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020 – CHAPTER 20 – 001
Freed from prison, Pinocchio sets out to return to the Fairy; but on the way he meets a Serpent and later is caught in a trap.Fancy the happiness of Pinocchio on finding himself free! Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and set out on the road that was to take him back to the house of the lovely Fairy.It had rained for many days, and the road was so muddy that, at times, Pinocchio sank down almost to his knees.But he kept on bravely.Tormented by the wish to see his father and his fairy sister with azure hair, he raced like a greyhound.As he ran, he was splashed with mud even up to his cap.“How unhappy I have been,” he said to himself.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Fancy / the happiness / of Pinocchio / on finding himself free! / Without saying yes or no, / he fled from the city / and set out / on the road / that was to take him / back to the house / of the lovely Fairy.
자유로워진 자신을 깨달은 피노키오의 / 행복을 / 상상해보라! / 그는 아무 말 없이 / 그 도시를 떠나 / 집으로 향하는 / 길을 걸어갔다, / 그의 사랑하는 요정의 집으로 / 돌아가는 / 길이었다.
It had rained for many days, / and the road was so muddy / that, at times, / Pinocchio sank down / almost to his knees.
며칠 동안 비가 많이 내려서 / 길은 매우 진흙탕이었다. / 때때로 / 피노키오는 / 거의 무릎까지 빠져들어갔다.
But he kept on bravely.Tormented by the wish / to see his father / and his fairy sister / with azure hair, / he raced like a greyhound. As he ran, / he was splashed with mud / even up to his cap.
그러나 그는 용감하게 계속 나아갔다.그는 아버지와 파란 머리의 요정 누나를 보고자 하는 / 갈망에 괴로워하며, / 그레이하운드처럼 뛰었다.뛰면서, / 그는 모자까지 / 진흙이 튀었다.
“How unhappy I have been,” / he said to himself.
“나는 얼마나 불행했는가,” / 그는 혼잣말했다.
– He couldn’t fancy her doing such a thing. (그는 그녀가 그런 일을 하는 것을 상상할 수 없었다.)
⦁ road: 길, 도로
– The road ahead was long and winding. (앞으로의 길은 길고 구불구불했다.)
– The dog came back all muddy from the river. (강에서 진흙투성이가 되어 돌아온 개.)
⦁ sank: 가라앉다, 내려앉다
– The ship sank beneath the waves. (배가 파도 아래로 가라앉았다.)
– She bravely defended her rights. (그녀는 용감하게 자신의 권리를 방어했다.)
⦁ raced: 질주했다
– The car raced down the street. (차가 거리를 질주했다.)
– He felt very unhappy about the situation. (그는 그 상황에 대해 매우 불행함을 느꼈다.)
⦁ said: 말했다
– She said it was going to rain tomorrow. (그녀는 내일 비가 올 것이라고 말했다.)
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