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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

012 – CHAPTER 12 – 006

“I’ll explain,” said the Fox.
“You must know that, just outside the City of Simple Simons, there is a blessed field called the Field of Wonders.
In this field you dig a hole and in the hole you bury a gold piece.
After covering up the hole with earth you water it well, sprinkle a bit of salt on it, and go to bed.
During the night, the gold piece sprouts, grows, blossoms, and next morning you find a beautiful tree, that is loaded with gold pieces.”

“So that if I were to bury my five gold pieces,” cried Pinocchio with growing wonder, “next morning I should find—how many?”

“It is very simple to figure out,” answered the Fox.
“Why, you can figure it on your fingers! Granted that each piece gives you five hundred, multiply five hundred by five.
Next morning you will find twenty-five hundred new, sparkling gold pieces.”

“Fine! Fine!” cried Pinocchio, dancing about with joy.
“And as soon as I have them, I shall keep two thousand for myself and the other five hundred I’ll give to you two.”

“A gift for us?” cried the Fox, pretending to be insulted.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “I’ll explain,” / said the Fox.

    “내가 설명할게,” 여우가 말했다.

  2. ⦁ explain: 설명하다
    – Can you explain this problem to me? (이 문제를 설명해줄 수 있니?)

    ⦁ Fox: 여우
    – The Fox is known for being cunning. (여우는 교활함으로 알려져 있다.)
  3. “You must know that, / just outside the City of Simple Simons, / there is a blessed field / called the Field of Wonders.

    “넌 바로 밖에, 단순한 시몬의 도시 바로 바깥에, 이상한 들판이라 불리는 신성한 들판이 있다는 것을 알아야 해.

  4. ⦁ blessed: 신성한
    – The temple is a blessed place. (그 사원은 신성한 장소이다.)

    ⦁ field: 들판
    – They played soccer on the field. (그들은 들판에서 축구를 했다.)
  5. In this field / you dig a hole / and in the hole / you bury a gold piece.

    이 들판에서 너는 구멍을 파고 그 구멍에 금화를 묻어.

  6. ⦁ dig: 파다
    – He used a shovel to dig a hole. (그는 삽을 사용하여 구멍을 팠다.)

    ⦁ bury: 묻다
    – They decided to bury the treasure. (그들은 보물을 묻기로 결정했다.)
  7. After covering up the hole / with earth / you water it well, / sprinkle a bit of salt on it, / and go to bed.

    구멍을 흙으로 덮고 잘 물을 주고, 약간의 소금을 뿌리고, 잠자리에 들어.

  8. ⦁ cover: 덮다
    – Cover the cake with chocolate. (케이크에 초콜릿을 덮어라.)

    ⦁ sprinkle: 뿌리다
    – Sprinkle some cheese on top. (위에 치즈를 좀 뿌려라.)
  9. During the night, / the gold piece sprouts, / grows, / blossoms, / and next morning / you find a beautiful tree, / that is loaded / with gold pieces.”

    밤새 동안, 금화가 싹트고, 자라고, 꽃을 피워, 다음 날 아침에는 금화가 가득 달린 아름다운 나무를 발견하게 돼.

  10. ⦁ sprout: 싹트다
    – The beans began to sprout. (콩들이 싹 트기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ blossom: 꽃을 피우다
    – The tree blossoms every spring. (그 나무는 매년 봄에 꽃을 피운다.)
  11. “So that if I were to bury my five gold pieces,” / cried Pinocchio with growing wonder, / “next morning I should find—how many?”

  12. “그렇게 되면 내가 내 금화 다섯 개를 묻는다면,” 피노키오는 점점 커지는 경이로움에 외쳤다, “다음 날 아침에는 몇 개를 찾게 될까?”

    ⦁ wonder: 경이로움
    – The child looked at the magician with wonder. (그 아이는 마술사를 경이롭게 바라봤다.)

    ⦁ bury: 묻다
    – They decided to bury the treasure. (그들은 보물을 묻기로 결정했다.)
  13. “It is very simple to figure out,” / answered the Fox.

  14. “그건 아주 간단해,” 여우가 대답했다.

    ⦁ simple: 간단한
    – The solution was simple. (해결책은 간단했다.)

    ⦁ figure out: 알아내다
    – Can you figure out the answer? (답을 알아낼 수 있겠니?)
  15. “Why, you can figure it on your fingers!

    Granted that each piece gives you five hundred, / multiply five hundred by five.

    “왜, 네 손가락으로도 계산할 수 있어! 각 금화가 너에게 오백 개를 준다고 하면, 오백을 다섯으로 곱해봐.

  16. ⦁ granted: 주어짐
    – Granted the permission, he entered the area. (허가를 받고, 그는 그 구역에 들어갔다.)

    ⦁ multiply: 곱하다
    – Multiply four by three to get twelve. (네를 세로 곱해서 열둘을 얻어라.)
  17. Next morning / you will find twenty-five hundred / new, / sparkling gold pieces.”

    다음 날 아침에는 새롭고 반짝이는 금화 2,500개를 찾게 될 거야.”

  18. ⦁ sparkling: 반짝이는
    – The diamond was sparkling brightly. (다이아몬드는 밝게 반짝였다.)

    ⦁ find: 찾다
    – She couldn’t find her keys. (그녀는 열쇠를 찾을 수 없었다.)
  19. “Fine! Fine!” / cried Pinocchio, / dancing about with joy.

    “좋아! 좋아!” 피노키오가 기뻐 춤추며 외쳤다.

  20. ⦁ fine: 좋은
    – Everything will be fine. (모든 것이 잘 될 거야.)

    ⦁ joy: 기쁨
    – The joy of having a baby was overwhelming. (아기를 가지는 기쁨은 엄청났다.)
  21. “And as soon as I have them, / I shall keep two thousand for myself / and the other five hundred / I’ll give to you two.”

    “그리고 내가 그것들을 가지게 되면, 2,000개는 나를 위해 남기고, 나머지 500개는 너희 둘에게 줄게.”

  22. ⦁ keep: 유지하다
    – She decided to keep the dog. (그녀는 개를 키우기로 결정했다.)

    ⦁ give: 주다
    – Will you give me some advice? (나에게 조언 좀 해줄래?)
  23. “A gift for us?” / cried the Fox, / pretending to be insulted.

    “우리에게 선물이라고?” 여우가 모욕을 당한 척하며 외쳤다.

  24. ⦁ gift: 선물
    – She received a gift on her birthday. (그녀는 생일에 선물을 받았다.)

    ⦁ pretend: ~인 척하다
    – He pretended to be sick. (그는 아픈 척했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)