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023 – CHAPTER 23 – 001
Pinocchio weeps upon learning that the Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair is dead.He meets a Pigeon, who carries him to the seashore.He throws himself into the sea to go to the aid of his father.As soon as Pinocchio no longer felt the shameful weight of the dog collar around his neck, he started to run across the fields and meadows, and never stopped till he came to the main road that was to take him to the Fairy’s house.When he reached it, he looked into the valley far below him and there he saw the wood where unluckily he had met the Fox and the Cat, and the tall oak tree where he had been hanged; but though he searched far and near, he could not see the house where the Fairy with the Azure Hair lived.He became terribly frightened and, running as fast as he could, he finally came to the spot where it had once stood.The little house was no longer there.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Pinocchio weeps / upon learning / that the Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair / is dead. He meets a Pigeon, / who carries him / to the seashore. He throws himself / into the sea / to go / to the aid / of his father.
피노키오는 청발의 아름다운 소녀가 죽었다는 것을 알고 울기 시작했다. 그는 비둘기를 만나, 비둘기가 그를 해변으로 데려갔다. 피노키오는 아버지를 돕기 위해 바다에 몸을 던졌다.
⦁ weep: 울다 – The child began to weep uncontrollably. (그 아이는 통제할 수 없을 만큼 울기 시작했다.) ⦁ seashore: 해변 – We decided to take a walk along the seashore. (우리는 해변을 따라 산책하기로 했다.) -
As soon as / Pinocchio no longer / felt the shameful weight / of the dog collar / around his neck, / he started to run / across the fields and meadows, / and never stopped / till he came / to the main road / that was to take him / to the Fairy’s house.
피노키오는 목에 있는 개 목걸이의 수치스러운 무게를 더 이상 느끼지 않자마자, 들판과 초원을 가로질러 달리기 시작했고, 요정의 집으로 데려다줄 주요 도로에 도착할 때까지 멈추지 않았다.
⦁ shameful: 수치스러운 – It was a shameful act of betrayal. (그것은 수치스러운 배신 행위였다.) ⦁ meadow: 초원 – The horses grazed in the meadow. (말들이 초원에서 풀을 뜯고 있었다.) -
When he reached it, / he looked into the valley / far below him / and there he saw the wood / where unluckily / he had met the Fox and the Cat, / and the tall oak tree / where he had been hanged; / but though he searched far and near, / he could not see the house / where the Fairy with the Azure Hair lived.
그곳에 도착했을 때, 그는 멀리 아래 계곡을 내려다보았고, 불행하게도 여우와 고양이를 만났던 숲과 그가 교수형에 처해졌던 높은 참나무를 보았다. 하지만 아무리 멀리 가까이 찾아보아도, 청발의 요정이 살던 집은 보이지 않았다.
⦁ valley: 계곡 – The river winds through the valley. (강이 계곡을 휘감아 흐른다.) ⦁ hanged: 교수형에 처해진 – The criminal was hanged early this morning. (그 범죄자는 오늘 아침 일찍 교수형에 처해졌다.) -
He became terribly frightened / and, running as fast as he could, / he finally came to the spot / where it had once stood. The little house / was no longer there.
그는 끔찍하게 두려워졌고, 가능한 빨리 달리면서, 결국 그 집이 서 있던 장소에 도착했다. 작은 집은 더 이상 그곳에 없었다.
⦁ frightened: 두려워하는 – She was so frightened by the sudden noise. (그녀는 갑작스러운 소리에 너무 놀랐다.) ⦁ spot: 장소 – This is the exact spot where we first met. (이곳이 우리가 처음 만났던 정확한 장소다.)
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