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011 – CHAPTER 11 – 005
Even the officers, who were made of wood also, cried like two babies.Fire Eater at first remained hard and cold as a piece of ice; but then, little by little, he softened and began to sneeze.And after four or five sneezes, he opened wide his arms and said to Pinocchio:“You are a brave boy! Come to my arms and kiss me!”Pinocchio ran to him and scurrying like a squirrel up the long black beard, he gave Fire Eater a loving kiss on the tip of his nose.“Has pardon been granted to me?” asked poor Harlequin with a voice that was hardly a breath.“Pardon is yours!” answered Fire Eater; and sighing and wagging his head, he added: “Well, tonight I shall have to eat my lamb only half cooked, but beware the next time, Marionettes.”At the news that pardon had been given, the Marionettes ran to the stage and, turning on all the lights, they danced and sang till dawn..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Even the officers, /who were made of wood /also, /cried like two babies.
심지어 나무로 만들어진 장교들마저, 두 아기처럼 울었다.
⦁ officers: 장교들 – The officers are well-trained. (장교들은 잘 훈련되어 있다.) ⦁ cried: 울었다 – She cried all night. (그녀는 밤새 울었다.) -
Fire Eater /at first /remained hard /and cold /as a piece of ice; /but then, /little by little, /he softened /and began to sneeze.
파이어 이터는 처음에는 얼음 조각처럼 딱딱하고 차가웠다. 하지만, 조금씩 조금씩, 그는 부드러워지기 시작했고, 재채기를 하기 시작했다.
⦁ remain: 유지하다 – She remained calm. (그녀는 침착함을 유지했다.) ⦁ sneeze: 재채기하다 – He sneezed loudly. (그는 크게 재채기했다.) -
And after four or five sneezes, /he opened wide his arms /and said to Pinocchio:
“You are a brave boy! /Come to my arms /and kiss me!”
네다섯 번의 재채기 후, 그는 팔을 넓게 벌리며 피노키오에게 말했다: “너는 용감한 소년이야! 내 품에 와서 키스해줘!”
⦁ brave: 용감한 – He was a brave hero. (그는 용감한 영웅이었다.) ⦁ arms: 팔 – She hugged him with open arms. (그녀는 팔을 넓게 벌려 그를 안았다.) -
Pinocchio ran to him /and scurrying like a squirrel /up the long black beard, /he gave Fire Eater /a loving kiss /on the tip of his nose.
피노키오는 그에게 달려갔고, 다람쥐처럼 길고 검은 수염을 타고 올라가서, 파이어 이터의 코 끝에 사랑스러운 키스를 했다.
⦁ scurry: 종종걸음을 치다 – The mouse scurried away. (쥐가 종종걸음으로 도망갔다.) ⦁ tip: 끝 – The tip of the pen is broken. (펜의 끝이 부러졌다.) -
“Has pardon been granted to me?” /asked poor Harlequin /with a voice that was hardly a breath.
“Pardon is yours!” /answered Fire Eater; /and sighing and wagging /his head, /he added: /“Well, tonight I shall have to eat /my lamb only half cooked, /but beware the next time, /Marionettes.”
“나에게 사면이 내려졌나요?”라고 거의 숨결 같은 목소리로 가련한 하렐퀸이 물었다. “사면이 내려졌소!”라고 파이어 이터가 대답했다. 그는 한숨을 쉬고 고개를 흔들며 덧붙였다: “음, 오늘 밤은 내 어린 양을 반쯤 익혀 먹어야겠어, 하지만 다음 번에는 조심해, 마리오네트들.”
⦁ pardon: 사면 – He received a pardon. (그는 사면을 받았다.) ⦁ beware: 조심하다 – Beware of the dog. (개를 조심해라.) -
At the news that pardon had been given, /the Marionettes ran to the stage /and, turning on all the lights, /they danced and sang till dawn.
사면이 내려졌다는 소식을 듣고, 마리오네트들은 무대로 달려가 모든 조명을 켜고, 새벽까지 춤추고 노래했다.
⦁ stage: 무대 – She performed on stage. (그녀는 무대에서 공연했다.) ⦁ dawn: 새벽 – They worked until dawn. (그들은 새벽까지 일했다.)
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