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020 – CHAPTER 20 – 003
What was the matter? An immense Serpent lay stretched across the road—a Serpent with a bright green skin, fiery eyes which glowed and burned, and a pointed tail that smoked like a chimney.How frightened was poor Pinocchio! He ran back wildly for half a mile, and at last settled himself atop a heap of stones to wait for the Serpent to go on his way and leave the road clear for him.He waited an hour; two hours; three hours; but the Serpent was always there, and even from afar one could see the flash of his red eyes and the column of smoke which rose from his long, pointed tail.Pinocchio, trying to feel very brave, walked straight up to him and said in a sweet, soothing voice:“I beg your pardon, Mr.Serpent, would you be so kind as to step aside to let me pass?”He might as well have talked to a wall.The Serpent never moved.Once more, in the same sweet voice, he spoke:“You must know, Mr.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
What was the matter? / An immense Serpent lay / stretched across the road— / a Serpent with a bright green skin, / fiery eyes which glowed and burned, / and a pointed tail / that smoked like a chimney.
무슨 일이었을까요? 거대한 뱀이 도로를 가로질러 누워 있었어요. 그것은 밝은 녹색 피부를 가지고 있고, 타오르고 빛나는 불 같은 눈과 굴뚝처럼 연기가 나는 뾰족한 꼬리를 가진 뱀이었어요.
⦁ immense: 거대한 – The immense ocean stretched out before them. (거대한 바다가 그들 앞에 펼쳐져 있었다.) ⦁ chimney: 굴뚝 – Smoke was pouring out of the factory’s chimney. (공장 굴뚝에서 연기가 나고 있었다.) -
How frightened was poor Pinocchio! / He ran back wildly for half a mile, / and at last settled himself / atop a heap of stones / to wait for the Serpent / to go on his way / and leave the road clear for him.
불쌍한 피노키오는 얼마나 겁에 질렸을까요! 그는 반 마일을 미친 듯이 되돌아 달렸고, 마침내 돌무더기 위에 자리를 잡고 뱀이 가 버려서 도로가 그를 위해 비워지길 기다렸습니다.
⦁ frightened: 겁먹은 – The child looked frightened by the loud noise. (그 아이는 큰 소리에 겁먹은 듯 보였다.) ⦁ heap: 무더기 – The room was filled with heaps of old books. (그 방은 오래된 책들로 가득 차 있었다.) -
He waited an hour; / two hours; / three hours; / but the Serpent was always there, / and even from afar / one could see / the flash of his red eyes / and the column of smoke / which rose from his long, pointed tail.
그는 한 시간; 두 시간; 세 시간을 기다렸지만 뱀은 항상 거기에 있었고, 멀리서도 그의 빨간 눈의 번쩍임과 그의 긴 뾰족한 꼬리에서 올라오는 연기 기둥을 볼 수 있었습니다.
⦁ afar: 멀리 – From afar, we could see the mountain peak. (멀리서 우리는 산의 봉우리를 볼 수 있었다.) ⦁ column: 기둥 – The cathedral was supported by tall columns. (성당은 높은 기둥들로 지탱되고 있었다.) -
Pinocchio, / trying to feel very brave, / walked straight up to him / and said in a sweet, soothing voice: / “I beg your pardon, Mr. Serpent, / would you be so kind / as to step aside / to let me pass?”
피노키오는 용감하게 느끼려고 애쓰며 뱀에게 곧장 다가가서 달콤하고 진정시키는 목소리로 말했습니다. “미안하지만, 뱀 씨, 저를 지나가게 해주실 수 있을까요?”
⦁ soothe: 진정시키다 – The mother soothed her crying baby. (어머니는 울고 있는 아기를 진정시켰다.) ⦁ pardon: 용서하다 – I beg your pardon for the interruption. (방해한 것에 대해 사과드립니다.) -
He might as well / have talked to a wall. / The Serpent never moved.
그는 마치 벽에 대고 이야기하는 것과 같았습니다. 뱀은 전혀 움직이지 않았습니다.
⦁ wall: 벽 – She decorated her room with posters on the wall. (그녀는 방의 벽에 포스터를 붙여 꾸몄다.) ⦁ move: 움직이다 – The cat moved silently across the room. (고양이는 방을 조용히 건넜다.) -
Once more, / in the same sweet voice, / he spoke: / “You must know, Mr.
한 번 더, 같은 달콤한 목소리로 그는 말했습니다: “당신은 알아야 합니다, 뱀 씨.”
⦁ same: 같은 – They wore the same clothes to the party. (그들은 파티에 같은 옷을 입었다.) ⦁ must: ~해야 한다 – You must finish your work before leaving. (너는 떠나기 전에 일은 마쳐야 한다.)
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