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024 – CHAPTER 24 – 008
I’ll take the jug home for you.”The jug was very heavy, and the Marionette, not being strong enough to carry it with his hands, had to put it on his head.When they arrived home, the little woman made Pinocchio sit down at a small table and placed before him the bread, the cauliflower, and the cake.Pinocchio did not eat; he devoured.His stomach seemed a bottomless pit.His hunger finally appeased, he raised his head to thank his kind benefactress.But he had not looked at her long when he gave a cry of surprise and sat there with his eyes wide open, his fork in the air, and his mouth filled with bread and cauliflower.“Why all this surprise?” asked the good woman, laughing.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
I’ll take / the jug home for you.
제가 항아리를 / 집으로 가져다 줄게요.
The jug was / very heavy, / and the Marionette, / not being strong enough / to carry it / with his hands, / had to put it / on his head.
항아리는 매우 무거웠고, 마리오네트는 손으로 들기에 힘이 충분하지 못하여 / 그것을 머리에 올려야 했어요.
When they arrived home, / the little woman / made Pinocchio sit down / at a small table / and placed before him / the bread, / the cauliflower, / and the cake.
그들이 집에 도착했을 때, 그 작은 여자는 / 피노키오를 작은 식탁에 앉게 하고 / 그 앞에 빵, / 콜리플라워, / 그리고 케이크를 놓아두었어요.
Pinocchio did not eat; / he devoured. / His stomach / seemed a bottomless pit.
피노키오는 먹지 않고 / 게걸스럽게 먹어치웠어요. / 그의 배는 / 끝없는 구덩이인 것처럼 보였어요.
His hunger / finally appeased, / he raised his head / to thank his / kind benefactress. / But he had not looked at her long / when he gave a cry / of surprise and sat there / with his eyes / wide open, / his fork / in the air, / and his mouth / filled with bread / and cauliflower.
그의 배고픔이 / 드디어 가라앉았을 때, / 그는 자신의 친절한 / 후원자에게 감사하기 위해 / 고개를 들었어요. / 하지만 그녀를 오래 바라보지도 않았어요 / 갑자기 놀라서 / 소리치며 앉아있었어요 / 눈을 / 크게 뜬 채로, / 포크를 / 공중에 세운 채로, / 그의 입은 / 빵과 / 콜리플라워로 가득 차 있었어요.
Why all this surprise? / asked the good woman, / laughing.
왜 이렇게 놀란 거죠? / 라고 그 착한 여자가 / 웃으며 물었어요.
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