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015 – CHAPTER 15 – 001
The Assassins chase Pinocchio, catch him, and hang him to the branch of a giant oak tree.As he ran, the Marionette felt more and more certain that he would have to give himself up into the hands of his pursuers.Suddenly he saw a little cottage gleaming white as the snow among the trees of the forest.“If I have enough breath left with which to reach that little house, I may be saved,” he said to himself.Not waiting another moment, he darted swiftly through the woods, the Assassins still after him.After a hard race of almost an hour, tired and out of breath, Pinocchio finally reached the door of the cottage and knocked.No one answered.He knocked again, harder than before, for behind him he heard the steps and the labored breathing of his persecutors.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The Assassins / chase Pinocchio, / catch him, / and hang him / to the branch / of a giant oak tree.
암살자들이 피노키오를 쫓아 / 그를 붙잡고 / 거대한 참나무 가지에 / 매달았다.
As he ran, / the Marionette / felt more and more certain / that he would have to / give himself up / into the hands / of his pursuers.
그가 달리면서, / 마리오네트는 점점 더 / 확신했다 / 그가 자신을 / 추격자들의 손에 / 넘겨야만 할 것이라고.
Suddenly he saw / a little cottage / gleaming white / as the snow / among the trees / of the forest.
갑자기 그는 / 작은 오두막을 보았다 / 눈처럼 하얗게 빛나는 / 숲의 나무들 사이에서.
“If I have enough / breath left / with which to reach / that little house, / I may be saved,” / he said to himself.
“내가 충분한 / 숨이 남아 있다면 / 저 작은 집에 / 도착할 수 있는 / 나는 구원받을지도 모른다,” / 그가 스스로 말했다.
Not waiting / another moment, / he darted swiftly / through the woods, / the Assassins / still after him.
더 이상 기다리지 않고, / 그는 재빨리 / 숲을 가로질러 / 그를 쫓고 있는 / 암살자들을 피했다.
After a hard race / of almost an hour, / tired and out of breath, / Pinocchio finally reached / the door / of the cottage / and knocked.
엄청난 달리기를 한 후 / 거의 한 시간 동안, / 지치고 숨이 가쁜, / 피노키오는 마침내 / 오두막의 문 앞에 도착해 / 두드렸다.
No one answered. / He knocked again, / harder than before, / for behind him / he heard the steps / and the labored breathing / of his persecutors.
아무도 대답하지 않았다. / 그는 다시 두드렸다, / 전에보다 더 세게, / 왜냐하면 그의 뒤에서 / 발걸음 소리와 숨이 차는 소리를 / 들었기 때문이다 / 그를 쫓는 자들의.
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