poor Marionette being brought in to him, / struggling with fear / and crying, / “I don’t want to die! / I don’t want to die!” / he felt sorry for him / and began first to waver / and then to weaken.

    이것을 증명하는 것은 / 그가 봤을 때 / 불쌍한 꼭두각시가 그에게 끌려오며 / 두려움에 떨고 / 울면서 / “죽기 싫어요! / 죽기 싫어요!”라고 외칠 때 / 그는 그에게 연민을 느끼고 / 우선 망설이기 시작했으며 / 그다음 약해지기 시작했다는 것이다.

  8. ⦁ proof: 증거
    – We have enough proof to confirm it. (우리는 그것을 확인할 충분한 증거가 있다.)

    ⦁ weaken: 약해지다
    – The storm finally began to weaken. (폭풍이 마침내 약해지기 시작했다.)

  9. Finally, / he could control himself / no longer / and gave / a loud sneeze.

    마침내, / 그는 자제할 수 없어 / 그리고 큰 / 재채기를 했다.

  10. ⦁ control: 제어하다
    – She struggled to control her emotions. (그녀는 감정을 제어하려 애썼다.)

    ⦁ loud: 시끄러운
    – The music was too loud. (음악이 너무 시끄러웠다.)

  11. At that sneeze, / Harlequin, / who until then / had been as sad as a weeping willow, / smiled happily / and leaning toward the Marionette, / whispered to him:

    그 재채기 소리에, / 하이롤퀸은 / 그때까지 / 슬픈 버드나무처럼 슬픔에 잠겨 있다가 / 행복하게 미소 지으며 / 꼭두각시에게 몸을 기울이며 / 속삭였다:

  12. “Good news, / brother mine! / Fire Eater has sneezed / and this is a sign / that he feels sorry for you. / You are saved!”

    “좋은 소식이야, / 내 형제여! / 불을 먹는 이가 재채기를 했어 / 그리고 이는 / 그가 너를 가엾게 여긴다는 뜻이야. / 네가 구원받았어!”

  13. ⦁ smile: 미소짓다
    – She smiled warmly at him. (그녀는 그에게 따뜻하게 웃어주었다.)

    ⦁ lean: 기대다
    – He leaned against the wall. (그는 벽에 기대었다.)

  14. For be it known, / that, while other people, / when sad and sorrowful, / weep and wipe their eyes, / Fire Eater, / on the other hand, / had the strange habit of sneezing / each time he felt unhappy.

    알아두길, / 다른 사람들이 / 슬프고 비통할 때 / 울고 눈물을 닦는 반면 / 불을 먹는 이는 / 반대로, / 그가 슬플 때마다 / 재채기하는 이상한 습관을 가지고 있었다.

  15. ⦁ habit: 습관
    – She has a habit of reading before bed. (그녀는 자기 전에 책을 읽는 습관이 있다.)

    ⦁ strange: 이상한
    – That was a strange noise. (그것은 이상한 소음이었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)