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027 – CHAPTER 27 – 002
“Or, perhaps, he went to bed for a little nap,” said another, laughing also.From the answers and the laughter which followed them, Pinocchio understood that the boys had played a trick on him.“What now?” he said angrily to them.“What’s the joke?”“Oh, the joke’s on you!” cried his tormentors, laughing more heartily than ever, and dancing gayly around the Marionette.“And that is—?”“That we have made you stay out of school to come with us.Aren’t you ashamed of being such a goody-goody, and of studying so hard? You never have a bit of enjoyment.”“And what is it to you, if I do study?”“What does the teacher think of us, you mean?”“Why?”“Don’t you see? If you study and we don’t, we pay for it.After all, it’s only fair to look out for ourselves.”“What do you want me to do?”“Hate school and books and teachers, as we all do.They are your worst enemies, you know, and they like to make you as unhappy as they can.”“And if I go on studying, what will you do to me?”“You’ll pay for it!”“Really, you amuse me,” answered the Marionette, nodding his head.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Or, perhaps, /he went to bed /for a little nap, /said another, /laughing also.
“아니면, / 아마도 그는 / 작은 낮잠을 자러 / 갔을 거야,” / 다른 아이가 말하며 / 웃었다.
From the answers / and the laughter / which followed them, / Pinocchio understood / that the boys / had played a trick / on him.
대답과 / 그 뒤를 따른 웃음 소리로부터, / 피노키오는 / 아이들이 / 그를 속였다는 것을 / 이해했다.
“What now?” /he said angrily /to them. / “What’s the joke?”
“지금 뭐야?” / 그가 화가 나서 / 그들에게 말했다. / “농담이 뭐야?”
“Oh, the joke’s on you!” /cried his tormentors, / laughing more heartily / than ever, / and dancing gayly / around the Marionette.
“오, 농담은 너한테 있는거야!” / 괴롭히던 아이들이 외쳤다, / 더 크게 웃으며 / 그 어느 때보다, / 그리고 즐겁게 춤추며 / 인형 주위를.
“And that is—?”
“그리고 그게 —?”
“That we have made you /stay out of school /to come with us. Aren’t you ashamed / of being / such a goody-goody, / and of studying so hard? / You never have / a bit of enjoyment.”
“우리가 너를 만들었어 / 학교에 가지 않도록 / 우리와 함께 오게. 부끄럽지 않아 / 그렇게 착한아이인 것이, / 그리고 그렇게 열심히 공부하는 것이? / 넌 절대 / 즐겁지 않잖아.”
“And what is it to you, / if I do study?”
“그리고 그게 너한테는 뭐야, / 만약 내가 공부를 한다면?”
“What does the teacher /think of us, / you mean?”
“선생님이 / 우리를 어떻게 생각하실까, / 네 말은?”
“Don’t you see? / If you study / and we don’t, / we pay for it. / After all, / it’s only fair / to look out / for ourselves.”
“안 보이니? / 네가 공부를 하면 / 우리 안 하면, / 우리가 대가를 치르잖아. / 결국, / 공정하기 위해 / 스스로를 돌보는 것이 더 중요해.”
“What do you / want me / to do?”
“너는 / 내가 / 무엇을 하길 바라니?”
“Hate school / and books / and teachers, / as we all do. / They are your / worst enemies, / you know, / and they like / to make you / as unhappy / as they can.”
“학교를 싫어해 / 책을 싫어해 / 선생님들을 싫어해, / 우리 모두가 그러는 것처럼. / 그들은 너의 / 최악의 적들이야, / 알지, / 그리고 그들은 / 너를 / 최대한 불행하게 만들기를 / 좋아해.”
“And if I go on / studying, / what will you / do to me?”
“그리고 내가 계속 / 공부를 한다면, / 너희는 무엇을 / 나에게 할 거니?”
“You’ll pay / for it!”
“넌 대가를 / 치를 거야!”
“Really, / you amuse me,” / answered the Marionette, / nodding his head.
“정말로, / 너희는 나를 즐겁게 해,” / 인형이 대답하며 / 고개를 끄덕였다.
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