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015 – CHAPTER 15 – 003

“Oh, Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair,” cried Pinocchio, “open, I beg of you.
Take pity on a poor boy who is being chased by two Assass—”

He did not finish, for two powerful hands grasped him by the neck and the same two horrible voices growled threateningly: “Now we have you!”

The Marionette, seeing death dancing before him, trembled so hard that the joints of his legs rattled and the coins tinkled under his tongue.

“Well,” the Assassins asked, “will you open your mouth now or not? Ah! You do not answer? Very well, this time you shall open it.”

Taking out two long, sharp knives, they struck two heavy blows on the Marionette’s back.

Happily for him, Pinocchio was made of very hard wood and the knives broke into a thousand pieces.
The Assassins looked at each other in dismay, holding the handles of the knives in their hands.

“I understand,” said one of them to the other, “there is nothing left to do now but to hang him.”

“To hang him,” repeated the other.

They tied Pinocchio’s hands behind his shoulders and slipped the noose around his neck.
Throwing the rope over the high limb of a giant oak tree, they pulled till the poor Marionette hung far up in space.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. “Oh, Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair,” / cried Pinocchio, “open, I beg of you.

    “오, 푸른 머리의 사랑스러운 아가씨,” 피노키오가 소리쳤다, “부디 문을 열어줘.

  2. ⦁ cried: 소리쳤다
    – She cried for help. (그녀는 도움을 요청하며 소리쳤다.)

    ⦁ beg: 간청하다
    – He begged for forgiveness. (그는 용서를 구했다.)

  3. Take pity / on a poor boy / who is being chased / by two Assass—”

    두 암살자에게 쫓기고 있는 / 불쌍한 소년을 / 불쌍히 여겨주세요—

  4. ⦁ pity: 불쌍히 여기다
    – She took pity on the homeless man. (그녀는 집 없는 남자를 불쌍히 여겼다.)

    ⦁ chased: 쫓기다
    – The dog chased the cat. (개가 고양이를 쫓았다.)

  5. He did not finish, / for two powerful hands grasped him by the neck / and the same two horrible voices growled threateningly: “Now we have you!”

    그는 말을 마치지 못했다, / 두 강한 손이 그의 목을 움켜잡았고 / 동일한 두 끔찍한 목소리가 위협적으로 으르렁거렸다: “이제 우리가 너를 잡았다!”

  6. ⦁ grasped: 움켜잡다
    – He grasped the rope tightly. (그는 줄을 단단히 움켜잡았다.)

    ⦁ threateningly: 위협적으로
    – He spoke threateningly. (그는 위협적으로 말했다.)

  7. The Marionette, / seeing death dancing before him, / trembled so hard / that the joints of his legs rattled / and the coins tinkled under his tongue.

    마리오네뜨는, / 죽음이 눈앞에서 춤추는 것을 보고, / 너무나 떨면서 / 그의 다리 관절이 덜그럭거리고 / 그의 혀 밑에서 동전이 딸랑거렸다.

  8. ⦁ trembled: 떨다
    – She trembled with fear. (그녀는 두려움에 떨었다.)

    ⦁ rattled: 덜그럭거리다
    – The windows rattled in the wind. (창문이 바람에 덜그럭거렸다.)

  9. “Well,” / the Assassins asked, / “will you open your mouth now or not? / Ah! / You do not answer? / Very well, / this time you shall open it.”

    “그래,” / 암살자들이 물었다, / “이제 입을 열 거야 말 거야? / 아! / 대답을 안 하네? / 좋다, / 이번에는 반드시 열게 만들거야.”

  10. ⦁ asked: 물었다
    – She asked a question. (그녀는 질문을 했다.)

    ⦁ answer: 대답하다
    – He didn’t answer her call. (그는 그녀의 전화를 받지 않았다.)

  11. Taking out two long, sharp knives, / they struck two heavy blows / on the Marionette’s back.

    길고 날카로운 칼 두 자루를 꺼내어, / 그들은 마리오네뜨의 등에 무거운 두 번의 타격을 가했다.

  12. ⦁ struck: 치다
    – The clock struck midnight. (시계가 자정을 알렸다.)

    ⦁ blows: 타격
    – He received several blows. (그는 여러 번의 타격을 받았다.)

  13. Happily for him, / Pinocchio was made of very hard wood / and the knives broke / into a thousand pieces.

    다행히, / 피노키오는 매우 단단한 나무로 만들어져서, / 칼이 부러져 / 천 조각이 되었다.

  14. ⦁ happily: 다행히도
    – Happily, no one was hurt. (다행히, 아무도 다치지 않았다.)

    ⦁ pieces: 조각들
    – The vase shattered into pieces. (화병이 조각으로 부서졌다.)

  15. The Assassins looked at each other / in dismay, / holding the handles of the knives / in their hands.

    암살자들은 서로를 바라봤다 / 당황하여, / 칼의 손잡이를 잡고 / 손에 들고 있었다.

  16. ⦁ dismay: 당황
    – She watched in dismay. (그녀는 당황하며 지켜보았다.)

    ⦁ handles: 손잡이들
    – The door handles were cold. (문 손잡이들은 차가웠다.)

  17. “I understand,” / said one of them to the other, / “there is nothing left to do now / but to hang him.”

    “이해했어,” / 한 명이 다른 암살자에게 말했다, / “이제 할 일은 / 그를 교수형에 처하는 것뿐이야.”

  18. ⦁ understand: 이해하다
    – Do you understand the question? (질문을 이해했나요?)

    ⦁ hang: 목을 매달다
    – They decided to hang the painting. (그들은 그림을 걸기로 결정했다.)

  19. “To hang him,” / repeated the other.

    “교수형에 처하자,” / 다른 한 명이 반복했다.

  20. ⦁ repeated: 반복하다
    – She repeated the instructions. (그녀는 지시 사항을 반복했다.)

    ⦁ other: 다른
    – The other students were silent. (다른 학생들은 침묵했다.)

  21. They tied Pinocchio’s hands / behind his shoulders / and slipped the noose / around his neck.

    그들은 피노키오의 손을 묶었다 / 어깨 뒤에 / 그리고 올가미를 끼워 넣었다 / 그의 목 주위에.

  22. ⦁ tied: 묶다
    – He tied his shoelaces. (그는 신발끈을 묶었다.)

    ⦁ noose: 올가미
    – He tightened the noose. (그는 올가미를 조였다.)

  23. Throwing the rope over the high limb / of a giant oak tree, / they pulled / till the poor Marionette hung / far up in space.

    로프를 던져서 높은 나뭇가지 위로 / 거대한 참나무의, / 그들은 잡아당겼다 / 불쌍한 마리오네뜨의 몸이 매달릴 때까지 / 높이 공중에.

  24. ⦁ limb: 나뭇가지
    – He climbed onto the lower limb. (그는 낮은 나뭇가지에 올랐다.)

    ⦁ giant: 거대한
    – The giant wave crashed onto the shore. (거대한 파도가 해안에 부딪쳤다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)