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014 – CHAPTER 14 – 001

Pinocchio, not having listened to the good advice of the Talking Cricket, falls into the hands of the Assassins.

“Dear, oh, dear! When I come to think of it,” said the Marionette to himself, as he once more set out on his journey, “we boys are really very unlucky.
Everybody scolds us, everybody gives us advice, everybody warns us.
If we were to allow it, everyone would try to be father and mother to us; everyone, even the Talking Cricket.
Take me, for example.
Just because I would not listen to that bothersome Cricket, who knows how many misfortunes may be awaiting me! Assassins indeed! At least I have never believed in them, nor ever will.
To speak sensibly, I think assassins have been invented by fathers and mothers to frighten children who want to run away at night.
And then, even if I were to meet them on the road, what matter? I’ll just run up to them, and say, ‘Well, signori, what do you want? Remember that you can’t fool with me! Run along and mind your business.’ At such a speech, I can almost see those poor fellows running like the wind.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Pinocchio, / not having listened / to the good advice / of the Talking Cricket, / falls into the hands / of the Assassins.

    피노키오는 / 좋은 충고를 듣지 않아서 / 말하는 귀뚜라미의, / 살인자들의 손에 / 빠진다.

  2. ⦁ advice: 충고
    – His advice was really helpful. (그의 충고는 정말 도움이 되었다.)

    ⦁ fall: 빠지다
    – He fell into the water. (그는 물에 빠졌다.)

  3. “Dear, oh, dear! / When I come to think of it,” / said the Marionette to himself, / as he once more set out / on his journey, / “we boys are really very unlucky.

    “아이구! / 내가 생각해보니,” / 피노키오가 혼자 말하며, / 다시 한번 출발하면서 / 그의 여행을, / “우리 소년들은 정말로 불행하구나.

  4. ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I need to think about it. (나는 그것에 대해 생각해야 한다.)

    ⦁ unlucky: 불운한
    – He is very unlucky today. (그는 오늘 매우 불운하다.)

  5. Everybody scolds us, / everybody gives us advice, / everybody warns us.

    모든 사람이 우리를 꾸짖고, / 모든 사람이 우리에게 충고하며, / 모든 사람이 우리에게 경고한다.

  6. ⦁ scold: 꾸짖다
    – She scolded her child. (그녀는 동의를 꾸짖었다.)

    ⦁ warn: 경고하다
    – They warned us about the danger. (그들은 우리에게 위험에 대해 경고했다.)

  7. If we were to allow it, / everyone would try / to be father and mother / to us; / everyone, / even the Talking Cricket.

    우리가 그것을 허락한다면, / 모든 사람이 시도할 것이다 / 아버지와 어머니가 되려 / 우리에게; / 모든 사람이, / 심지어 말하는 귀뚜라미까지도.

  8. ⦁ allow: 허락하다
    – Will you allow me to go? (당신은 내가 가는 것을 허락하겠는가?)

    ⦁ everyone: 모든 사람
    – Everyone needs love. (모든 사람은 사랑이 필요하다.)

  9. Take me, / for example.

    나를 예로 들어봐.

  10. ⦁ take: 가져가다
    – Can you take me home? (나를 집에 태워줄 수 있니?)

    ⦁ example: 예
    – This is a good example. (이것은 좋은 예입니다.)

  11. Just because I would not listen / to that bothersome Cricket, / who knows / how many misfortunes / may be awaiting me! / Assassins indeed!

    내가 들어주지 않았다는 이유로 / 그 성가신 귀뚜라미의 말을, / 누가 알겠는가 / 얼마나 많은 불행이 / 나를 기다리고 있을지! / 살인자들 맞아!

  12. ⦁ listen: 듣다
    – Please listen to me. (제 말을 들어주세요.)

    ⦁ misfortune: 불운
    – He has suffered many misfortunes. (그는 많은 불운을 겪었다.)

  13. At least / I have never believed / in them, / nor ever will.

    적어도 / 나는 결코 믿지 않았다 / 그들을, / 앞으로도 그러지 않을 것이다.

  14. ⦁ believe: 믿다
    – Do you believe in ghosts? (당신은 유령을 믿습니까?)

    ⦁ ever: 언젠가
    – Have you ever been to Paris? (당신은 파리에 가본 적이 있습니까?)

  15. To speak sensibly, / I think assassins have been invented / by fathers and mothers / to frighten children / who want to run away / at night.

    이성적으로 말하자면, / 나는 생각한다 살인자들이 만들어졌다고 / 아버지와 어머니에 의해 / 겁을 주기 위해 / 아이들에게 / 밤에 도망가고 싶어 하는.

  16. ⦁ sensibly: 이성적으로
    – Let’s speak sensibly about this. (이 문제에 대해 이성적으로 이야기합시다.)

    ⦁ frighten: 겁주다
    – This movie can frighten children. (이 영화는 아이들을 겁줄 수 있다.)

  17. And then, / even if I were to meet them / on the road, / what matter? / I’ll just run up to them, / and say, ‘Well, signori, what do you want?

    그리고 나서, / 내가 그들을 만난다고 하더라도 / 길에서, / 무슨 상관이야? / 나는 그냥 그들에게 달려가서 말할 거야, ‘자, 여러분, 무엇을 원하시나요?

  18. ⦁ meet: 만나다
    – I hope to meet you soon. (곧 당신을 만나길 바랍니다.)

    ⦁ matter: 문제
    – It doesn’t matter to me. (저에게는 상관없어요.)

  19. Remember that you can’t fool / with me! / Run along / and mind your business.’

    나를 속일 수 없다는 것을 / 기억해! / 가버려 / 네 일이나 신경 써.’

  20. ⦁ fool: 속이다
    – You can’t fool me. (당신은 나를 속일 수 없어요.)

    ⦁ remember: 기억하다
    – I remember your face. (나는 당신의 얼굴을 기억해요.)

  21. At such a speech, / I can almost see / those poor fellows running / like the wind.

    그런 말을 했을 때, / 나는 거의 보일 거야 / 저 불쌍한 사람들 도망가는 모습이 / 바람처럼.

  22. ⦁ speech: 말
    – His speech was impressive. (그의 말은 인상적이었다.)

    ⦁ fellow: 친구
    – He is a nice fellow. (그는 좋은 친구이다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)