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021 – CHAPTER 21 – 004
Poor Pinocchio huddled close to the doghouse more dead than alive from cold, hunger, and fright.Now and again he pulled and tugged at the collar which nearly choked him and cried out in a weak voice:“I deserve it! Yes, I deserve it! I have been nothing but a truant and a vagabond.I have never obeyed anyone and I have always done as I pleased.If I were only like so many others and had studied and worked and stayed with my poor old father, I should not find myself here now, in this field and in the darkness, taking the place of a farmer’s watchdog.Oh, if I could start all over again! But what is done can’t be undone, and I must be patient!”After this little sermon to himself, which came from the very depths of his heart, Pinocchio went into the doghouse and fell asleep..
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Poor Pinocchio huddled close / to the doghouse / more dead / than alive / from cold, hunger, / and fright.
가엾은 피노키오는 개집 가까이에 더 죽은 듯이 추위, 배고픔, 그리고 공포로 몸을 웅크리고 있었다.
Now and again / he pulled / and tugged / at the collar / which nearly choked him / and cried out / in a weak voice.
가끔 그는 거의 그를 질식시킬 듯한 목줄을 잡아당기며 약한 목소리로 외쳤다.
“I deserve it! / Yes, / I deserve it! / I have been nothing / but a truant / and a vagabond.
“나는 이런 벌을 받아 마땅해! 그래, 나는 이런 벌을 받아야 해! 나는 모범생이 아닌 자퇴생이고 떠돌이일 뿐이야.
I have never obeyed anyone / and I have always done as I pleased.
나는 결코 남의 말을 듣지 않았고, 항상 내가 원하는 대로 했어.
If I were only like / so many others / and had studied and worked / and stayed with my poor old father, / I should not find myself here now, / in this field / and in the darkness, / taking the place / of a farmer’s watchdog.
다른 사람들처럼 공부하고 일하며 불쌍한 아버지와 함께 있었다면, 지금 이 들판에서 어둠 속에 농부의 개 대신 있는 상황에 처하지 않았을 거야.
Oh, if I could start / all over again! / But what is done / can’t be undone, / and I must be patient!”
아, 모든 것을 다시 시작할 수 있다면! 그러나 이미 벌어진 일은 되돌릴 수 없고, 나는 인내해야 해!”
After this little sermon / to himself, / which came from the very depths / of his heart, / Pinocchio went into the doghouse / and fell asleep.
이러한 자신의 작고 짧은 설교를 마음 깊은 곳에서 한 후, 피노키오는 개집으로 들어가 잠이 들었다.
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