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013 – CHAPTER 13 – 004
“Are my friends ready?” the Marionette asked him.“Indeed, yes! They went two hours ago.”“Why in such a hurry?”“Unfortunately the Cat received a telegram which said that his first-born was suffering from chilblains and was on the point of death.He could not even wait to say good-by to you.”“Did they pay for the supper?”“How could they do such a thing? Being people of great refinement, they did not want to offend you so deeply as not to allow you the honor of paying the bill.”“Too bad! That offense would have been more than pleasing to me,” said Pinocchio, scratching his head.“Where did my good friends say they would wait for me?” he added.“At the Field of Wonders, at sunrise tomorrow morning.”Pinocchio paid a gold piece for the three suppers and started on his way toward the field that was to make him a rich man.He walked on, not knowing where he was going, for it was dark, so dark that not a thing was visible.Round about him, not a leaf stirred.A few bats skimmed his nose now and again and scared him half to death.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
“Are my friends / ready?” / the Marionette / asked him.
“제 친구들은 준비됐나요?” 꼭두각시가 그에게 물었다.
“Indeed, yes! / They went / two hours ago.”
“맞아요! 그들은 두 시간 전에 갔어요.”
“Why in such a hurry?”
“왜 그렇게 급하게 간 거죠?”
“Unfortunately / the Cat / received a telegram / which said / that his first-born / was suffering from chilblains / and was on the point of death.
“불행히도, 고양이는 / 텔레그램을 받았어요 / 그의 첫 아이가 / 동창증으로 고통받다가 / 거의 죽을 지경이라는 / 내용이었죠.
He could not even / wait to say / good-by to you.”
그는 너에게 / 작별 인사할 시간도 / 없었어.”
“Did they / pay for the supper?”
“그들은 저녁을 계산했나요?”
“How could they / do such a thing? / Being people of great refinement, / they did not want to offend you / so deeply / as not to allow you / the honor of paying the bill.”
“그들은 어떻게 / 그런 일을 할 수 있겠어요? / 그들은 매우 교양 있는 사람들이라서, / 당신에게 / 계산할 영광을 주지 않는 것이 / 당신을 / 그만큼 상처 줄 것이라 / 생각했죠.”
“Too bad! / That offense / would have been / more than pleasing / to me,” / said Pinocchio, / scratching his head.
“너무 아쉬워! / 그 무례가 / 오히려 더 / 기뻤을 거야,” / 피노키오는 / 머리를 긁으며 말했다.
“Where did my good friends / say / they would wait for me?” / he added.
“내 좋은 친구들은 어디서 / 기다리겠다고 했지?” / 그가 덧붙였다.
“At the Field of Wonders, / at sunrise tomorrow morning.”
“기적의 들판에서, / 내일 아침 일출 시에.”
Pinocchio / paid a gold piece / for the three suppers / and started / on his way / toward the field / that was to make him / a rich man.
피노키오는 / 금화 하나를 지불하고 / 세 번의 저녁 식사 값을 계산했으며 / 길을 떠났다 / 들판으로 / 그를 부자로 만들었던 / 곳으로.
He walked on, / not knowing / where he was going, / for it was dark, / so dark / that not a thing / was visible. / Round about him, / not a leaf / stirred. / A few bats / skimmed his nose / now and again / and scared him / half to death.
그는 계속 걸었지만, / 어디로 가는지 몰랐다, / 왜냐하면 너무 어두워서, / 너무 어두워 / 아무것도 보이지 않았다. / 주변에는, / 나뭇잎 하나 / 흔들리지 않았다. / 몇몇 박쥐들이 / 그의 코를 스치고 / 때때로 / 그를 죽을 만큼 / 놀라게 했다.
– I am ready to go. (나는 갈 준비가 되었어.)
⦁ Marionette: 꼭두각시
– The Marionette danced gracefully. (그 꼭두각시는 우아하게 춤을 췄다.)
– She went to the store. (그녀는 상점에 갔다.)
⦁ hours: 시간들
– The exam lasted three hours. (시험은 세 시간 동안 지속됐다.)
– She left in a hurry. (그녀는 급하게 떠났다.)
⦁ such: 그렇게
– It was such a fun day. (정말 재미있는 날이었다.)
– She received a gift. (그녀는 선물을 받았다.)
⦁ suffering: 고통
– He was suffering from a cold. (그는 감기로 고통받고 있었다.)
– She waved good-by to her friend. (그녀는 친구에게 작별 인사를 했다.)
⦁ wait: 기다리다
– He can’t wait to see you. (그는 너를 빨리 보고 싶어.)
– Could you pay for the meal? (식사 값을 지불해 주시겠어요?)
⦁ supper: 저녁 식사
– We had fish for supper. (우리는 저녁으로 생선을 먹었어요.)
– Her refinement was evident. (그녀의 세련됨은 분명했다.)
⦁ offend: 기분을 상하게 하다
– His rude comment offended her. (그의 무례한 말은 그녀를 기분 나쁘게 했다.)
– The cat was scratching the door. (고양이는 문을 긁고 있었다.)
⦁ pleasing: 기쁜
– The news was very pleasing. (그 소식은 매우 기뻤다.)
– I will wait for you here. (나는 여기서 너를 기다릴게.)
⦁ friends: 친구들
– He has many friends. (그는 친구들이 많다.)
– We woke up early to see the sunrise. (우리는 일출을 보려고 일찍 일어났다.)
⦁ wonders: 기적
– The world is full of wonders. (세상은 기적으로 가득 차 있다.)
– He paid the bill. (그는 계산했다.)
⦁ rich: 부자인
– She wants to be a rich person. (그녀는 부자가 되기를 원한다.)
– She walked home after work. (그녀는 퇴근 후 집까지 걸어갔다.)
⦁ visible: 보이는
– The stars are clearly visible tonight. (오늘 밤 별들이 분명하게 보인다.)
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