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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

011 – CHAPTER 11 – 004

I want my lamb well done!”

Think how poor Harlequin felt! He was so scared that his legs doubled up under him and he fell to the floor.

Pinocchio, at that heartbreaking sight, threw himself at the feet of Fire Eater and, weeping bitterly, asked in a pitiful voice which could scarcely be heard:

“Have pity, I beg of you, signore!”

“There are no signori here!”

“Have pity, kind sir!”

“There are no sirs here!”

“Have pity, your Excellency!”

On hearing himself addressed as your Excellency, the Director of the Marionette Theater sat up very straight in his chair, stroked his long beard, and becoming suddenly kind and compassionate, smiled proudly as he said to Pinocchio:

“Well, what do you want from me now, Marionette?”

“I beg for mercy for my poor friend, Harlequin, who has never done the least harm in his life.”

“There is no mercy here, Pinocchio.
I have spared you.
Harlequin must burn in your place.
I am hungry and my dinner must be cooked.”

“In that case,” said Pinocchio proudly, as he stood up and flung away his cap of dough, “in that case, my duty is clear.
Come, officers! Tie me up and throw me on those flames.
No, it is not fair for poor Harlequin, the best friend that I have in the world, to die in my place!”

These brave words, said in a piercing voice, made all the other Marionettes cry.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “I want my lamb / well done!”

    “저는 제 양고기를 완전히 익혀주세요!”

  2. ⦁ lamb: 양고기
    – He enjoys eating lamb. (그는 양고기를 먹는 것을 즐깁니다.)

    ⦁ well done: 완전히 익힌
    – The steak was cooked well done. (스테이크가 완전히 익혀졌어요.)

  3. Think how poor Harlequin felt! / He was so scared / that his legs / doubled up under him / and he fell to the floor.

    불쌍한 Harlequin이 얼마나 무서웠을지 생각해 보세요! 그는 너무 무서워서 다리가 겹쳐지며 바닥에 쓰러졌어요.

  4. ⦁ scared: 무서워하는
    – The movie made him very scared. (그 영화는 그를 매우 무섭게 만들었어요.)

    ⦁ doubled: 두 배의
    – He doubled his efforts. (그는 노력을 두 배로 늘렸어요.)

  5. Pinocchio, / at that heartbreaking sight, / threw himself / at the feet /of Fire Eater / and, / weeping bitterly, / asked / in a pitiful voice / which could scarcely be heard:

    Pinocchio는 그 가슴 아픈 장면을 보고 Fire Eater의 발밑에 몸을 던지며, 쓸쓸히 울면서 거의 들리지 않는 가엾은 목소리로 물었어요:

  6. ⦁ heartbreaking: 가슴 아픈
    – It was a heartbreaking story. (그것은 가슴 아픈 이야기였어요.)

    ⦁ scarcely: 거의 ~않다
    – I could scarcely believe it. (나는 그것을 거의 믿을 수 없었어요.)

  7. “Have pity, /I beg of you, signore!”
    “There are no signori here!” / “Have pity, /kind sir!”
    “There are no sirs here!”

    “자비를 베풀어 주세요, 간청합니다, 신사님!”
    “여기 신사들은 없습니다!”
    “자비를 베풀어 주세요, 친절한 분!”

  8. ⦁ pity: 자비
    – Show some pity. (자비를 보여주세요.)

    ⦁ beg: 간청하다
    – I beg you to stay. (난 네가 머물러주길 간청해요.)

  9. “There are no sirs here!” / “Have pity, / your Excellency!”
    On hearing himself addressed / as your Excellency, / the Director of the Marionette Theater / sat up very straight / in his chair, / stroked his long beard, / and becoming suddenly kind and compassionate, / smiled proudly / as he said to Pinocchio:

    여기 신사들은 없습니다!” / “자비를 베풀어 주세요, 각하!”
    자신을 각하라고 부르는 소리를 듣고, 인형극장의 감독은 의자에 아주 똑바로 앉아서 긴 수염을 쓰다듬으며 갑자기 친절하고 동정심 많은 모습으로 자랑스레 미소 지으며 Pinocchio에게 말했어요:

  10. ⦁ Excellency: 각하
    – Good morning, Your Excellency. (안녕하세요, 각하.)

    ⦁ director: 감독
    – She is the director of the movie. (그녀가 그 영화의 감독이에요.)

  11. “Well, / what do you want from me now, Marionette?”
    “I beg for mercy / for my poor friend, Harlequin, / who has never done the least harm / in his life.”

    “그럼, /지금 나에게 무엇을 원하느냐, 인형아?”
    “저는 한 번도 해를 끼치지 않은 불쌍한 제 친구 Harlequin에게 자비를 구합니다.”

  12. ⦁ mercy: 자비
    – They showed no mercy. (그들은 자비를 보이지 않았어요.)

    ⦁ least: 가장 적은 (미약한)
    – He has the least chance of winning. (그는 이길 가능성이 가장 적어요.)

  13. “There is no mercy here, Pinocchio. / I have spared you. / Harlequin must burn in your place. / I am hungry / and my dinner must be cooked.”

    “여기엔 자비가 없습니다, Pinocchio. / 나는 너를 살려주었다. / Harlequin이 너 대신 타야 한다. / 나는 배가 고프고 / 내 저녁을 요리해야 한다.”

  14. ⦁ spared: 살려주다
    – He spared the captured animals. (그는 잡힌 동물들을 살려주었다.)

    ⦁ cooked: 요리된
    – The fish was cooked perfectly. (생선은 완벽하게 요리되었다.)

  15. “In that case,” / said Pinocchio proudly, / as he stood up / and flung away his cap of dough, / “in that case, / my duty is clear. / Come, officers! / Tie me up / and throw me / on those flames.”
    “No, / it is not fair / for poor Harlequin, / the best friend that I have in the world, / to die in my place!”

    “그렇다면,” / Pinocchio는 자랑스럽게 말하며, / 일어서서 / 그의 반죽 모자를 던져 버리며 / “그렇다면, / 내 의무는 명확하다. / 자, 경관들! / 나를 묶고 / 나를 불 속에 던져라.”
    “안 돼, / 불쌍한 Harlequin이 / 내 대신 / 죽는 것은 / 공평하지 않아! / 그는 세상에서 내가 가진 가장 좋은 친구야.”

  16. ⦁ duty: 의무
    – It is my duty to help you. (너를 돕는 것이 내 의무야.)

    ⦁ officers: 경관들
    – The officers arrested the thief. (경관들은 도둑을 체포했다.)

  17. These brave words, / said in a piercing voice, / made all the other Marionettes cry.

    이 용감한 말들이, / 날카로운 목소리로 말해지자, / 나머지 모든 인형들이 울게 만들었어요.

  18. ⦁ piercing: 날카로운
    – She has a piercing gaze. (그녀는 날카로운 시선을 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ cry: 울다
    – The baby began to cry. (아기가 울기 시작했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)