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025 – CHAPTER 25 – 003

Indeed, I am sure of it.”

At this answer, Pinocchio’s happiness was very great.
He grasped the Fairy’s hands and kissed them so hard that it looked as if he had lost his head.
Then lifting his face, he looked at her lovingly and asked: “Tell me, little Mother, it isn’t true that you are dead, is it?”

“It doesn’t seem so,” answered the Fairy, smiling.

“If you only knew how I suffered and how I wept when I read ‘Here lies—‘”

“I know it, and for that I have forgiven you.
The depth of your sorrow made me see that you have a kind heart.
There is always hope for boys with hearts such as yours, though they may often be very mischievous.
This is the reason why I have come so far to look for you.
From now on, I’ll be your own little mother.”

“Oh! How lovely!” cried Pinocchio, jumping with joy.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Indeed, / I am sure / of it.”

    정말이에요, 확신해요.”

  2. ⦁ indeed: 확실히
    – Indeed, it was a miraculous event. (확실히 그건 기적 같은 일이었어요.)

    ⦁ sure: 확신하는
    – I am sure about my decision. (내 결정을 확신해요.)

  3. At this answer, / Pinocchio’s happiness / was very great.

    이 대답에 피노키오는 매우 행복해졌어요.

  4. ⦁ answer: 대답
    – His answer was very surprising. (그의 대답은 매우 놀라웠어요.)

    ⦁ happiness: 행복
    – Happiness is a key to a good life. (행복은 좋은 삶의 열쇠예요.)

  5. He grasped / the Fairy’s hands / and kissed them / so hard / that it looked / as if he had / lost his head.

    그는 요정의 손을 잡고 너무 센 힘으로 키스를 해 마치 정신이 나간 것처럼 보였어요.

  6. ⦁ grasp: 붙잡다
    – She grasped his hand tightly. (그녀는 그의 손을 꽉 잡았어요.)

    ⦁ kiss: 키스하다
    – They kissed under the stars. (그들은 별빛 아래서 키스를 했어요.)

  7. Then lifting his face, / he looked at her lovingly / and asked: / “Tell me, / little Mother, / it isn’t true / that you are dead, / is it?”

    그러고 나서 얼굴을 들어 사랑스럽게 그녀를 보며 물었어요: “말해줘요, 작은 어머니, 당신이 죽은 게 사실은 아니죠, 그렇죠?”

  8. ⦁ lovingly: 사랑스럽게
    – She smiled at him lovingly. (그녀는 그를 사랑스럽게 미소 지었어요.)

    ⦁ ask: 묻다
    – He asked a difficult question. (그는 어려운 질문을 했어요.)

  9. “It doesn’t seem so,” / answered the Fairy, / smiling.

    “안 그런 것 같아요,” 요정이 웃으며 대답했어요.

  10. ⦁ seem: ~처럼 보이다
    – It seems like it will rain today. (오늘 비가 올 것 같아요.)

    ⦁ smile: 미소 짓다
    – She smiled warmly at the child. (그녀는 아이에게 따뜻하게 미소 지었어요.)

  11. “If you only knew / how I suffered / and how I wept / when I read / ‘Here lies—‘”

    “당신이 얼마나 내가 고통받고 얼마나 울었는지 알기만 한다면, 이걸 읽으면서 ‘여기 누워있다-‘ 라고.”

  12. ⦁ suffer: 고통받다
    – He suffered from a severe illness. (그는 심각한 병으로 고통받았어요.)

    ⦁ weep: 울다
    – She wept with joy. (그녀는 기쁨에 찬 눈물을 흘렸어요.)

  13. “I know it, / and for that / I have forgiven you.

    The depth / of your sorrow / made me see / that you have / a kind heart.

  14. “알고 있어요, 그래서 나는 당신을 용서했어요. 당신의 깊은 슬픔이 당신이 친절한 마음을 가졌다는 것을 알게 해줬어요.”

    ⦁ forgive: 용서하다
    – She forgave him for his mistake. (그녀는 그의 실수를 용서했어요.)

    ⦁ sorrow: 슬픔
    – His sorrow was palpable. (그의 슬픔은 느껴졌어요.)

  15. There is always hope / for boys / with hearts / such as yours, / though they may often / be very mischievous.

    당신 같은 마음을 가진 소년들에게는 항상 희망이 있어요, 비록 그들이 종종 매우 장난꾸러기일지라도.

  16. ⦁ hope: 희망
    – There is always hope for the future. (미래에는 항상 희망이 있어요.)

    ⦁ mischievous: 짓궂은
    – The cat was very mischievous. (그 고양이는 매우 짓궂었어요.)

  17. This is / the reason why / I have come / so far / to look / for you.

    From now on, / I’ll be / your own / little mother.”

    이것이 내가 이렇게 멀리 당신을 찾으러 온 이유예요. 이제부터는, 내가 당신의 작은 어머니가 될 거예요.”

    ⦁ reason: 이유
    – The reason for his visit was unclear. (그의 방문 이유는 불분명했어요.)

    ⦁ look for: ~를 찾다
    – She went out to look for her lost dog. (그녀는 잃어버린 개를 찾기 위해 나갔어요.)

  18. “Oh! / How lovely!” / cried Pinocchio, / jumping with joy.

    “오! 정말 멋져요!” 피노키오가 기쁨에 뛰면서 외쳤어요.

  19. ⦁ lovely: 사랑스러운
    – The garden looks lovely. (정원이 사랑스러워 보여요.)

    ⦁ jump: 뛰다
    – The children jumped on the trampoline. (아이들이 트램펄린에서 뛰었어요.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)