❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
024 – CHAPTER 24 – 003
“If only I knew the name of this island!” he said to himself.“If I even knew what kind of people I would find here! But whom shall I ask? There is no one here.”The idea of finding himself in so lonesome a spot made him so sad that he was about to cry, but just then he saw a big Fish swimming near-by, with his head far out of the water.Not knowing what to call him, the Marionette said to him:“Hey there, Mr.Fish, may I have a word with you?”“Even two, if you want,” answered the fish, who happened to be a very polite Dolphin.“Will you please tell me if, on this island, there are places where one may eat without necessarily being eaten?”“Surely, there are,” answered the Dolphin.“In fact you’ll find one not far from this spot.”“And how shall I get there?”“Take that path on your left and follow your nose.You can’t go wrong.”“Tell me another thing.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
If only I knew / the name of this island!” / he said / to himself.
“이 섬의 이름만 알면 좋겠어!” / 그가 혼잣말했다.
⦁ name: 이름 – What is your name? (당신의 이름이 무엇인가요?) ⦁ island: 섬 – We visited a beautiful island. (우리는 아름다운 섬을 방문했습니다.) -
If I even knew / what kind of people / I would find here! / But whom shall I ask? / There is no one here.
여기에 어떤 유형의 사람들이 있을지 / 알기만 해도! / 하지만 누구에게 물어보지? / 여기에 아무도 없다.
⦁ kind: 종류 – What kind of music do you like? (어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아하나요?) ⦁ people: 사람들 – Many people attended the concert. (많은 사람들이 콘서트에 참석했습니다.) -
The idea / of finding himself / in so lonesome a spot / made him so sad / that he was about to cry, / but just then / he saw a big Fish swimming near-by, / with his head far out of the water.
그는 혼자라고 느끼는 생각이 / 너무 외로워서 / 울기 직전까지 갔다, / 그런데 그때 마침 / 큰 물고기가 근처에서 헤엄치면서 / 머리를 물 밖으로 내밀고 있는 것을 보았다.
⦁ lonesome: 외로운 – She felt lonesome living alone. (그녀는 혼자 살면서 외로움을 느꼈다.) ⦁ nearby: 가까운 – There is a cafe nearby. (근처에 카페가 있습니다.) -
Not knowing / what to call him, / the Marionette said / to him:
그를 뭐라고 불러야 할지 몰라서, / 마리오네트가 그에게 말했다:
⦁ call: 부르다 – You can call me anytime. (언제든지 전화해도 돼요.) ⦁ said: 말했다 – He said he was tired. (그는 피곤하다고 말했다.) -
“Hey there, Mr. Fish, / may I have a word with you?”
“안녕하세요, 물고기씨, 잠깐 얘기할 수 있을까요?”
⦁ word: 말 – I need to have a word with you. (당신과 이야기 좀 나누고 싶어요.) ⦁ have: 가지다 – Can I have some water? (물 좀 마실 수 있을까요?) -
“Even two, / if you want,” / answered the fish, / who happened to be / a very polite Dolphin.
“원하신다면 / 두 마디도 좋아요,” / 물고기가 대답했다, / 사실 그는 / 매우 정중한 돌고래였다.
⦁ polite: 정중한 – She is always polite to others. (그녀는 항상 다른 사람들에게 정중합니다.) ⦁ happened: 우연히 있었다 – It happened yesterday. (그것은 어제 일어났습니다.) -
“Will you please tell me / if, on this island, / there are places / where one may eat / without necessarily being eaten?”
“이 섬에서, / 먹을 곳이 있는데 / 꼭 잡아먹힐 필요가 없는 / 그런 곳이 있는지 / 알려주시겠습니까?”
⦁ tell: 말하다 – Can you tell me the time? (시간 좀 알려줄 수 있나요?) ⦁ eat: 먹다 – He loves to eat pizza. (그는 피자를 먹는 것을 좋아한다.) -
“Surely, / there are,” / answered the Dolphin.
“물론 있습니다,” / 돌고래가 대답했다.
⦁ surely: 틀림없이 – Surely, you must be joking! (틀림없이 농담이겠죠!) ⦁ answer: 대답하다 – She didn’t answer my question. (그녀는 내 질문에 대답하지 않았다.) -
“In fact / you’ll find one / not far / from this spot.”
“사실 / 가까운 곳에서 / 하나 찾을 수 있을 겁니다.”
⦁ fact: 사실 – It is a known fact. (그것은 알려진 사실입니다.) ⦁ spot: 장소 – This is a nice spot for a picnic. (이곳은 피크닉하기 좋은 장소입니다.) -
“And how shall I get there?”
“그리고 거기에 어떻게 가나요?”
⦁ get: 얻다, 가다 – How can I get to the station? (역에 어떻게 가나요?) ⦁ there: 거기 – Please stay there. (거기 있어주세요.) -
“Take that path / on your left / and follow your nose. / You can’t go wrong.”
“왼쪽에 있는 그 길을 따라가세요 / 그리고 코를 따라가세요. / 절대 틀리지 않을 겁니다.”
⦁ path: 길 – Follow the path through the woods. (숲을 통과하는 길을 따라가세요.) ⦁ follow: 따르다 – Follow me. (나를 따라오세요.) -
“Tell me another thing.”
“다른 것도 말해줘요.”
⦁ another: 또 다른 – Do you have another question? (또 다른 질문이 있으신가요?) ⦁ thing: 것 – What is that thing? (저것은 무엇인가요?)
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