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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

016 – CHAPTER 16 – 006

I have known him a long time!”

Pinocchio, who until then had been very quiet, shuddered so hard that the bed shook.

“That Marionette,” continued the Talking Cricket, “is a rascal of the worst kind.”

Pinocchio opened his eyes and closed them again.

“He is rude, lazy, a runaway.”

Pinocchio hid his face under the sheets.

“That Marionette is a disobedient son who is breaking his father’s heart!”

Long shuddering sobs were heard, cries, and deep sighs.
Think how surprised everyone was when, on raising the sheets, they discovered Pinocchio half melted in tears!

“When the dead weep, they are beginning to recover,” said the Crow solemnly.

“I am sorry to contradict my famous friend and colleague,” said the Owl, “but as far as I’m concerned, I think that when the dead weep, it means they do not want to die.”


❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I / have known him / a long time!

    나는 그를 오랫동안 알고 있었다!

  2. ⦁ know: 알다
    – I know the answer. (나는 그 답을 안다.)

    ⦁ time: 시간
    – We don’t have much time. (우리는 시간이 많지 않다.)

  3. Pinocchio, / who until then / had been very quiet, / shuddered / so hard / that the bed / shook.

    피노키오는, 그때까지 매우 조용했는데, 너무 세게 떨어서 침대가 흔들렸다.

  4. ⦁ quiet: 조용한
    – The library is quiet. (도서관은 조용하다.)

    ⦁ shake: 흔들다
    – The earthquake shook the buildings. (지진이 건물을 흔들었다.)

  5. That Marionette, / continued / the Talking Cricket, / is a rascal / of the worst kind.

    그 인형은, 말하는 귀뚜라미가 계속해서 말하길, 최악의 악당이다.

  6. ⦁ continue: 계속하다
    – She continued to speak. (그녀는 계속 말을 했다.)

    ⦁ worst: 최악의
    – It was the worst storm. (그것은 최악의 폭풍이었다.)

  7. Pinocchio / opened his eyes / and closed them again.

    피노키오는 눈을 떴다가 다시 감았다.

  8. ⦁ open: 열다
    – He opened the door. (그는 문을 열었다.)

    ⦁ close: 닫다
    – She closed her book. (그녀는 책을 닫았다.)

  9. He / is rude, / lazy, / a runaway.

    그는 무례하고, 게으르고, 가출한 아이이다.

  10. ⦁ rude: 무례한
    – That comment was rude. (그 발언은 무례했다.)

    ⦁ lazy: 게으른
    – He is lazy. (그는 게으르다.)

  11. Pinocchio / hid his face / under the sheets.

    피노키오는 그의 얼굴을 이불 아래에 숨겼다.

  12. ⦁ hide: 숨기다
    – He hid the treasure. (그는 보물을 숨겼다.)

    ⦁ sheet: 시트, 이불
    – The sheet was clean. (시트는 깨끗했다.)

  13. That Marionette / is a disobedient son / who is breaking / his father’s heart!

    그 인형은 그의 아버지의 마음을 아프게 하는 불순종한 아들이다!

  14. ⦁ disobedient: 불순종한
    – He was a disobedient child. (그는 불순종한 아이였다.)

    ⦁ break: 깨다, 부수다
    – She broke the glass. (그녀는 유리를 깼다.)

  15. Long shuddering sobs / were heard, / cries, / and deep sighs.

    긴 몸서리치는 울음 소리와, 울음 소리, 그리고 깊은 한숨 소리가 들렸다.

  16. ⦁ sob: 흐느낌
    – The child sobbed quietly. (아이는 조용히 흐느꼈다.)

    ⦁ sigh: 한숨을 쉬다
    – He sighed deeply. (그는 깊게 한숨을 쉬었다.)

  17. Think / how surprised / everyone was / when, / on raising the sheets, / they discovered / Pinocchio / half melted / in tears!

    이불을 들어 올렸을 때, 피노키오가 눈물로 반쯤 녹아 있는 것을 발견하고 모두가 얼마나 놀랐을지 생각해봐라!

  18. ⦁ discover: 발견하다
    – They discovered a secret passage. (그들은 비밀 통로를 발견했다.)

    ⦁ tear: 눈물
    – She wiped her tears. (그녀는 눈물을 닦았다.)

  19. When the dead / weep, / they are beginning / to recover, / said the Crow / solemnly.

    까마귀가 엄숙하게 말했다. 죽은 자가 눈물을 흘릴 때, 그들은 회복되기 시작한 것이다.

  20. ⦁ dead: 죽은
    – The plant is dead. (그 식물은 죽었다.)

    ⦁ recover: 회복하다
    – She is recovering from her illness. (그녀는 병에서 회복 중이다.)

  21. I / am sorry / to contradict / my famous friend / and colleague, / said the Owl, / but / as far as I’m concerned, / I think / that when the dead / weep, / it means / they do not want / to die.

    부엉이가 말했다. 유명한 친구이자 동료에게 반박해서 미안하지만, 내가 아는 한, 죽은 자가 눈물을 흘릴 때, 그것은 그들이 죽고 싶지 않다는 의미입니다.

  22. ⦁ contradict: 반박하다
    – She contradicted his statement. (그녀는 그의 발언을 반박했다.)

    ⦁ colleague: 동료
    – He met his colleagues for lunch. (그는 동료들과 점심을 먹었다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)