❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
011 – CHAPTER 11 – 003
“God bless you!” said Pinocchio.“Thanks! However, I ought to be sorry for myself, too, just now.My good dinner is spoiled.I have no more wood for the fire, and the lamb is only half cooked.Never mind! In your place I’ll burn some other Marionette.Hey there! Officers!”At the call, two wooden officers appeared, long and thin as a yard of rope, with queer hats on their heads and swords in their hands.Fire Eater yelled at them in a hoarse voice:“Take Harlequin, tie him, and throw him on the fire.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
God bless you!
신의 축복을 빕니다!
Thanks! However, / I ought to be sorry for myself, too, / just now.
고마워요! 하지만, / 지금 당장 / 나 역시 나 자신에게 미안해야 할 것 같아요.
My good dinner is spoiled. / I have no more wood for the fire, / and the lamb is only half cooked.
내 맛있는 저녁이 망쳤어요. / 불에 탈 나무도 더 이상 없고, / 양고기는 반쯤만 익었어요.
Never mind! / In your place I’ll burn some other Marionette.
괜찮아요! / 당신 대신에 다른 마리오네트를 태울게요.
Hey there! / Officers!
이봐요! / 경찰들!
At the call, / two wooden officers appeared, / long and thin as a yard of rope, / with queer hats on their heads / and swords in their hands.
그 부름에 따라, / 나무 경찰 둘이 나타났어요, / 밧줄 길이만큼 길고 얇으며, / 그들의 머리에는 이상한 모자를 쓰고 / 손에는 칼을 들고 있었어요.
Fire Eater yelled at them / in a hoarse voice:
파이어 이터가 / 쉰 목소리로 그들에게 소리쳤어요:
Take Harlequin, / tie him, / and throw him on the fire.
할리퀸을 잡아서, / 그를 묶어, / 불에 던져버려라.
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