With that kick and that blow Pinocchio gained everybody’s favor.Everyone admired him, danced attendance upon him, petted and caressed him.As the days passed into weeks, even the teacher praised him, for he saw him attentive, hard working, and wide awake, always the first to come in the morning, and the last to leave when school was over.Pinocchio’s only fault was that he had too many friends.Among these were many well-known rascals, who cared not a jot for study or for success.The teacher warned him each day, and even the good Fairy repeated to him many times:“Take care, Pinocchio! Those bad companions will sooner or later make you lose your love for study.Some day they will lead you astray.”“There’s no such danger,” answered the Marionette, shrugging his shoulders and pointing to his forehead as if to say, “I’m too wise.”So it happened that one day, as he was walking to school, he met some boys who ran up to him and said:“Have you heard the news?”“No!”“A Shark as big as a mountain has been seen near the shore.”“Really? I wonder if it could be the same one I heard of when my father was drowned?”“We are going to see it.
With that kick and that blow / Pinocchio gained everybody’s favor.
그 발차기와 타격으로 피노키오는 모두에게 호감을 얻었다.
⦁ gain: 얻다 – He gained a lot of experience through working. (그는 일하면서 많은 경험을 쌓았다.)⦁ favor: 호의 – She asked for a favor. (그녀는 호의를 요청했다.)
Everyone admired him, / danced attendance upon him, / petted and caressed him.
모두가 그를 존경했고, / 그에게 애정을 보였으며, / 쓰다듬고 귀여워했다.
⦁ admire: 존경하다 – I admire her courage. (나는 그녀의 용기를 존경한다.)⦁ pet: 애정을 주다 – The child petted the dog. (아이들이 강아지를 귀여워했다.)
As the days passed into weeks, / even the teacher praised him, / for he saw him attentive, / hard working, / and wide awake, / always the first to come in the morning, / and the last to leave / when school was over.
시간이 지나며, / 심지어 선생님도 그를 칭찬했다, / 왜냐하면 그가 주의 깊고, / 열심히 일하며, / 깨어있는 모습을 보았기 때문이다, / 항상 아침에 제일 먼저 오고, / 학교가 끝날 때 제일 늦게 떠났다.
⦁ attentive: 주의 깊은 – She is always attentive in class. (그녀는 언제나 수업에서 주의 깊다.)⦁ hard-working: 열심히 일하는 – He is a hard-working employee. (그는 열심히 일하는 직원이다.)
Pinocchio’s only fault / was that he had too many friends.
피노키오의 유일한 결점 / 은 친구가 너무 많다는 것이었다.
Among these / were many well-known rascals, / who cared not a jot for study / or for success.
이 중에는 / 많은 유명한 악동들이 있었으며, / 공부나 성공에 전혀 신경 쓰지 않았다.
⦁ fault: 결점 – Everyone has faults. (모든 사람에게는 결점이 있다.)⦁ rascal: 악동 – The rascal caused trouble in the neighborhood. (그 악동은 동네에서 문제를 일으켰다.)
The teacher warned him each day, / and even the good Fairy repeated to him many times:
선생님은 매일 그에게 경고했고, / 심지어 좋은 요정도 여러 번 그에게 말했다:
⦁ warn: 경고하다 – The sign warned us of danger. (그 표지판은 우리에게 위험을 경고했다.)⦁ repeat: 반복하다 – Can you repeat that? (그 말을 반복해 주실 수 있나요?)
“Take care, Pinocchio! / Those bad companions / will sooner or later / make you lose your love for study. / Some day / they will lead you astray.”
“조심해, 피노키오! / 그 나쁜 친구들은 / 조만간 / 너의 공부에 대한 사랑을 잃게 할 거야. / 언젠가는 / 너를 잘못된 길로 이끌 거야.”
⦁ companion: 동료 – He is my companion in adventure. (그는 나의 모험 동료이다.)⦁ astray: 길을 잃은 – He led the group astray. (그는 그룹을 잘못된 길로 이끌었다.)
“There’s no such danger,” / answered the Marionette, / shrugging his shoulders / and pointing to his forehead / as if to say, / “I’m too wise.”
“그런 위험은 없어,” / 마리오네트가 대답하며, / 어깨를 으쓱하고 / 이마를 가리키며 / 말하는 듯, / “나는 너무 현명해.”
⦁ shrug: 어깨를 으쓱하다 – He shrugged in response. (그는 반응으로 어깨를 으쓱했다.)⦁ forehead: 이마 – He wiped the sweat from his forehead. (그는 이마에서 땀을 닦아냈다.)
So it happened / that one day, / as he was walking to school, / he met some boys / who ran up to him / and said:
그래서 일어났다 / 어느 날, / 그가 학교에 가는 길에, / 몇몇 소년들을 만났고, / 그들이 달려와서 말했다: