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023 – CHAPTER 23 – 006
The next morning they were at the seashore.Pinocchio jumped off the Pigeon’s back, and the Pigeon, not wanting any thanks for a kind deed, flew away swiftly and disappeared.The shore was full of people, shrieking and tearing their hair as they looked toward the sea.“What has happened?” asked Pinocchio of a little old woman.“A poor old father lost his only son some time ago and today he built a tiny boat for himself in order to go in search of him across the ocean.The water is very rough and we’re afraid he will be drowned.”“Where is the little boat?”“There.Straight down there,” answered the little old woman, pointing to a tiny shadow, no bigger than a nutshell, floating on the sea.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The next morning / they were / at the seashore.
다음날 아침 / 그들은 / 해변에 있었다.
⦁ next: 다음의 – I will visit you / next weekend. (나는 다음 주말에 너를 방문할 것이다.) ⦁ seashore: 해변 – We enjoyed our time / at the seashore. (우리는 해변에서 시간을 즐겼다.) -
Pinocchio jumped off / the Pigeon’s back, / and the Pigeon, / not wanting any thanks / for a kind deed, / flew away swiftly / and disappeared.
피노키오는 / 비둘기 등에서 / 뛰어내렸고, / 비둘기는 / 친절한 행동에 대해 / 감사받기를 원치 않아서 / 날아가 사라졌다.
⦁ jumped: 뛰어내렸다 – The cat jumped / over the fence. (그 고양이는 울타리를 넘어 / 뛰어내렸다.) ⦁ disappeared: 사라졌다 – The magician disappeared / from the stage. (마술사는 무대에서 / 사라졌다.) -
The shore was full / of people, / shrieking and tearing / their hair / as they looked / toward the sea.
해변은 사람들로 가득했고, / 그들은 바다를 보며 / 소리 지르고 / 머리카락을 찢었다.
⦁ shrieking: 소리 지르다 – The child was shrieking / with fear. (그 아이는 두려움에 / 소리 지르고 있었다.) ⦁ looked: 바라봤다 – She looked out / the window / and saw / the rain. (그녀는 창문 밖을 / 내다보고 / 비를 봤다.) -
“What has happened?” / asked Pinocchio / of a little old woman.
“무슨 일이야?” / 피노키오는 작은 노파에게 / 물었다.
⦁ happened: 일어났다 – What happened / yesterday? (어제 무슨 일이 / 일어났어?) ⦁ asked: 물었다 – He asked / me a question. (그는 나에게 / 질문을 했다.) -
“A poor old father / lost his only son / some time ago / and today he built / a tiny boat / for himself / in order to go in search / of him across the ocean.
“어떤 가난한 노인이 / 얼마 전에 그의 외아들을 잃었고 / 오늘 그는 / 그를 찾아 / 바다를 건너기 위해 자신을 위한 / 작은 배를 만들었습니다.
⦁ built: 만들었다 – They built / a new house. (그들은 새 집을 / 만들었다.) ⦁ ocean: 바다 – The ship sailed / across the ocean. (그 배는 바다를 건너 / 항해했다.) -
The water is very rough / and we’re afraid / he will be drowned.”
물이 매우 거칠어서 / 우리는 그가 / 익사할까 봐 두렵습니다.”
⦁ rough: 거친 – The sea was / very rough. (바다는 매우 거칠었다.) ⦁ afraid: 두려워하다 – She was afraid / of the dark. (그녀는 어둠을 / 두려워했다.) -
“Where is the little boat?”“There. / Straight down there,” / answered the little old woman, / pointing to a tiny shadow, / no bigger than a nutshell, / floating on the sea.
“그 작은 배는 어디 있죠?”“저기요. / 저기 직진,” / 작은 노파가 대답하며 / 바다에 떠 있는, / 호두껍질보다 크지 않은 / 작은 그림자를 가리켰다.
⦁ pointing: 가리키다 – She was pointing / at the map. (그녀는 지도를 / 가리키고 있었다.) ⦁ floating: 떠 있는 – The leaves were floating / on the water. (그 잎들은 물 위에 / 떠 있었다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)