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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

012 – CHAPTER 12 – 001

Fire Eater gives Pinocchio five gold pieces for his father, Geppetto; but the Marionette meets a Fox and a Cat and follows them.

The next day Fire Eater called Pinocchio aside and asked him:

“What is your father’s name?”


“And what is his trade?”

“He’s a wood carver.”

“Does he earn much?”

“He earns so much that he never has a penny in his pockets.
Just think that, in order to buy me an A-B-C book for school, he had to sell the only coat he owned, a coat so full of darns and patches that it was a pity.”

“Poor fellow! I feel sorry for him.
Here, take these five gold pieces.
Go, give them to him with my kindest regards.”

Pinocchio, as may easily be imagined, thanked him a thousand times.
He kissed each Marionette in turn, even the officers, and, beside himself with joy, set out on his homeward journey.

He had gone barely half a mile when he met a lame Fox and a blind Cat, walking together like two good friends.
The lame Fox leaned on the Cat, and the blind Cat let the Fox lead him along.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The next day Fire Eater / called Pinocchio / aside / and asked him:

    다음 날 불을 먹는 사람이 피노키오를 따로 불러 물었다:

  2. ⦁ called: 불렀다
    – She called me last night. (그녀가 어젯밤 나를 불렀다.)

    ⦁ aside: 옆에
    – He pulled her aside for a private talk. (그는 그녀를 따로 불러내어 사적인 대화를 나눴다.)

  3. “What is your father’s name?”

    “네 아버지의 이름은 무엇이니?”

  4. “Geppetto.”


  5. “And what / is his trade?”

    “그럼 / 그의 직업은 무엇이니?”

  6. ⦁ trade: 직업
    – His trade is in textiles. (그의 직업은 섬유 산업에 있다.)

    ⦁ name: 이름
    – Can you tell me your name? (네 이름을 말해줄 수 있니?)

  7. “He’s / a wood carver.”

    “그는 / 목공예가예요.”

  8. “Does he earn much?”

    “그는 돈을 많이 버니?”

  9. “He earns / so much / that he never has / a penny / in his pockets. / Just think that, / in order / to buy me / an A-B-C book / for school, / he had to sell / the only coat he owned, / a coat / so full of darns / and patches / that it was a pity.”

    “그는 / 그렇게 많이 벌지만 / 주머니에 / 한푼도 없어요. / 믿지 못하시겠지만, / 저에게 / 학교에서 쓸 / ABC 책을 사주시려고 / 그는 가지고 있던 유일한 / 외투를 팔아야 했어요, / 그 외투는 / 헝겊 조각으로 가득하고 / 패치가 너무 많아서 / 안됐을 정도였어요.”

  10. ⦁ earn: 벌다
    – How much money do you earn? (당신은 얼마를 벌고 있나요?)

    ⦁ coat: 외투
    – Do you like my new coat? (내 새 외투 어때?)

  11. “Poor fellow! / I feel sorry for him.
    Here, / take these five gold pieces. / Go, / give them to him / with my kindest regards.”

    “불쌍한 사람! / 내가 그를 안타깝게 생각한다.
    여기, / 이 다섯 개의 금화를 가져가서 / 네 아버지에게 / 내 친절한 인사를 전해라.”

  12. ⦁ sorry: 유감스러운
    – I’m sorry for your loss. ( 당신의 상실에 유감입니다.)

    ⦁ regards: 안부
    – Send my regards to your family. (가족들에게 안부 전해줘요.)

  13. Pinocchio, / as may easily be imagined, / thanked him a thousand times.
    He kissed each Marionette / in turn, / even the officers, / and, / beside himself with joy, / set out / on his homeward journey.

    피노키오는, / 쉽게 상상이 가듯이, / 그에게 천 번 감사했다.
    그는 각 마리오네트를 / 차례로 / 심지어 임원들까지도 / 키스하고, / 기쁨으로 어쩔 줄 모르며 / 출발했다 / 집으로 가는 길로.

  14. ⦁ journey: 여행
    – The journey took two days. (여행은 2일 걸렸다.)

    ⦁ imagined: 상상했다
    – Can you imagine living there? (그곳에 사는 것을 상상할 수 있니?)

  15. He had gone / barely half a mile / when he met / a lame Fox / and a blind Cat, / walking together / like two good friends.
    The lame Fox / leaned on the Cat, / and the blind Cat / let the Fox / lead him / along.

    그는 / 겨우 반 마일을 갔을 때 / 만났다 / 한 쪽 다리를 저는 여우와 / 눈 먼 고양이를, / 둘이 함께 걷고 있었다, / 마치 두 좋은 친구처럼.
    그 다리를 저는 여우는 / 고양이에게 기대었고, / 눈 먼 고양이는 / 여우가 / 그를 이끌도록 / 두었다.

  16. ⦁ leaned: 기대었다
    – He leaned on the railing. (그는 난간에 기대었다.)

    ⦁ barely: 가까스로
    – She barely made it on time. (그녀는 가까스로 제시간에 도착했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)