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013 – CHAPTER 13 – 002
The doctor had put him on a diet, and he had to be satisfied with a small hare dressed with a dozen young and tender spring chickens.After the hare, he ordered some partridges, a few pheasants, a couple of rabbits, and a dozen frogs and lizards.That was all.He felt ill, he said, and could not eat another bite.Pinocchio ate least of all.He asked for a bite of bread and a few nuts and then hardly touched them.The poor fellow, with his mind on the Field of Wonders, was suffering from a gold-piece indigestion.Supper over, the Fox said to the Innkeeper:“Give us two good rooms, one for Mr.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The doctor / had put him / on a diet, / and he had to be satisfied / with a small hare / dressed with a dozen young / and tender / spring chickens.
의사는 그에게 다이어트를 시켰고, 그는 작은 토끼와 어우러진 어린 봄닭 열두 마리로 만족해야 했다.
After the hare, / he ordered / some partridges, / a few pheasants, / a couple of rabbits, / and a dozen frogs / and lizards.
토끼를 먹은 후, 그는 몇 마리의 자고새, 꿩 몇 마리, 토끼 두 마리, 그리고 개구리와 도마뱀 열두 마리를 주문했다.
That was all. / He felt ill, / he said, / and could not eat another bite.
그게 다였다. 그는 몸이 불편하다고 말했고 더 이상 먹을 수 없다고 했다.
Pinocchio ate least of all. / He asked for a bite of bread / and a few nuts / and then hardly touched them.
피노키오는 가장 적게 먹었다. 그는 빵 한 입과 몇 개의 견과류를 요청했지만 거의 손대지 않았다.
The poor fellow, / with his mind on the Field of Wonders, / was suffering / from a gold-piece indigestion.
불쌍한 피노키오는 기적의 들판을 생각하며 금화로 인한 소화불량에 시달리고 있었다.
Supper over, / the Fox said / to the Innkeeper: / “Give us two good rooms, / one for Mr.
저녁 식사가 끝나자, 여우는 여관 주인에게 말했다: “좋은 방 두 개를 주세요, 하나는 미스터를 위해.”
– He is on a strict diet. (그는 엄격한 식이요법을 따르고 있다.)
⦁ satisfied: 만족한
– She felt satisfied with her work. (그녀는 자신의 일에 만족했다.)
– He ordered a coffee. (그는 커피를 주문했다.)
⦁ couple: 몇(두 개)
– She has a couple of books to read. (그녀는 읽을 책 두 권이 있다.)
– She felt ill after the meal. (그녀는 식사 후에 아프다고 느꼈다.)
⦁ another: 또 다른
– He asked for another drink. (그는 또 다른 음료를 요청했다.)
– She worked the least. (그녀는 가장 적게 일했다.)
⦁ hardly: 거의 ~않다
– He could hardly speak. (그는 거의 말을 할 수 없었다.)
– She is suffering from a cold. (그녀는 감기로 고통받고 있다.)
⦁ indigestion: 소화불량
– Indigestion can cause discomfort. (소화불량은 불편함을 초래할 수 있다.)
– We had a late supper. (우리는 늦은 저녁 식사를 했다.)
⦁ rooms: 방
– There are two rooms available. (사용 가능한 방 두 개가 있다.)
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